Two situations - faster heart rate


I'm in a weight loss journey, i try to eat more health 6 to 7 times a day. But in this week something happen that i would like advice if its normal to happen.

In lunch i did eat medium tuna sandwich, bread, tuna, one egg and tomato. I eat also a little of chickpea. I feel tired after some minutes, like i would like to sleep and i feel and listen my heart faster, and i wasn't doing nothing!

After that episode, sometimes when i'm relaxing on the chair, or in the bed i feel my heart jump and faster! What that means?

Is something that i can do to help? maybe more aerobic exercise? any food? or others tips?

Thank you


  • ADietadaM
    ADietadaM Posts: 213 Member
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    It may be anxiety but you should get checked by your doctor to be sure it's not more serious.
  • ADietadaM
    ADietadaM Posts: 213 Member
    It may be anxiety but you should get checked by your doctor to be sure it's not more serious.

    Thank you. I will try to see this.
  • Brunette122
    Brunette122 Posts: 107 Member
    Yes, see your doctor. I have anxiety but because of my anxiety it was discovered that I have irregular heartbeats (skipped beats/missed beats) The cardiologist gave me a stress test and echogram and said that its fine. Alot of people have them, its just that some can feel them more than others. Also, are you drinking alot of caffeine or alcohol?
  • tiddlebit11
    it could be that you are eating too much salt, or that you are getting reflux or heartburn from eating which can often disguise itself as chest pain

    If you eat a large amount in a short period of time your body goes into 'rest and digest' phase and redirects most of the blood flow to your intestines and digestive system - hence why you feel tired, since less blood is directed to your muscles and brain etc
    Eating a large amount also increases your heart rate to assist in digesting it quickly

    It may also be, as people have stated, anxiety, due to the new lifestyle program or perhaps not eating your regular foods?

    If you had a previously history of a high amount of sugar, fat, or caffeine for example, your body may react negatively to the sudden change

    Hope that helps a little bit
  • shelialou66
    You need an echocardiogram (EKG) call your doctor ASAP, I can think of several things it could be. Be safe, seek your doctors advice.
  • medicablasto
    medicablasto Posts: 37 Member
    Hi there!
    I´m a doctor so I can tell you feeling your HR is higher than normal without any activity or being able to feel your heart beats (also know as palpitation) is sometimes a sign for heart problem or perhaps abuse on your part to your own body with exercise, food, medication to loss wight or all together!!

    Please... see your doctor to check this, it could be nothing... but better check!!!!
  • ADietadaM
    ADietadaM Posts: 213 Member
    Thinking about that yes, some anxiety and milk with coffe. Maybe can be that. But i will see this.

    Thank you.
  • Buffalo1994
    I too had this problem, and just ignored it at first. Then my heartrate, with me just sitting on the couch, would jump up to almost 200bpm and send me into a severe panic attack. It ended up being from iron deficiency (anemia). I now take prescription iron pills, with a Vitamin c for absorption, and B12. I was deficient from a bleeding ulcer that needed treated. Even now I still suffer from inappropriate sinus tachycardia with an average resting heart rate of around 110bpm. It got so bad I thought I had POTS because as soon as I woke up in the morning my heart would start pounding and my blood pressure would drop.

    Tachycardia can be caused by a lot of things, anxiety, GERD, vagus nerve issues, and anemia are just a few. If it keeps happening I would definitely see a Dr.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Tachy can also be caused by a food alergy (wheat for me). Did you ever find out what the cause was?
  • TimothyWHughes
    TimothyWHughes Posts: 20 Member
    It's probably absolutely nothing to be worried about at all but the only way you're going to find out for sure is to see your doctor :)

    When I was in my early twenties I had some weird things going on with missed beats, random skips and palpitations. It's really much more common than I thought and my doctor was really good at explaining everything to me. I still get them a few years later (okay, fifteen) but I notice them less.

    You're gonna be just fine :)
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    are taking any over the counter weight loss pills? some of those,even the "all natural" ones can cause this.If you are I would throw them away.