What do you guys think of this hair color and style on me?



  • turbojanem
    two things...the color is a bit strong, but reds do work good for your skin. and red IS the hardest color to keep in your hair when coloring it. you WILL have to do it often. and if your hair is that long, it will cause lots of damage to your hair to do it every 3 weeks or so.
    changing your color is fun...i used to do it often until my allergy to hair color took over and kicked me out of being a hairdresser. i would have it highlighted by a professional so that you get color change, but don't have the damage of applying color often and ending up with straw like hair.
    our hair styles and colors DO make us feel better and perkier. change is always good.
    have a GREAT Sunday!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Oh in regards to the age, I recall some thread called 'Too Fat for 15" a thread discussion on a TV show and I think that's where I saw you mention your age being 15 so that's where I got that from. I've think you've shared that on the boards before.

    I did 'streak' (what it was called when I was growing up and it was some over the counter thing that was temporary I guess) my hair and had fun doing that. Did it look good? Oh hell I have no clue, I probably thought it did, I do remember my Dad looking at me oddly when I walked out of my room after I'd done it. LOLOL I recall cutting my own bangs around the same time too. Bahahhahahah omg! I do remember looks 2 from 'freaks' (highschool term we had) that were semi-friends but they were always high so I didn't pay too much attention.:laugh:

    I think Babysitting money must have paid for my hair stuff etc., cause I wasn't old enough to work.

    I think you've got a real mixture of thoughts from members here and some really great tips..also how cool to have two professionals weigh in on the matter!:drinker:

    Plus there's always temp color to decide if it's something you would like to keep that way you can play around a bit with changes more then too. (still would most definitely suggest having it done professionally even then though).

    Good luck with whatever you decide.
  • kayb58
    kayb58 Posts: 20 Member
    It looks cute on you. My daughter has had so many different colors. She changes it whenever she gets bored with it. For several months the entire head of hair was cotton candy pink, recently she went to black with a lot of deep blue in it. My favorite on her was the black with deep red chunks thoughout. It is only hair. It will grow out.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    It's not horribly ugly or particularly nice... it kinda clashes with your skin tone. Perhaps it's BECAUSE it's a wig, but it looks a bit un-natural on you.

    The really important thing is if YOU like it- that's what matters most! :smile:

    (I do like the red tones, maybe something more golden-red would work better for you instead of purpley-red)
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    I totally love it!
  • mkcole
    mkcole Posts: 46
    I think this color is a little to harsh and a little to fake looking. However, I think you would look nice with red hair. I would go with something a little more natural looking and I bet even your parents would like it.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Your skin is gorgeous, young lady! I'm with the responders who think they color is a little too harsh and unnatural looking. But I do like red on you! Should you decide to color it this color, then I still think it will look nice. :)
  • bethly
    bethly Posts: 15 Member
    My hair is almost that colour and it dulls out sooooo bloody fast!

    I think the style - a nice thick fringe is always good. But yeah, I think I would love to see a nice dark brown-almost black. Maybe a couple red streaks underneath from the nape of your neck?
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    I think the point of you dying it this color is not to make it look natural, am I correct? My best friend through high school had purple hair and flaming red and all colors of the rainbow and was certainly not natural but totally fit her personality. Do what makes you happy. You've got great skin and eyes. You could pull it off. I would go for a little deeper red though.
  • JenniferH81
    JenniferH81 Posts: 285 Member
    I like the red idea, but the color on the wig is a bit to red red. if that makes sense. But I would say a red tone would look good on you.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I say, if it makes you feel beautiful, go for it.....when you feel beautiful, that is what matters. I am all for crazy hair and color anyways, I think I have been every color there is, and have loved everyone. There is nothing natural about my hair, and I like it that way. I think the red is awesome on you, and thats the point, not to look like a natural hair color, so if you like it, go for it!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Another opinion from an oldster. You're so young, only 19 and that's young enough to want to experiment with some wild hair color. If you were my daughter I'd say go for it. It's not going to hurt any one and it will eventually fade or wash out. Good luck to you. I hope your mom changes her mind.

    And as for your brothers saying it makes you look ugly, well I don't think anything could make your face look ugly. You're a very beautiful girl so don't pay any mind to what they say. And you can tell them this old lady said so. :huh:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Another opinion from an oldster. You're so young, only 19 and that's young enough to want to experiment with some wild hair color. If you were my daughter I'd say go for it. It's not going to hurt any one and it will eventually fade or wash out. Good luck to you. I hope your mom changes her mind.

    And as for your brothers saying it makes you look ugly, well I don't think anything could make your face look ugly. You're a very beautiful girl so don't pay any mind to what they say. And you can tell them this old lady said so. :huh:

    Ditto this!

    You're only young once so have some fun! :drinker:
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    I've had my hair every color under the sun! It's time to experiment and have fun. Honestly, I think it looks awesome and it brings out your eyes. Especially if you have it in that cut.

    Natural Instincts from Clairol is a good hair dye and it washes out in about a month. That way you can sort of test a color before using. Maybe your mom would be more open to that.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    just chiming into suggest that you start with temporary (just in case!), and choose a red shade that is a little less crayola-red and a little more believeable red.

    My best good friend had bright crayola red hair and she had to re-dye it every 2 weeks or so, because when it fades, it looks yucky. So it's definitely true - that color is HARD to maintain, and your hair goes through a LOT to keep it. (And she is a professional hair stylist so she had the time and know-how)

    Best of luck-