Jillian Michaels: 30 Day Shred



  • googsgirl
    googsgirl Posts: 76 Member
    I completed the 30 day shred as a Pre- Vacation workout, and it was awesome! I have 3 kids and it was easy to fit in the quick workout 5 days a week. I did not lose any weight but lost inches and toned like I have never before. I even wore a bikini on the vacation!! I am 41- that says a lot!!
    I am onto the Ripped in 30 and it is great too. It is all challenging, but you want a challenge or else you are wasting your time. I actually used 8 pound weights when I could ( some of the moves were impossible with this weight, so I switched to 2 pounds for the tricky moves). I think the success I had with firming up could be attributed to the use of the heavier weights. Over time, I got much stronger and it was the first time in my life I saw definition in my abs and arms and my but "lifted":wink:

    I love that the workouts are only a half hour max. I honestly dont think I could stick to anything longer.

    Highly recommended!
  • a_dub
    a_dub Posts: 29 Member
    Hi - just getting back into MyFitnessPal, and have never posted before, so bare with me. =)

    I just did Day 1 of the 30 Day Shred, plan on doing it for 30 days straight, and sticking to a mostly natural diet.

    The box says that you can lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days - I only need/want to lose 10-12, but I so don't want to get into this (I felt like dying today, and I'm a runner) if I'm only going to lose a couple pounds. Will taking pictures, and losing inches really show in the long run? I would feel so defeated if by the end of this, I only lost a couple pounds.
  • SkettiGurl
    SkettiGurl Posts: 186 Member
    Hi - just getting back into MyFitnessPal, and have never posted before, so bare with me. =)

    I just did Day 1 of the 30 Day Shred, plan on doing it for 30 days straight, and sticking to a mostly natural diet.

    The box says that you can lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days - I only need/want to lose 10-12, but I so don't want to get into this (I felt like dying today, and I'm a runner) if I'm only going to lose a couple pounds. Will taking pictures, and losing inches really show in the long run? I would feel so defeated if by the end of this, I only lost a couple pounds.

    Most people I've seen who have done this have lost only a handful of lbs. JM says in the 3rd level "If you are following our diet plan and completed levels 1 and 2 you should be seeing that six pack right around now". It is a great workout and especially if you are limited on time. I have no idea what the JM diet plan is as I didn't want to pay for it. You will become stronger and a lot more toned but don't count on this exercise video making you lose 10lbs or more.

    You will need to make other changes as well to your diet. I think yes, do the 30DS and you will love the results but it may be more shape than weight. Good luck!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I am on Day 8 Level 2- It basically fast paced circuit training- Warm up then 3 circuits (3 min strength, 2 min cardio and 1 min abs: repeat) level 2 is much harder then level 1- at least for me lots of planks :noway: :sad:

    In 18 days I have lost over 16 inches however! Take pics and measure before you start, then I take pics at end of level and measure!!

    I am in much better shape, my endurance is doing great :happy:
  • EmeriaDewes
    EmeriaDewes Posts: 73 Member
  • a_dub
    a_dub Posts: 29 Member
    Most people I've seen who have done this have lost only a handful of lbs. JM says in the 3rd level "If you are following our diet plan and completed levels 1 and 2 you should be seeing that six pack right around now". It is a great workout and especially if you are limited on time. I have no idea what the JM diet plan is as I didn't want to pay for it. You will become stronger and a lot more toned but don't count on this exercise video making you lose 10lbs or more.

    You will need to make other changes as well to your diet. I think yes, do the 30DS and you will love the results but it may be more shape than weight. Good luck!

    Thank you so much! I'm going to stick with it, and see where it takes me.
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    Hi - just getting back into MyFitnessPal, and have never posted before, so bare with me. =)

    I just did Day 1 of the 30 Day Shred, plan on doing it for 30 days straight, and sticking to a mostly natural diet.

    The box says that you can lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days - I only need/want to lose 10-12, but I so don't want to get into this (I felt like dying today, and I'm a runner) if I'm only going to lose a couple pounds. Will taking pictures, and losing inches really show in the long run? I would feel so defeated if by the end of this, I only lost a couple pounds.

    If you do a search you can find threads where people posted their results (usually pics and measurements/weight). Most people seemed to lose about 4-8 lbs (depending on how much they needed to lose) and several inches. I have had the DVD for over a year (did it a few times before getting pregnant--baby is now 5 months old) and was sold on doing it more regularly after seeing those threads.

    My question is what do you do for the sore muscles? I remember the times I did it I was quite sore, especially if I used 5lb weights as opposed to 3lb. Did you just push through the workout the next day or did you find some way to make the pain less intense?
  • NWdreaming
    NWdreaming Posts: 95 Member
    It's a great workout! I wish I would have measured before I statred. I know I've lost a ton of inches, not a lot of pounds but I have a lot of everything to lose so anything helps. I feel stronger and it's only been 2 weeks. I also bought the Shred it with Weights DVD and use a kettle bell for that and it is intense! I try to do both if the kids are napping!
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    I am on level 1 day 7. It's fun. Getting better at push ups. I am good with the cardio but the weights are tough. I am using 5lb weights.
  • grantsmom08
    grantsmom08 Posts: 82 Member
    Looking to start this soon so thanks for sharing all of the advice!
  • I am planning to start in the middle of April but I have already tried the level one workout to know what I am getting myself in to. The first time I tried it, I hurt for 3 whole days but the second time I tried it, I didn't hurt at all. So I guess that the results of the first try gave me the boost for the second attempt.
    It looks promising!
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I suggest to follow a good eating plan and still do some cardio if you want weight to come off and not just inches. I do 30 mins of cardio on top of doing the 30 day shred.

    I am on day 9 level 1 (I have skipped a few days because of lack of time. But I still lost 2 pounds this past week and inches. If you need to lose weight , I don't think the 30 day shred is enough by itself. So combine it with something.
  • ruthvbailey
    ruthvbailey Posts: 23 Member
    I started JM's 30 day shred dvd today the sweat is just pouring off me and I exercise 5 days a week. I received the DVD today and plan to do the month and see what difference it makes. Only on level 1 today. Does anyone have any idea what calories you burn with this dvd?
  • THTchristina
    THTchristina Posts: 18 Member
    I'm on it right now! Going to do level 2 starting tmrw!
  • ruthvbailey
    ruthvbailey Posts: 23 Member
    It all depends on your fitness level however, I am pretty fit and I am still pushing on Level 1 at present only my second day. I find the warm up is not sufficient to start jumping in the initial stages and am afraid it will cause an injury, so will do a warm up before I start the dvd as I have tenonitis and my feet start aching once I have done the jumps and start moving into the skipping section. I am enjoying it though.
  • MoRiv1986
    MoRiv1986 Posts: 379 Member
  • I picked up 30DS as a compliment to my Kettleworx routine. I have a tendency to get bored and I have read and heard from many sources to include JM that it's good to mix it up - that your body adapts to routine and results begin to decrease unless you change it up. Anyway, I expected 30DS to be a lighter workout that would be good for in between days or for days I want something different. Wrong! 30DS is a good workout and I find it pushing me more than the kettle bells. It's def working for me and I'm enjoying it. I got my DVD for about $5 thru amazon so it was a no brainer for me to try and I'm really glad I did.

    And if you can't keep up initially, so what? Just do what you can, push yourself but stay safe (no injuries!!) and make it fun. I think the later is a key to success for me.

    Another thing I find very complimentary to my routine is the JM podcasts. They are free and really great. JM usually talks about one topic related to fitness, diet and/or exercise tips, and talks general life stuff, motivation... I don't know. She's really good at connecting fitness to the spiritual, emotional, mental and just living well. It has def increased my focus on fitness and connects it to my life in its whole.
  • I'm finally brushing off the dust on the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred for my 3rd high intensity workout. I have a trainer for 2 days a week, but I can't seem to burn and maintain a food log. It looks like it's working for everyone here.
  • nickysilverwood1
    nickysilverwood1 Posts: 5 Member
    Reading through the posts everyone says they lose inches but no so much lbs its because your losing fat and gaining muscle, if your losing inches your losing fat and just replacing it with muscle thats how she does it when she combines weights and cardio. I'm starting this again, i never make it past level 2 because i get bored with it but i've got all new motivation, I have 2 months to lose at least 20 lbs
  • IVe started day 1 today (4th attemp to get motivate!!! Wedding date set so now I have no excuses')

    Anyone know how to add 30 day shred into the fitness calculator to help me keep track of everything??? TIA