calories intake/calories burned

May be I'm wrong but isn't burning the calories that one eats a good thing. I'm on a 1200 daily calories intake but I tent to eat less (about 800 to be exact). I exercise daily and I burn (acording to my pulse monitor) anywhere from 700-900 calories. I'm thinking great I'm burning all the calories that I eat during the day. I mean isnt that a good thing? Or im i wrong? People say that anything less than 1200 calories is insane but I don't feel hungry.


  • aysesungur
    Liby, can you please tell me what you eat that you do not get hungry. What kind of exercise do you do? You are very lucky to not get hungry when you burn that many calories.. If you feel energetic and healthy that is very good.
  • libyloba
    Liby, can you please tell me what you eat that you do not get hungry. What kind of exercise do you do? You are very lucky to not get hungry when you burn that many calories.. If you feel energetic and healthy that is very good.

    I do the replacement shake for 2 meals of the day. I'm usually try to keep busy during the day do I don't have a lot of time to think about food. The shake is very satisfying for me and keeps me feeling full whe I do have it. Im on my 3rd week of t25 alpha phase and I'm doing double time. My goal is to lose 20lb by new years.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    You're eating around 800 calories a day with exercise, and burning around 800 calories a day? So then, you end up with zero calories? Don't forget that you're also burning a significant number of calories walking around your house, doing your job/school, going back and forth in a parking lot, doing errands, sitting upright, breathing, etc. You need calories to fuel your body.
  • DaniNicole321
    When people are telling you that eating less than 1200 calories is a bad thing they mean it nutritionally, not just as far as weight loss goes. It is very difficult to intake all the nutrients your body needs while intaking less than 1200 cals. I'm also curious what you eat that keeps you full at less than 900 calories a day. Ideally, MFP is designed for you to eat back your exercise calories. I don't always eat all of them back but you are in danger of depriving your body of the things it needs when you work off the tiny amount you are eating. I will warn you this topic is probably going to cause some rude responses as you are eating so little and I'm trying not to be but I do hope that you remember this should be about being healthy, not just losing weight.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    There's this thing called BMR that's kind of important, basically the calories your body needs to sustain vital function of organs and what not. If you consistently net below that for a prolonged period of time (6 months to a year or more) you may see some negative effects on your metabolism. But most likely your poor health will be due to not consuming enough fat and protein to allow for vitamin absorption as well as retention of lean body mass while losing weight. You can also see other effects like losing your hair and insomnia. It's also called anorexia if it is habitual.

    DaniNicole has a very good post.

    I also suggest understanding your TDEE, how much of a deficit you should have in relation to how much weight you want to lose, what your desired body composition is and the exercise/deficit/macronutrients necessary for achieving it and also what a realistic timeframe for your weightloss goal is. Unless you are extremely overweight it is suggested that you don't exceed 1lb/week loss in order to get proper nutrition as well as adequate protein for maintaining lean body mass while in a caloric deficit.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Liby, can you please tell me what you eat that you do not get hungry. What kind of exercise do you do? You are very lucky to not get hungry when you burn that many calories.. If you feel energetic and healthy that is very good.

    I do the replacement shake for 2 meals of the day. I'm usually try to keep busy during the day do I don't have a lot of time to think about food. The shake is very satisfying for me and keeps me feeling full whe I do have it. Im on my 3rd week of t25 alpha phase and I'm doing double time. My goal is to lose 20lb by new years.

    20 pounds by January 1. 20 pounds in 8 weeks. That's 3 pounds a week. That's more than what's generally considered to be safe weight loss. It's just not a realistic or healthy goal, I'm sorry. It's about more than just calories. It's also about nutrients.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    This isn't healthy, nor sustainable, you're going to burn out really quick, perhaps even get to the point were you get so starved for nutrition that you go on a massive binge ... You are not giving your body adequate fuel to function, let alone to exercise and repair itself ... 1200 should be your NET, and you should eat back exercise calories ...

    ETA: If you enjoy having hair on your head, and not falling out of it ... Please, meet your nutritional requirements ...
  • libyloba
    Thanks all for your reply. I jumped into this rutine without being aware of the danger. I thoutgh it was ok since I did it before and it did woeked. I managed to lose the weight. I gained it back with pregnancy and I'm trying to get back to my normal weight. I will stop the shakes! I think 1500 daily is a good number for me. I will still do my best to reach my goal.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    1500 is a perfectly reasonable calorie goal. I have a feeling you'll be much happier with the long-term results. Best of luck!
  • libyloba
    1500 is a perfectly reasonable calorie goal. I have a feeling you'll be much happier with the long-term results. Best of luck!
  • RickyLuvsMary4ever
    Yes this is a marathon not a sprint. Not about losing weight more than we are developing a lifestyle change. Think sustainability over the long term and you will have great results!

    Your shakes probably have a lot of nutrition in them and that will help with meeting your nutritional macros but nothing like eating varied foods like fruits and veggies that have compounds in them that science can't replicate.

    Quick weight loss seems like it's own reward but slower steady weight loss gives your body time to repair and shrink the skin too.

    I have averaged two pounds a week weight loss for the past ten months. I did mega research and decided the my approach to weight loss would be to feed my body and burn off the fat. So far so good.

    Recommended watching. "Fat sick and nearly dead" with Joe Cross and another movie called Fathead.