WLS - Input Needed

At my doctors appt yesterday we discussed gastric bypass as an option for me. He referred me to the surgeon - I'm waiting to hear back on the appt.

Anyway- I wanted feedback from people who've had the surgery. Good experience? Regrets? Weight gain after surgery?


  • OMGG
    OMGG Posts: 44
    So fedup with myself!! i mentioned this option today! but i am such a wimp and frightened of hospitals etc

    hope you get info you wanted and good luck
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Sorry, but I know it has helped so many, but I also know that if you can't change your ways it wont help. if you can change your ways you can do it with out it.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Here's a recent post about people who have lost significant amounts of weight without surgery.

    I don't mean this from a place of judgment, as whether or not you have the surgery is obviously your choice. I just want you to have access to all the info. you can. :flowerforyou:

  • OMGG
    OMGG Posts: 44
    Good Point :-)
  • Caribbean_Soul
    Caribbean_Soul Posts: 127 Member
    I had gastric bypass in 2001. Lost 100 pounds. Should have lost 50 more but I just stopped. I still wasn't where I needed to be mentally and began stretching my pouch. In the last 3 years I've gained back 35 pounds. Most of it this year. I got divorced, bought a new home by myself and changed jobs so it's been a very stressful year. I'm trying to be gentle with myself and now that I feel more in control of my life, using this to lose the 35 plus 20 more.

    IF you are in the right place mentally, IF you know why you overeat, IF you are ready to conquer your demons, WLS is a great way to get you over the hump. Mere willpower sometimes just will not do it. If you're like I was, years of yo-yo dieting have created negative metabolism. Months of strict diet and exercise will result in weight gain. I know. I've been there.

    Be honest with yourself. If you know you need this to save your life and get you on your way to a longer, healthier life, do it. If you think of it as a magical quick fix, you're not ready.

    Good luck and feel free to contact me if you want to talk more.


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  • angela75022
    angela75022 Posts: 100 Member
    My aunt had it.. she looks great... and my older sister is having it in January, talking to our aunt helped her make her decision... if you can't find anyone here to talk to about it, ask your Doctor, there may be a support group for those who have had it and are considering it.:flowerforyou:
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    I had lap band 2.5 years ago. No regrets. It's been slow, but totally worth it. I'm still working on the last 15-20 pounds to goal after losing about 75 pounds.

    But this is a decision you have to make on your own after doing as much research to make yourself informed as possible. If and when you are ready for this option, you'll know. But it will still be pretty scary facing surgery no matter what.

    Good luck with whatever you choose!
  • lavondrew
    Several of my family members have had various bariatric surgeries, with various results. My mom's surgery was the most successful with the least amount of side effects, and she had it in Dec 2006. She had the Mini-Gastric Bypass and lost about 150 pounds. You can find more info about it at http://clos.net/

    They won't do the surgery unless you're committed and you have a support system. We had to write letters of support for her surgery, she had to have a psych eval, a eval from her regular dr, etc. It's a lot of work to prep for the surgery, but that's one of the ways they know who is determined enough to put in the work and be successful.

    My mom's surgery was late afternoon, around 5pm or so. She went for a walk and felt great the next morning. She has about 4 small incisions. This year, she went in for an IV treatment so she now can absorb calcium better (it's one of the problematic side effects post surgery, but that's with several of the types. Anyway, she's been thrilled and is happy to talk to anyone about it.
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    Thanks, everyone for the input. I'll be honest, I was hesitant to even accept the referral from my doc but said I'd keep an open mind and talk to the surgeon. My biggest concern (aside from possible death during surgery) is gaining the weight back - it scares me to think that this can happen after major surgery.

    I'm leaning towards not getting the surgery but I will go to the appt and talk to the surgeon anyway - never hurts to get all the info. I know part of the program here (Ontario) is losing weight for at least 6 months prior to surgery and I think to myself "if I can do that on my own...why have the surgery???".
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Sorry, but I know it has helped so many, but I also know that if you can't change your ways it wont help. if you can change your ways you can do it with out it.
  • Just_Kris
    Just_Kris Posts: 9 Member
    I had the rou-en-y bypass in Feb 2004. I lost a total of 185 pounds but have regained 30 pounds from my lowest weight. I'm on a mission to obliterate those 30 pounds and never see them again. I have absolutely no regrets about having the surgery. I was over 300 pounds at the time of my procedure, so I'm still minus an entire person even with the weight gain. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
  • BlutAura
    I have determination to lose weight but I'm not sure if I could do it myself, you hear so many horror stories online and in the media. I don't like being overweight but I would dislike being dead more.
    At 23 years of age I have time and fitness on my side apparently so the doctor wouldn't even talk about it.
  • jessieard
    Best thing I ever did..I had mine in 2002...lost 156lbs...Before I had my surgery, I managed to "diet" my way to 315lbs. BUT..a good point was brought up here..the surgery is merely a tool..you have to learn how to use it properly. I managed to gain back 40lbs after having my daughter, of course, I was on strict bed rest for almost 5 months, so that was to be expected. Be prepared for certain vitamin deficiencies, not everyone deals with this, but a majority do. Feel free to friend me or email me with any questions...nothing is too personal! I'm always happy to answer any questions about the surgery! .
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Anything you can do yourself with hard work and proper eating should be where you want to go, surgery should be a last ditch attempt to overcome a weight issue and gastric bypass addresses the symptom not the problem. There is a reason why you put on so much weight and the body can and will lose that weight if you make the right choices and learn to proper road to recovery. I would steer clear of that option and use it as a last ditch effort. i recently had a chat with a girl at the gym, larger girl about 5 ft7 and 250 pounds or so, she commented to me about my workout regimen and I complimented her on what she was doing herself. She told me that she had lost 200 pounds to date to which I was utterly stunned and asked her how she managed to make the change, to my amazement she said I shed the emotional baggage and got off my butt. I thought holy crap she actually put it together and succeeded where so many women fail, she gets it. I was so happy for her and told her that if she ever needed a helping hand with workouts or what not to please ask away. To that end I gave her a few workout tips and she is using them. Determination, grit and hard work are where its at, the length of the journey does not matter, nor does knowing how you are going to get there its keeping the eye on the destination and not wavering that matters.