How long does it take to see change?

In the last 7 weeks, I've lost 10 lbs... YAY! I work out at least 5 days a week, 30 min of cardio, 30 min of strength training (switching between upper and lower body on different days). I sometimes go for a 2.5 mile run after work too (if I can make it out before the sun goes down). I'm also keeping under my calories and eating better than I ever have. Feeling great! Love seeing the number on the scale going down!

BUT... I'm starting to feel a little discouraged. I haven't seen any change in my body (nor has anyone else) and my clothes aren't fitting any better/looser yet. I'm feeling good because I'm exercising, so I'm trying to focus on that... still...

In your experience, how many lbs did you have to lose before you (and others) saw change? I know that number is going to be smaller if you're smaller to begin with. For me, 10 lbs is just a little more than 5% of my body weight.

Thanks in advance for your input!


  • DorothyR87
    Honestly I didn't really feel like there was a difference until 15-20 lbs. Just keep hanging in there!
  • 2RobD
    2RobD Posts: 33
    If you just started exercising, remember you are building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. So 10 lb weight loss might not be truly accurate. So Just hang in.
  • Rosieannaxo
    CONGRATS ON LOOSING 10 POUNDS :D For me, it took about 3-4 months to see a difference which was around the 20 pound mark. I became really discouraged around the one month mark because I was working so hard to loose and nothing in my body was changing. But I just kept on going with it. I definitely felt healthier and felt better inside so I just went along with that. I think it's just going to take some time to see a difference but hey, the good news right now is that you lost ten whole pounds!!!, you're healthier, more fit, and feeling amazing, right? Keep on going:)
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Everyones different. I have been playing volleyball twice a week, Running and doing P90x. For me it took about 60 -90 days to notice muscle tone and pants bagging. Ive upped my weights when i lift, that helped. Ive only lost about 10 lbs, i only have about 5 lbs to lose.

    Be patient. If you get anxious or bored just switch things up. Goodluck
  • jadesdca
    jadesdca Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everyone! Nice to know I'm not the only one who has experienced this.

    Just keep swimming! :wink:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    it's going to depend...the more you have to lose, the more weight you'll have to lose to actually notice much change. When you are leaner, smaller drops in weight are much more apparent. I've lost 40 Lbs altogether...There wasn't a considerable difference in the way I looked with my first 20 Lbs gone...the last 20 Lbs were pretty dramatic though.
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    I don't know why, but my body always seems to be about 3 weeks behind my scale. I can have a great weight loss month without any meaningful change in measurements, and then the following month lose nothing, but have lost inches. Try on something that was too tight and see if it more comfortable. I think it is easier to feel than to see.