Feeling Empty?

So friends, I have no problem cutting junk food, pop, candy out of my diet-- in fact I have done so for the past 4 months (which was when I decided to make the change) without ever giving into temptations (It's like I have no temptation). Strong will power I guess. The only problem I am facing is the feeling of not being full. I will portion my meals and eat healthy, drink lots of water (it's the only thing I drink) but I still don't feel full. Is this feeling suppose to go away after some time. What I mean is, is there an adjustment period for our bodies, and if so, how long, cause I have been doing this for the past 4 months. I know there are pills out there that make you feel full, but I'd rather not take any of those. Any suggestions? Can anyone relate to this?


  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    We'd need to be able to see your diary to be able to comment properly on any changes you could make - would you mind opening it?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    First, it sounds obvious, but make sure you are actually eating enough. If you have a crazy big calorie deficit, then you will feel empty. Even at a small calorie deficit - remember that you are in fact eating less than your body needs (obviously, in order to lose weight) so it's inevitable that you will feel hungry sometimes. If you've been doing this consistently for four months, consider taking a diet break for a couple of weeks where you eat at maintenance. http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/the-full-diet-break.html

    Secondly, try to eat more of the kinds of food that make you feel full. Fibre will fill you up, and protein should make you feel fuller for longer. Fats are also very satiating.

    Thirdly, look at how much you're eating for each meal, and how often. Experiment a bit. Find the meal timing/frequency that works best for you. For some people, small meals every couple of hours works best, for others, one or two bigger meals makes them feel more satisfied. For some, breakfast needs to be the biggest meal to keep them going all day. For others, skipping breakfast altogether and eating more later on works better. It might be worth looking into intermittent fasting as an option. I found that tweaking my meal patterns really helped with adherence to a calorie deficit.
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Are you exercising? If you're eating 1200 calories a day and burning off half of them exercising you should feel empty. It's hard to know without more information. Given how you say you've been eating vs. how you were eating I'd think you'd have lost more than 2lbs. Something isn't adding up right~
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You got to eat enough first, can't say without looking at your diary, then you have to make good choices - lots of protein and fiber. I know that if I ate healthy like lots of fruit and veggies, I'd probably be starving.
  • I try to have a huge chopped salad with some balsamic vinegar (no oil) with every meal. I usually put my protein on salad and make this the meal. It does fill you up. Yes, I do get hungry.

    Also, maybe you are feeling empty because of other reasons - boredom, depression, etc. Look into that also.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    open diary or me no helping........so there.
  • 2013Amanda
    2013Amanda Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone. Correction-- not 4 months I meant 3 months (November is not over..my mistake)!!!

    Firstly, I just joined MFP 5 days ago so I am not sure how to navigate this site. Secondly prior to joining I lost 10 lbs (over the period of 3 months) and it was just recently I lost another 2lbs! I think it's important to mention that in the months before joining MFP I didn't really have a plan, just stopped eating some stuff and started exercising. With that said, I wasn't really on a calorie-count diet-- just kinda did what feels right. LOL. However, since joining MFP just about 4 of 5 days, and following the calorie intake diet that it recommends and exercising for 60 mins a day (run/bike or walk) and doing free weights, I am feeling hungry. What food items fill you guys?
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 517 Member
    Click on "Food" at the top of the Myfitnesspal page, then click "Settings", then go to "Change Diary Settings" to open your diary so folks can see what you are eating and give you informed feedback :).
  • candiceh3
    candiceh3 Posts: 379 Member
    Eat lotsof protein and heaps of fibre :) drink when you first feel hungry because our body often confuses thirst with hunger.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    What I do is exercise more so I can eat more. I've always given up on low-calorie diets in the past because that makes me hungry, weak, and moody. It's so much easier the way I'm doing it now.

    Also, yes, your body will adjust. I find that I only want smaller portion sizes now, although it was hard to cut down on my portion sizes in the beginning.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Eat lotsof protein and heaps of fibre :) drink when you first feel hungry because our body often confuses thirst with hunger.

    ^^^^This. Proteins, veggies and a small amount of healthy fat are the best combination for me. Although I like carbs, they tend to make me hungrier.

    Also check your calorie goal. If you're at 1200 and not eating back exercise cals....I'd be hungry too. Although be careful about MFP exercise burns. They are normally way too high for me, so I take 1/2 or use and hrm.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Hi everyone. Correction-- not 4 months I meant 3 months (November is not over..my mistake)!!!

    Firstly, I just joined MFP 5 days ago so I am not sure how to navigate this site. Secondly prior to joining I lost 10 lbs (over the period of 3 months) and it was just recently I lost another 2lbs! I think it's important to mention that in the months before joining MFP I didn't really have a plan, just stopped eating some stuff and started exercising. With that said, I wasn't really on a calorie-count diet-- just kinda did what feels right. LOL. However, since joining MFP just about 4 of 5 days, and following the calorie intake diet that it recommends and exercising for 60 mins a day (run/bike or walk) and doing free weights, I am feeling hungry. What food items fill you guys?
    Are you logging that exercise and eating back the calories that MFP recommends? Because that's how MFP is designed to work. The intake it recommends is based on the assumption that any additional exercise you do - you'll eat back those calories. You still have a calorie deficit because that is built into the original goal. If you don't, your calorie deficit is way bigger than what MFP is recommending, and it's no wonder you feel hungry.

    (For practical purposes - the exercise database can be inaccurate, but at least eat back a good portion of them, say 2/3.)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    As said above I don't think you are eating enough. Do you want to yo you or do this forever? If you eat too low it's not going to last.
  • 2013Amanda
    2013Amanda Posts: 8 Member
    Are you logging that exercise and eating back the calories that MFP recommends? Because that's how MFP is designed to work. The intake it recommends is based on the assumption that any additional exercise you do - you'll eat back those calories. You still have a calorie deficit because that is built into the original goal. If you don't, your calorie deficit is way bigger than what MFP is recommending, and it's no wonder you feel hungry.

    (For practical purposes - the exercise database can be inaccurate, but at least eat back a good portion of them, say 2/3.)

    Hey, I see what you're saying, yeah I definitely was following MFP wrong. I have recently connected with some MFP members and they and I have been discussing this and they explained to me how this is supposed to work. So I'm definitely eating properly now. (Phew!). And many thanks to those who shared their meals and tips with me! I've also learned that I am fuller when I eat a larger meal at lunch...I don't know why. But it took some experimenting! And a super thank you to MFP friend jorgelaba for taking the time to explain to me the functions of this site. You Rock!