If 1,200 Calories is too low- Then What's Just Right?



  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    From your profile: "Every other Saturday, I take a break from "dieting" and eat as I please. I still log, just so I know the "damage" I did (lol) I eat an average of 4000 calories on this day."

    So actually, you did NOT eat 1200 calories a day. You eat an average of 1485.71 (1200 + 4000 / 14) calories a day. Big difference. And yes, regular 'break' days need to be factored in.

    Your math isn't right. It's 5600 extra calories across 30 days. Still only totals up in the 1300s.

    My math is right - my logic is faulty. I added in an 'extra' 1200 on the 4000 day. The correct equation is: 1200 calories on 13 days and 4000 calories on 1 day, for an average over 14 days of: ((1200 * 13) + 4000) / 14 = (15600 + 4000) / 14 = 19600 / 14 = 1400 cals.

    So, 1400 avg. Not sure where you got your logic/math or why you'd avg. over 30 days when her stated interval is 2 wks, but the number per day is not in the 1300's. Barely. Doesn't really matter. My point is she's not averaging 1200 per day, she's averaging more. No matter which way you calculate it that's still a fact.
  • NaoyukiTai
    NaoyukiTai Posts: 39 Member
    Every time I see "1,200 calories", I cringe. I'd not make mistakes again. I now make sure that my net calories is more than BMR.


    Quote from it:

    Dear Former Weight Loss Clients (you know who you are):

    I'm sorry.

    I'm sorry because I put you on a 1,200 calorie diet and told you that was healthy. I'm sorry because when you were running 5x a week, I encouraged you to switch from a 1,200 calorie diet to a 1,500 calorie diet, instead of telling you that you should be eating a hell of a lot more than that.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Let me just say that with over 100lbs that the OP has to lose, I would suggest eating TDEE-30%, not -20%. So if TDEE is 2300ish, that would be 1610, if TDEE is 2700 that would be 1890.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I can only tell you what has worked for me.

    I'm also 5'2 and when I was 235+ lbs I was eating between 1900-2100 calories a day and working out 3-4 times a week. On average I would burn about 500 calories on each workout. Back then I did mostly cardio and maybe one day of lifting weights.

    Now I'm 177.5 lbs, I'm eating about 1500-1600 calories on average (NEVER go below my BMR 1400). I workout about 4 times a week burning approx 300-400 calories each workout. I strength training 3 times a week and cardio 4 times a week.

    I've never been able to get this far and keep it off when I tried eating 1200 calories, it was very hard for me to keep up. I'm always adjust my calories as I lose weight, using online calculators to figure out my BMR and so on.

    Hope that helps, best of luck!

  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    From your profile: "Every other Saturday, I take a break from "dieting" and eat as I please. I still log, just so I know the "damage" I did (lol) I eat an average of 4000 calories on this day."

    So actually, you did NOT eat 1200 calories a day. You eat an average of 1485.71 (1200 + 4000 / 14) calories a day. Big difference. And yes, regular 'break' days need to be factored in.

    Your math isn't right. It's 5600 extra calories across 30 days. Still only totals up in the 1300s.

    My math is right - my logic is faulty. I added in an 'extra' 1200 on the 4000 day. The correct equation is: 1200 calories on 13 days and 4000 calories on 1 day, for an average over 14 days of: ((1200 * 13) + 4000) / 14 = (15600 + 4000) / 14 = 19600 / 14 = 1400 cals.

    So, 1400 avg. Not sure where you got your logic/math or why you'd avg. over 30 days when her stated interval is 2 wks, but the number per day is not in the 1300's. Barely. Doesn't really matter. My point is she's not averaging 1200 per day, she's averaging more. No matter which way you calculate it that's still a fact.

    actually, if you want to play math games, i averaged less, when you factor in that i exercised 5 times per week and did not log it, during my weight loss period. average burn was about 300 calories+ per day :)
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i lost almost 100 pounds in 11 months eating 1200 per day 28 days a month and had 2 very high calorie days per month... i am almost 5 foot 10... im now on maintenance, and still losing... according to the anti 1200 crowd, im a failure... wierd being that my ticker shows success, and my pics show a fairly healthy body, not just a bunch of "saggy skin and bones..."

    any how... you can get everyones opinions, but it comes down to you, what you want, what you can do, and what results you are looking for... good luck to you!

    No darling. You allowed yourself 2 very high calorie days per month. AND you were eating at least 1200 calories the rest of the time, not below it.

    your right, darling, i never said i was eating below 1200 per day... although, if you factored in my 5 workouts each week, being that i didnt log them, im sure my net WAS below 1200 on those days, however, i never stated that :)
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Type your numbers in Scooby..

    Sedentary WITHOUT exercise gives this :

    BMR : 1951
    TDEE : 2342
    -20% : 1873

    That is without an activity factor

    Yup. OP, eat about 1850-1950 calories per day and you will lose weight and be more healthy.

    Also eat back exercise calories, especially if you are doing cardio workouts that burn over 200 calories.

    ^^^ This - I think this is real objective and helpful advice! :smile:
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member

    Very extensive spreadsheet that factors in BF%
    Weight Loss Calculator spreadsheet (updated 10/30) for BMR/TDEE deficit methods, HRM info, macro setup, MFP tweaking, all to maximize deficit and benefit of exercise done:


    Description of spreadsheet:

    To use it properly, you will need a measuring tape.
    Open the first link and make a copy to your google drive to input your numbers.
  • llbennett74
    llbennett74 Posts: 132 Member
    Different things work for different people. I am short (5'1") and have tried more calories (the TDEE method), less calories (1200), but am now somewhere between 1300 and 1500 calories per day and my body finally seems to be responding. Slowly but better than nothing. It's been a painfully frustrating experience. So you really just need to play around with the numbers and give it some time to see what will work for you. No one answer is right for everyone. Good luck!
  • Hmmm, I kept it simple. Just worked off what I ate and let nature take its course. Dropped 100lbs in about 15 months by just walking it off. YMMV. Then I took the summer off and put 25 back on (too much tailgating, but oh so fun) during Jun-Oct. Now back on the horse to get to my ultimate goal as you can see below.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Hmmm, I kept it simple. Just worked off what I ate and let nature take its course. Dropped 100lbs in about 15 months by just walking it off. YMMV.

    nicely done!
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member

    1200 calories and doin' just fine. Feel great, doctor is thrilled, lab work is MAJORLY improved (cholesterol, blood sugar, and B/P). The "trick" is consistency.
  • what I am really hearing here is everyone is different. Find what works for you and adjust when things don't. Never give up
  • Hmmm, I kept it simple. Just worked off what I ate and let nature take its course. Dropped 100lbs in about 15 months by just walking it off. YMMV.

    nicely done!

    Wow. You too, holy schnikes!!! :)
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Type your numbers in Scooby..

    Sedentary WITHOUT exercise gives this :

    BMR : 1951
    TDEE : 2342
    -20% : 1873

    That is without an activity factor.
    So yeah 1200 is very low considering this

    I think this sounds about right as well. Also, as someone else mentioned eat back your exercise calories, or at least half. I would also recommend a heart rate monitor with a chest strap to estimate your calorie burns, I have a Polar FT4 and I love it.

    At your current weight, it's okay to lose 2lbs a week and you might lose more to start with but please don't get upset when the loss slows down.

    Also you should recalculate your TDEE and BMR every 5-10 lbs lost and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Hmmm, I kept it simple. Just worked off what I ate and let nature take its course. Dropped 100lbs in about 15 months by just walking it off. YMMV.

    nicely done!

    Wow. You too, holy schnikes!!! :)

    grassy *kitten* :)
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    I eat 1200 per day. I'm 57 and work out 3 -4 days per week. I eat back half of my workout calories because I think they are too high. I still have bones, but 18 lbs of fat gone. I'm pretty sure I still have muscles because I can stand up. lol :flowerforyou:
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    New here and just starting my journey, so my input may not be the best, but here's my opinion.

    I am 5' 4" 36 yr old woman that weighs 172 (damn new scale lol), 3 years ago I weighed between 135-145 and was a size 6us. Between then and a few weeks ago, my weight slowly crept up. I was less active and eating less. My whole life the joke has always been I lose when I eat more. Restricting your calories too low either on purpose or just how you prefer to eat (me) can cause major havoc on you metabolism when done long term. My doctor of ten years was constantly telling me to eat more and get active. Yes, I know starvation mode is a controversial subject, I am speaking about screwing up your metabolism long term as in years, I have never been a big eater.
    I choice my calorie net on mfp by going to multiple sites (that all disagreed) to find my BMR and TDEE (i choose sedentary, even though I most likely am more active), I then choice a number around my BMR that was about the average of the different sites. I choice 1440 net calories per day. Personally I have a hard time eating that many calories and getting my macros but for me at least its a goal. By choosing a number near BMR I know my body is at least getting what it needs and it gives me wiggle room. I am also lifting, circuit and cardio 4 times a week, I log these and try to eat my calories back.
    This is not just a weight loss journey it needs to be a lifestyle change, otherwise all of the hard work put in will be undone in the future. Honestly if you eat what your eating and burn 1500 calories a week, you will have weight loss (just slow). I feel the best approach is finding a balance that you can sustain for life, not a diet.

    Edited to add: I also plan on increasing calories soon to help adjust my body and feed the muscles that I am working. Need more protein in my diet lol