Working out and eating right and gained weight!!!

lyndora1975 Posts: 18
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I am majorly bummed out. I started a no carb food plan, no bread, pasta, rice, etc, just the carbs from fruit veggies and protein. Last week was a full week, I also exercised, I lost 4.6 pounds. This week the same meal plan, ramped up the exercise, I did Zumba, Turbo Jam, kickoboxing, where as last week I just walked on the treadmill, weighed myself this morning and it said I gained weight!!! how is that!!! I didnt change anything except my workout intensity level. I am going to stick with the plan, but I am down. I was expecting to see big numbers again this week, and not going the other way!! Anyone else have this happen to them?


  • ive experienced that in the past. If i workout at high intensity then i tend to gain weight i would think this is muscle or water weight....for my body longer low intensity is the best for weight loss. Have you lost inches though? u may have
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    This is very normal. could be fluid weight. But don't get discouraged, I am sure at the end of this week you will see another drop.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I just bumped a good tread on gaining and working out check it out !
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    You said you exercised more, so it could be from muscle weight. I find that when I consistently workout everyday I don't lose weight but when I workout like every other day, I'm more consistent with losing weight. But measure yourself. The scale is a jerk because it doesn't know what is fat and what is muscle and as we all know, muscle weighs more than fat. You want to be toned and have muscles right? So keep working out, don't worry about the scale as much. Weigh yourself next week and see what the numbers are. But I think watching measurements is more important than the scale.
  • Debtappe
    Debtappe Posts: 164 Member
    Are you eating all of your calories? Even the ones you "earn" by exercise? If you aren't eating enough you won't lose weight. I think in the newbies section there is a good article about how weight loss works.
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    that has happened to me. A friend suggested drinking extra water and trying to weigh myself the following day. It worked. my body was holding excess water and just give it time. also, if you're fitting into your clothes better, thats your proof you're making a difference. keep up the good work!!! your scale will catch up later =)
  • thanks everyone, I feel better generally over all, my clothes do seem to fit better. It may just be water weight, and with me being so scale obsessed, I know that doesnt help at all. I dont eat my exercise calories, I only eat my alloted 1200, and I am usually under, by about 100 or so. I will keep doing what I am doing and weight myself next week. thanks again everyone.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    It can be so many things! Don't get discouraged. I know sometimes you can't help it. The number on the scale isn't always 100%. Just keep doing what you are doing. 1lb is not much at all to go up when it can be a number of things, besides body fat, that causes it to go up. I am sure next week's will be better!
  • page68
    page68 Posts: 220 Member
    This has happened to me and here's what I discovered. If I hold myself accountable for the food and the activity, I will lose eventually. Physical law is on my side!! As the description reads:

    Your BMR is how many calories you'd burn if you stayed in bed all day — basically, how many calories you burn just to stay alive. If you burn more than this, you will lose in time.
  • Muscle mass you are gaining is is much denser than the fat. Tape measurements and clothing fit are probably better measurables for you at this time. This is especially true if you started your program from a sedentary lifestyle. If you were just as active before, you may have to reevaluate what you are doing. Otherwise it appears you are still making good progress.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I am facing the very same thing. I was humming along, doing Zumba at home (don't you love it?) and losing the 1-2 lbs. a week.

    I decided I needed to add some strength trainig and chose Kettleworx. In two weeks I've gained five pounds and the only thing that changed was my workouts.

    Of course I went through the freakout phase, but then I went shopping yesterday - because I HAD to. None of my winter pants fit, they were literally falling off me! I brought home pants that were almost three sizes smaller! There is no way I'm gaining inches, rather I'm losing them. Which means I know that the weight will follow, I just have to keep trying. Giving up is not an option, especially if I want to lost three MORE sizes! :happy:

    I hope this helps and please know that you are not the only one!
  • Thanks again, yes last week I lost 4.6 pounds, I was ecstatic, this week I gained 3.3, I was devestated!!, and the only thing that changed was my workout. Some of my pants are fitting differently, and even looking in the mirror I look different, so I am going to just going to keep doing what I am doing. Hopefully next week will be better!!, fingers crossed!!!, like I said overall, I feel better, thatks
  • If you've increased the intensity of your workouts, your body will take about ten days to adjust, and then it will let go of the extra water. Don't judge your weight-loss by that scale.
  • Thanks alot, it's so much I didnt know, but am glad I do now!!
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