Not making pace for a 5k



  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    Don't quit.

    Run your race on the sidewalk if you have to. Walk when you can't run. Just finish what you have signed up and trained for, and use it as a stepping stone for next time.

    Don't quit.
  • smithcarola
    smithcarola Posts: 51 Member
    I say go for it! You might even find that the adenaline and excitement of the race environment help push you to a faster pace.

    Something I learned at my last race...Even if you finish last (like I did), you still beat hundreds, if not thousands, of people because you finished the race and they didn't even show up. :smile:
  • runningjen74
    runningjen74 Posts: 312 Member
    Sounds like your all cleared for it. Have a ball and enjoy every minute of it. Make sure to get a photo of yourself with your number on it / finishers medal. You'll look back so fondly on your first 5Km.

    Have a great time (was going to say good luck, but I don't think you need it!)
  • thursdayswoman
    thursdayswoman Posts: 60 Member
    Hey all you good people...the race was today! I did it in 51:16 minutes, with a pace of 16:30...I ran the first ten minutes and alternated running and walking after that; I'd say about 30% of the course. So I was over the race pace, but I was under my pace from a month ago! And none of the things I feared came to pass - I didn't finish dead last (I was 2844 out of 3052) and no one even looked at me twice when I was walking. (And I definitely wasn't the only one!)

    Between forgetting my ice packs (so I couldn't ice them right before the race) and running quite a bit faster at the beginning, my tendinitis was pretty painful - but I took a few second to stop and stretch them, and then I saw my girlfriend who was watching the race and that got me going again. It was wonderful.

    Special thanks to ZombieEarhart, without home none of this would have happened. She is the BEST running buddy ever and rocked the race herself!
  • janer4jc
    janer4jc Posts: 238 Member
    Congratulations! So glad to hear that you did so well. Next year will be even better.
  • ItsaNewDawn
    So happy that you were successful! I myself am running my first 5K on November 9th. I am super excited, yet very unsure at the same time. Hearing about your success is very encouraging. Great Job! :smile:
  • lavonnelrausch
    lavonnelrausch Posts: 8 Member
    Congratulations!!! What a great accomplishment. I hope you took some time to reward yourself you deserve it !!
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Congratulations! Really happy you did it!