Get A Toned Body Working Out At Home..

Im on my weight loss journey. I haven't weighed myself in a long time I just ordered a new scale on ebay today, yay!
So my question for tonight is, can you become a bodybuilder without using weights? I'm not talking about Arnold Swarchenegger built, I mean just a muscular athletic built.

I already eat pretty clean (veges, fruits and sometimes poultry) and I want to go into detox mode next week eating fruits and drinking water but I have really been trying to figure out how I should work out. I work out at home and the only thing I've been using is workout dvds. I don't use weights because I am really not sure how to or what to buy.

The woman ( her name is Arina Varskaya, for anyone wondering) below is my body inspiration. She has the same body type as me, before I gained weight I used to be toned naturally like her from looking at my old photos. I didn't work out or check my eating habits I was just active.

So I am wondering how I can go about getting a toned body like hers. What work outs could I do at home? And if I have to incorporate weights, what could I do using dumbells? Also are there any helpful websites I can visit to find out more?

Thank you <3



  • How do you post photos? lol
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Fixed your images... use lower case img. Second, you can get lean with body weight exercise (as shown with programs like insanity) but you wont look like the girl in the photo unless you have her genetics. Can you get low body fat and good definition.... absolutely, as long as you have enough muscle to support definition and you give it time. Ideally, you would want to include some weight training to increase the chances of maintaining your muscle mass.

    Next skip the detox as there is nothing to detox. Your live and kidneys do that daily.
  • Fixed your images... use lower case img. Second, you can get lean with body weight exercise (as shown with programs like insanity) but you wont look like the girl in the photo unless you have her genetics. Can you get low body fat and good definition.... absolutely, as long as you have enough muscle to support definition and you give it time. Ideally, you would want to include some weight training to increase the chances of maintaining your muscle mass.

    Next skip the detox as there is nothing to detox. Your live and kidneys do that daily.

    Thank you for fixing the photos.
    So you basically mean, continue to eat healthy just exercise more intensively?
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Count ur calories and try StrongLifts 5X5. Dont even bother with cardio unless u want to. Also read this link -
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Count ur calories and try StrongLifts 5X5. Dont even bother with cardio unless u want to. Also read this link -

    Read this too:
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    She looks like she lifts.
    You won't get a body like that with just fruit and water.

    You need to eat at a slight calorie deficit, eat plenty of protein and lift weights to lower your bodyfat while maintaining your muscle (that's how you get that look).
    You can get started with bodyweight workouts (look up Convict conditioning), but i highly recommend buying a barbell and some plates.
  • WhyeatKachra
    WhyeatKachra Posts: 404 Member
    StrongLifts 5X5 and Zuzka Light's workouts.

    Eat healthy and never starve yourself. For workouts like these, your body needs food to process.

    All the best.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    In the second picture she definitely looks like she does some lifting. I don't think you're gonna get that without doing the same.
  • Count ur calories and try StrongLifts 5X5. Dont even bother with cardio unless u want to. Also read this link -

    Thanks very helpful link. Im going to read more into this site.
  • She looks like she lifts.
    You won't get a body like that with just fruit and water.

    You need to eat at a slight calorie deficit, eat plenty of protein and lift weights to lower your bodyfat while maintaining your muscle (that's how you get that look).
    You can get started with bodyweight workouts (look up Convict conditioning), but i highly recommend buying a barbell and some plates.

    She does lift, she put a video on youtube on what she does but she speaks a different language unfortunately.
  • rayn3z
    rayn3z Posts: 19 Member
    check and
    they used to be one, but zuzka went off and started her own website, they basically train at home and have bodies to die for. however, bodyrockers tend to rely heavily on equipment that they sell through their website, but you can be creative and make your own (sandbag for example, put rice bags in a backpack, etc...) but zuzka uses very simple equipment like jump rope.
    good luck!
  • AccioFitness
    AccioFitness Posts: 244 Member
    Bump to read later!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I don't see any food logged in your diary yet but when you do start logging, make sure your goal is set to 1 lb per week and eat back some of your exercise calories. Also, adjust macro's to around 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats as this will usually allow you to hit 1g of protein and .35g of fats per lb of lean body mass. Or you can estimate your TDEE and do a 15-20% cut using a site like The majority of women need a lot more than 1200 calories to get those types of bodies. In fact, most women I know eat 1700-2100 calories.
  • p90x or insanity?
  • jopko
    jopko Posts: 11, she's amazing
  • I don't see any food logged in your diary yet but when you do start logging, make sure your goal is set to 1 lb per week and eat back some of your exercise calories. Also, adjust macro's to around 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats as this will usually allow you to hit 1g of protein and .35g of fats per lb of lean body mass. Or you can estimate your TDEE and do a 15-20% cut using a site like The majority of women need a lot more than 1200 calories to get those types of bodies. In fact, most women I know eat 1700-2100 calories.

    I do not count calories, I just eat healthy and avoid over-eating or eating more than I need to. I know it may sound like a contradiction but I am here for the tips and friends that I can possibly gain...along with the inspiration on what to eat from other people's food diary.

    But since you said that I will try and log my intake for perhaps this week and next week just to see what I have been consuming and get a feel from that. I looked at some of the links provided and found that its common to eat a lot if your going for a bodybuilder build...I like eating but not that much D:
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I don't see any food logged in your diary yet but when you do start logging, make sure your goal is set to 1 lb per week and eat back some of your exercise calories. Also, adjust macro's to around 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats as this will usually allow you to hit 1g of protein and .35g of fats per lb of lean body mass. Or you can estimate your TDEE and do a 15-20% cut using a site like The majority of women need a lot more than 1200 calories to get those types of bodies. In fact, most women I know eat 1700-2100 calories.

    I do not count calories, I just eat healthy and avoid over-eating or eating more than I need to. I know it may sound like a contradiction but I am here for the tips and friends that I can possibly gain...along with the inspiration on what to eat from other people's food diary.

    But since you said that I will try and log my intake for perhaps this week and next week just to see what I have been consuming and get a feel from that. I looked at some of the links provided and found that its common to eat a lot if your going for a bodybuilder build...I like eating but not that much D:

    Well if you don't log and plateau at some point, we won't be able to provide constructive advice. It's also hard to determine if you are getting adequate protein or calories. If you really want to get that type of lean body, I would highly suggest logging calories until you reach your goal. Also, you are a women, so you will pretty much never get that huge body building type body. Below is an example of a power lifter who eats 3000-4000 calories and jumps between cuts and bulks. But honing in on your nutrition is the key part of getting lean and fit.
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    bump for later reading
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    StrongLifts 5X5 and Zuzka Light's workouts.

    Eat healthy and never starve yourself. For workouts like these, your body needs food to process.

    All the best.

    These are awesome. So is "You are Your Own Gym". Best of luck!