I'm new here, and only have one other thread from a previous 3-day binge from 2 days ago that ended horribly and I'm so close to doing it again.

I'm not going to drive to fast food places, but my parents/family are all gone and I have the entire house/pantry to myself.

I've ate my daily intake cals already, and I'm making a coffee protein pumpkin shake (~200 calories) with the calories that are left but I'm SO TEMPTED TO EAT:

-udi's granola with some cashew milk and crushed up white chocolate pieces. (THERE ARE LIKE 6 entire 100g BARS OF CHOCOLATE here :( )
-2 eggs with bread and pesto and goat cheese
-gf chips with avocado
-more chocolate
-oatmeal with tons of maple syrup, protein, granola

I still have so much studying/work to do, and really need your help to not binge because otherwise all I'm going to do is keep going back and forth between the pantry and the bathroom and the fridge. PLEASE HELP. I KNOW I NEED HELP and going for counseling next weekend, but until then I'm helpless.

I worked out today too and so far ate 1750ish calories including the shake I'm about to drink.

Thankful for the support here, please help. I had enough fat/protein/carbs today so don't know why I'm trying to binge. Maybe because of stress, but atleast my dad will be home in about 2 hours. But until then I could eat atleast 5000 cals and feel too sick/gross to miss lecture tomorrow (which I really cannot afford). I've already gained some weight from that previous horrible 3-day binge.

Again: I know this isn't normal, and I have a problem but please help until I can seek help.

Thank you so much!


  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    Step away from the pantry and go for a walk.
  • sugaspice999
    But I have to study :( I've already worked out, played basketball with my brother today.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    if you feel like you need to binge then you're probably not eating enough or not getting enough of a certain thing
  • xDawnsgrace
    go somewhere to study. A library, a park if it's warm enough, a friend's house,but don't bring money. remove yourself from the situation.
  • akd1961
    akd1961 Posts: 10 Member

    Don't do it you will feel so bad after and you are better than that, Ive done/do it on a regular basis, on a good few days at the min. Try and do something positive, read, think about why you are doing this. And remember nothing tastes as good as skiiny feels.

  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    Can you get out of the house and go to a library to study? You need to leave and get your mind off of the food. I tend to eat when I'm bored...and it sucks because I'm not always busy with work. You have to learn to deal with your emotions in a different way other than food. If I could learn to do this myself, then I'd be about 15-20 lbs less...basically at goal weight! Maybe have some herbal tea to have something warm in your stomach and fill you up a bit. I do feel your pain...I was almost about to eat too much today because it's getting darker out sooner and colder. I have my dinner ready to go for about 8pm, then will go to bed around 11. Just keep busy!
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    Can you invite a friend over to study with? Or go to a friends house to study. I usually find I won't binge in front of others.

    Your binge might be coming on because you don't want to study. Take a break first. Phone a friend for a chat, go for a ten minute walk around the block.

    Tell yourself you can have a reward after studying for two hours like a song from iTunes or a book on amazon (non-food reward)

    Respect yourself. Remember how crap you will feel if you give in.
  • mrhonesty
    mrhonesty Posts: 274 Member
    Hang in there! If your going to eat,make it something low calorie
  • 1debbie123
    1debbie123 Posts: 19 Member
    get yourself a hot air popper and pop popcorn no oil butter or salt .....3 cups is one starch exchange on TOPS exchange lifestyle...make sure you chew your food like 50 times or more...this snack goes along way and healthier than alot of those so called healthy bars. try to stick to whole foods and maybe more smaller meals over the course of the day. take a warm bath read a book and dance around the house when your up doing things....and don't be so hard on yourself ...it took a long time to put the weight on it will take time to take it off so go slow and be happy.
  • sugaspice999
    Really appreciate the advice, thank you.

    I am probably missing something. Is it magnesium that leads to chocolate cravings? I'll check into it but for now even though I have to study it might be worth it to stay on the forums for 10/15 more minutes. Just drinking a little more black coffee right now and thinking about where I could go. I don't think I can even drive anywhere bc my mom took my car, which is actually food so I can't go buy food.

    I think I am eating enough, around 1700-1750 cals, I'm 121 5'6'' but was 115 pounds before my last binge. I'm still slightly bloated and retaining some water though I know I gained some fat.

    Wow, you guys are so helpful. Can't imagine what I would be stuffing my face with without the community. I'm definitely thinking about how horrible I'm going to feel if I do give in.
  • ShapenerFiterrati
    ShapenerFiterrati Posts: 111 Member
    Go into the basement, or a place super far away from the kitchen/pantry. Take a looooooong shower.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    1750 is not a binge.
    Likely your calories are set too low.

    Eat if you need to.
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    Brush your teeth. No one likes eating immediately after brushing. Make a plan. It is ok if you go over on calories a little, but be smart about it. Eating at maintenance for a day shouldn't make you feel bad. Binging will. Hang in there, and kudos to you for getting back on the healthy lifestyle after the last time you binged. That this wonderful, and shows strength, determination, and good old fashion smarts! Keep it up
  • x2theandra
    x2theandra Posts: 2 Member
    Deep breathing to help lessen anxiety could really help!!


    take a look at this site.. it gives some really good instructions.

    and this video might be a bit too hippy for most, but it really helps with my anxiety!

    good luck!

  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Is there a library that you can go study at. Then you are out of the house and you can do your studying. I agree with the walk. Also if you like coffee, a black coffee (no sugar or cream on anything) always puts a dent in my hunger. Barring that, drink lots of water.
  • sugaspice999
    Well the binge wasn't 1750, that's just my daily intake that I've already consumed today.

    I'm drinking the pumpkin shake: 1/4c pumpkin, 2 shots starbucks espresso, 1/4 c cashew milk, 1/4 scoop vanilla cookie whey, english toffee stevia, plus spices and ice. I feel pretty full, ended up drinking a whole extra cup of black coffee while I was making the shots lol.

    But seriously THANK you, awesome suggestions. I know I'm not immune to bingeing all of a sudden but the coffee really helped (unlike the dark chocolate suggestion -> leads to eating more (even the dark 90% kind))

    Also, checking out the breathing link :)

    I don't have a basement, but going upstairs to go back to studying :)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Shakes are a waste of calories. You won't feel like you really ate something unless you chew it so get some carrots and nibble on them.
  • Adrian_Harper
    Go out for a 40 minute brisk walk if u can:smile:
  • KimP202
    KimP202 Posts: 68 Member
    thanks for sharing this youtube site, so interesting!
  • petitefemme_x
    I may be too late BUT if you are super-duper hungry - like ravenous! I would gout for a meal with your family or friends - because you definitely eat more on a binge because you don't talk etc and concentrate on the flavours, you just devour. Eating in company makes you more reserved.

    If you find it difficult eating in front of people sometimes like moi - is there anybody, like your mum for example, who you can comfortably eat with?

    Drink LOADS of water!!!!!!!!!!! like 3 average bottles, wait 20 mins, the a cup of tea, then make yourself some pasta with cheese and rosemary etc, stodge - like 500 caloires worth - it'll be better having a scary 500 calories rather than eventually having 1000+ on crappy food.

    If it's late at night I just don't let myself. I'll have a banana or an instant chot choc and even if I don't sleep and wake up at 6am - in the morning i'm not hungry. My body seems to know now it will not get food in the evening no matter what so try start now. when you're warm in bed it's easier to resist getting up.

    STOP watching films when you're in bingey mode. Go to a friends, got to work, go to the library etc

    So in conclusion, feed yourself a proper meal if you've not eaten, stay in bed if it's late and just resist or go on your inspiration web pages if you have them like tumblr etc xxx

    edit: saw somebody mentioned the library! This is SUCH a method! I do this all the time. If i'm really hungry, but I know I've eaten a decent amount I work with no distractions