November Challenge

I need to motivate myself and stay on track. I will challenge myself this month with this challenge. It is open to anyone who wants to participate. Post your weekly weights, your successes and struggles, and give support to the person above you!

Here's what you do:

SW: (Starting weight)
CW: (Current weight)
GW: (Goal weight for the month)
Goals this month: (you can choose anything ex: stay away from sweets, exercise 5 days a week,...etc)

Weigh in Dates:
11/01 Starting weight
11/30 Final weight
Total weight lost:


  • rramirez1272
    rramirez1272 Posts: 159 Member
    Goals this month: To stay focus and continue to try to eat healthy and exercise!!

    Weigh in Dates:
    11/01 Starting weight 160
    11/30 Final weight
  • kjimmie4848
    kjimmie4848 Posts: 123 Member
    SW: 200
    CW: 190
    GW: 184
    Goals this month: Keep my blood sugar under 140 and move 100 miles in Nov.

    Weigh in Dates:
    11/01 188
    11/30 Final weight
    Total weight lost:
  • will you be starting a Group for this? I am in. My big challenge....keeping up with exercise.
  • Traineight
    Traineight Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in.

    Goals this month: Keep carbs between 100 and 125. Run twice a week minimum. Lose minimum of 6lbs for month.
    Goal weight for month: 135

    Weigh in Dates:
    11/01 SW/CW 141
    11/4 ___________
    11/11 __________
    11/18 __________
    11/25 __________ Nov 28 is Thanksgiving!
    11/30 __________
  • ummyasminah
    ummyasminah Posts: 95 Member
    I'm totally in.

    SW: 250
    CW: 243
    GW: 235
    Goals this month: Complete the 30-day plank challenge, keep up with my current weight training and cardio plan. Be nice to drop a pants size, too!

    Weigh in Dates:
    11/01 Starting weight 242
    11/30 Final weight
    Total weight lost:
  • kirstinmizner
    kirstinmizner Posts: 6 Member
    I really need to loose 30 pounds! I need lots of encouragement and ideas! Send them my way if you have any!

    SW: 155
    CW: 155
    GW: 145
    Goals this month: To walk 50-60 miles this month and loose stomach fat

    Weigh in Dates:
    11/01 155
    Total weight lost:
  • rramirez1272
    rramirez1272 Posts: 159 Member
    I am very excited to see all of you interested. Feel free to post anything that you are struggling with or if you just need encouragement. I know I need it.
  • SW 398
    CW 240
    GW 130

    My goal is for this month is 10lbs. To survive Thanksgiving. I've been working on my weight 2 years and am happy with my loss so far. At my antique age it's pretty darn good. :) I am on a plateau right now, so working on not getting discouraged. It really is fun to see how everyone is doing. :)
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    SW: 150
    CW: 132
    GW: 125
    Goals this month: Work on core and upper body strengthening twice weekly in addition to my running.

    Weigh in Dates: I usually weigh on fridays so will check in then.
    11/01 132
    11/30 Final weight
    Total weight lost:
  • Hi there! You are the person above me in the November challenge. So....I am writing to see how you are doing and if I can offer any extra encouragement!! :)
  • Hi there! You are the person above me in the November challenge. So....I am writing to see how you are doing and if I can offer any extra encouragement!! :)
  • Traineight
    Traineight Posts: 17 Member
    Goals this month: Keep carbs between 100 and 125. Run twice a week minimum. Lose minimum of 6lbs for month.
    Goal weight for month: 135

    Weigh in Dates:
    11/01 SW/CW 141
    11/4 140.5 (I've hit a plateau...ugh!)
    11/11 __________
    11/18 __________
    11/25 __________ Nov 28 is Thanksgiving!
    11/30 __________
  • mya_bella
    mya_bella Posts: 25 Member
    Hola Rachel. I got my own challenge going on but I will join yours, too.

    SW: 242
    CW: 213.8
    GW: 205

    Goals this month: To eat as clean as possible. To workout 7 days a week/miminum 600 cals burned; at least 64oz daily.
  • kjimmie4848
    kjimmie4848 Posts: 123 Member
    W: 200
    CW: 190
    GW: 184
    Goals this month: Keep my blood sugar under 140 and move 100 miles in Nov.

    Weigh in Dates:
    11/01 188
    11/5 186
    11/30 Final weight
    Total weight lost:

    Good luck everyone!
  • rramirez1272
    rramirez1272 Posts: 159 Member
    Weigh in Dates:
    11/01 Starting weight 160
    11/4 159.5
    11/30 Final weight
  • rramirez1272
    rramirez1272 Posts: 159 Member
    Hello Everyone I created a group for us so that you can freely post anything you want. You will be receiving an invitation to join the group
  • rramirez1272
    rramirez1272 Posts: 159 Member
    Weigh in Dates:
    11/01 Starting weight 160
    11/4 159.5
    11/11 159.0
    11/30 Final weight
  • Great idea! Love to focus on short term goals.

    SW: 263
    CW: 247
    GW: 160
    Goals this month: Stay below my calorie limit for every day, in spite of coming holidays.

    Weigh in Dates:
    11/01 252
    11/4 251
    11/11 247
    11/30 Final weight
    Total weight lost:
  • rramirez1272
    rramirez1272 Posts: 159 Member
    Where is everyone? haven't heard from anyone! How is everyone doing?
  • kimdyj
    kimdyj Posts: 224 Member
    SW: 153
    CW: 148
    GW: 140
    Goals this month: Hit the gym 5x a week.

    11/4  153
    11/11 148
    Final weight 
    Total weight lost:
  • rramirez1272
    rramirez1272 Posts: 159 Member
    Weigh in Dates:
    11/01 Starting weight 160
    11/4 159.5
    11/11 159.0
    11/18 164.0
    11/30 Final weight

    I don't know if I'm building muscle and that is why I have gained weight. I'm going to try for this not to bother me.
  • kimdyj
    kimdyj Posts: 224 Member
    SW: 153
    CW: 148
    GW: 140
    Goals this month: Hit the gym 5x a week.

    11/4  153
    11/11 148
    11/18 146.8
    Final weight 
    Total weight lost:
  • rramirez1272
    rramirez1272 Posts: 159 Member
    Weigh in Dates:
    11/01 Starting weight 160
    11/4 159.5
    11/11 159.0
    11/18 164.0
    11/25 160.4
    11/30 Final weight