Any other Beachbody coach's out there?

Hi everyone!

So I started my fitness journey in January of this year and have had great results so far, 25 lbs lost! GO ME! That number could have been higher but I'm addicted to chocolate so I have cheated the odd time :P You can check out my before and after in my profile picture. Anyway, I am now starting to consider becoming a beachbody coach so that I can share my tips & tricks and help to change other peoples lives the way I have with mine. I am a newbie so I was wondering if there were any other coaches out there that could help me out with some advice? I think I'd be a great motivator, it's just getting started that I wouldnt mind some tips with. :)

Much appreciated!


  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    Well Kris, from what I can tell, you're definitely on the right path and have the perfect mind state. You've did great with the program so you're a product of the product, and you're ready to help motivate and share on how to help others based on what you've done yourself so you've got the share and invite down. You've already displayed 2 of the 3 vital behaviors necessary to become a SUCCESFUL team beachbody coach. All that's left is personal development which keeps you motivated mentally to go strong in motivating and helping people on the daily. If you need any other assistance feel free to hit me up! :0) \o/
  • Shelleybean29
    Shelleybean29 Posts: 95 Member
    I too am a beachbody coach. I have been on my journey for 11 months today!!! I am 9 pounds to my goal weight. So excited. I had such great success with Shakeology and the workout programs that in the beginning I became a discount coach. Now I love it so much I use my personal experience to help others. I even run a FREE fit club 3 nights a week to help pay it forward and help others.

    You should really consider it. It is really rewarding. I love that everyday I have people thank me for helping them. That is the best!!
  • Eetrinidad
    Eetrinidad Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone! I am a Beachbody coach as well and have had amazing results using their products. I am also new to MFP and have just started working out again after a few years of doing nothing but stuffing my face. I am ready to make exercise and clean eating a lifestyle change. It's going to be tough because I am a junk food junkie and tend to eat my emotions. But I am so ready to fing ME again.
  • amy4586
    amy4586 Posts: 96 Member
    I am a coach as well. It's my first month and it has really been working for me. Having to be a product of the product really motivates me. I get to use my success to help someone else.
  • xrmsmithx
    xrmsmithx Posts: 34 Member
    Just became a coach yesterday!
  • joevmware
    joevmware Posts: 7 Member
    I am also a Team Beachbody Coach! Love Beachbody and all it stands for!!

  • I am a beachbody coach also, I have been a coach since the end of July, I have had great success so far,, I have signed 8 coaches and am close to Ruby Status already, I have made over 1000 dollars already, I admit I was skeptical at first and I researched it for about 2 months before signing up, I wasted 2 months, so glad that I did it, I have worked diligently at it. Here is soe of my story, thanks and God Bless!

    I work as a Full Time Paramedic, I have a wife that has been really sick and nearly died in 2012. We have a 13 year old daughter that I want to be around to take care of her and my wife. I have never excercised in my life, In January of 2013 I started P90X,I was hooked, after the 1st day I said I can't do this, however my wife encouraged me and guess what 90 days later I was amazed at the results. Next I did Insanity, it was the hardest challenge I have ever did, I never thought I would finish it, however I kept pushing play everyday. WOW what a difference. I lost a total of 26lbs with P90X, and I didn't want to lose anymore when I started Insanity, so I increased my calories a little. Insanity really shredded what fat I had left. I was amazed. Now I am starting starting my final week of Focus T25

    My Transformation Video:
  • I've just started as a beachbody coach. Im really excited to get started on this journey, my only thing I am running into right now is finding others that want to be coaches, any suggestions?