staying motivated.....

I am not new. I've been on and off for ages. I turn 50 in 45 days and I would really like to be in a good place and on my way to a healthier body, when that happens. I'm not big on birthdays. Not meaning that I dread them, or don't want anyone to know how old I am. I am proud of my age and would never dream of lying about it or pretending otherwise. It's just not that big of a deal to me.
But for whatever reason, turning 50 seems important. Like if I don't 'get it', I'm never going to.
I've had success and I know what works for me. But I seem to lose my motivation after a few weeks. I slowly slip back to old habits, and before I know it, I'm back to where I started.
I am not and will not go on any specific diet. I drink diet soda occasionally, and eat lean cuisines quite a bit for my lunch for their convenience, and I do really enjoy some of them, but other than that it's real food. I just try to made smart choices.
My main goal is to be healthy and while I am pretty healthy right now, if I don't remove some of the excess weight from my body, it's going to take a toll on my health, in general.
I am pretty basic and straight forward about this weight loss stuff. I know the changes and choices I make are things I have to be able to make for the rest of my life.
If anyone feels like they can relate , feel free to free to add me
