Older, fat, nurse looking for friends for health journey



  • Chris_B62
    Chris_B62 Posts: 63 Member
    51 year old Dialysis Nurse doing Keto. I have a pencil (pen) pushing managerial desk job and I have 115 lbs to lose and have chopped away 15 of it in the past few weeks. I am interested in making new friends, in the nursing community and in general. I am very interested in others doing keto w/ open diaries so we can exchange food ideas and expand our possibilities. My profile and diary are open to all. Send a request my way. :glasses:
  • shelleydavies1991
    shelleydavies1991 Posts: 59 Member
    Hey A+E nurse from the UK here!

    Feel free to add me! :)

    Lost 27lbs on here so far.. only a few more to go until I reach my target!

    ..**others also please feel free to add me!

    I try to log on every day and give support and motivation as much as I can! :)

  • Solar07
    Solar07 Posts: 83 Member
    I, too, am a nurse. I work at a LTC facility that also has a skilled unit. When I see the kind of patients/residents we keep getting, I feel compelled to lose weight and get healthy. Its like stepping into the future. Please feel free to add me. As nurses we should stick together and become better examples to our patients/residents.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    There is a group of us 50+ ladies if you are interested. We are sharing this journey together.
  • loislenski
    loislenski Posts: 89 Member
    Any nurses feel free to add me! I'm still in nursing school but I'm already seeing the temptations. :)
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    53 year old RN; 5'4" 179 lbs and binge eater especially sweets; I have been on here for more than a year; it is helping me stay on track and exercise regularly. I lost 16 lbs and then put back on 12 and then lost 7. Ideally I wanted to be 142 lbs but now would just be happy to maintain at 160. I would be happy to be your fitness pal/nurse friend.
  • Look at all the nurses on here! I'm a nurse in the medical-surgical ICU. Been a nurse since 2003...I just left a high acuity facility to a smaller facility to help me with my stress level and find a better well being. Our profession can be tough. Feel free to add me!
  • Solar07
    Solar07 Posts: 83 Member
    I really hope no one minds but I sent a lot of you friend requests. I seriously have no friends on here and I think that's what is keeping me from losing the weight. You know a couple years ago I was thinking of getting a nutritionist. I had mentioned this to a co-worker and her reply was " Why? You're a nurse. You should know what to do." Seriously?
  • Hi my name is natalie, I'm 32 and have struggled with my weight for a long time. I have just decided to do something about it !! I have about six stone to lose and I know its not going to be easy!! It would be great to have someone to chat to that understands how hard it can be!! I have also just started exercising, only walking at the minute but its a start!! Feel free to contact me x
  • 54 year old married to a nurse (does that count). I've been 'at the gym' for 10 years and miss it when I lapse. Keep working at it. You didn't get to this place overnight, you won't get back overnight. I'm struggling with the ubiquitous 'last 10 pounds' that are now somehow 15. Can't seem to get a handle on it. I know what I should be doing, I am just having trouble with the follow through. I'm down to my last two pair of fat pants. Somethings got to give!
  • fireflye38
    fireflye38 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi all, i'm not a nurse but work with some now and then, Im Paul a 42 y/o firefighter from London. Looking to motivate people and also gets some by helping others. Looking to lose about 100 lbs, long struggle but hopefully will get there.:smile:
  • I'm only in nursing school, but you're all welcome to add me! I'm losing weight for my health and only have like 2 active friends. :)
  • fireflye38
    fireflye38 Posts: 61 Member
    Make that 3 now,
  • herstrawberri
    herstrawberri Posts: 347 Member
    Hello all! I'm an (older!) nursing student, with my masters and becoming a Nurse Practitioner in my future aspirations!! I have been doing this for like...4ish years. I have lost over 130 lbs but recently gained some back due to a death and just life stresses. I'm currently in school right now and would LOVE new friends!! let's help each other!!
  • tpotter2013
    tpotter2013 Posts: 10 Member
    well first thing is to congratulate yourself for having made such great progress so far. If you are NOT like me you might ask a friend to join you in your exercise period. Having a friend workout with you is a great way to make this time more fun, plus you can compete a bit in a friendly way.

    As for the rest make losing weight your main goal and focus. It real should be anyway, yes ?

    I have gone from 260 to 219 and am very proud of myself. I have another 60 pounds to go. The last ones are the hardest to shed until my body gets enough health back to become more efficient at the fat burning. Still every single step counts and that is what I use to keep me going.