75 day commitment challenge



  • cynthappy2
    cynthappy2 Posts: 18 Member
    I am in! Have not been using MFP as I should and I'm determined to loose these 40lbs!

    My will long in daily
    Stay within my food count
    Exercise 4 days a week (minimum)
    Started today!
  • peteharpen
    peteharpen Posts: 4 Member
    I'm following the South Beach diet. Myfitnesspal is helping too because it helps me keep track. I'm on day 2. Wish me luck. I can do it for 75 days
  • Takinha
    Takinha Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in!

    I love challenges and hopefully this one will keep me on track for 75 days.

    My goals are:

    1- Exercise at least 4 times a week
    2- Lose at least 30lbs
    3- Support as many people as I can because I know how hard it is to lose weight.
  • KirbyT16
    KirbyT16 Posts: 411
    I'm in!

    1. Log in and record everything!!!!!
    2. Exercise 6 days per week
    3. Drink more water
    4. Lose 20 pounds by the end of the 75 days.

    If I add anything else I will let you guys know.

    Anyone can add me!!!
  • So here's myupdate and/or progress so far...

    First week of September vs. Today:
    Weight: 172 vs. 159
    Body fat %: 32 vs. 24
    Waistline inches: 39 vs. 35


    Additional goals - Fitness:
    Ability to do 50 push-ups, 50 dips and 20 pull-ups
    Sub 6 minute mile
    sub 20 minute 5k

    So the progress has been decent, and just working towards feeling, looking and performing better.

    Best of luck to all of you as well :)

  • pandamars
    pandamars Posts: 88 Member
    Stay on my calorie count and be committed and finish JBMR (though it's90 days XD)! :D (And try to do the superman workout properly. I hate that but I am trying)
  • rosettafaery
    rosettafaery Posts: 102 Member
    Count me in!

    My doctor advised I'm in a healthy weight range but I need to become more active to help my heart condition, kidney transplant and bone problems.

    My goals will be:

    1. Log my food and drinks every day
    2. Exercise 6 days a week (Follow the blogilates calendar and hit the gym if I can too)
    3. Take progress pictures (and be brave enough to share them with you guys!)

    My aim is to be happier and healthier! :)
  • patmoomur
    patmoomur Posts: 31 Member
    OK. This is going to be hard. My weakness is sweets. I don't drink pop or milk, only almond breeze. I tend to want to snack. I snack on 100 cal popcorn, rice crackers etc. I just have a problem with sweets. Pies etc.
    I have to lose close to 100 ibs, I am in for the 75 day challenge. I will stick to my calorie intake and log every day. I do walk 3 to 4 times a week, and I exercise mostly yoga for muscle tone. We'll see how you company helps. I will check in daily when I am home. There may be times I am away. Not sure how to handle that. I won't have internet access. Maybe I'll bring prints of my meals or other days and use them as menus. Any other ideas?
  • rilenn
    rilenn Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in....starting today. My goal is to actually USE MFP and log my food diary daily. I'll also try to do a minimum of 3 days a week of exercise. I've yo-yo'd my weight over the years, but its time to realize my goal of 185lbs....currently I am at 205. I believe that by logging in and doing the challenge with others, it will motivate me to stay the course. :)
  • neeliemcginley
    neeliemcginley Posts: 3 Member
    I am commiting to logging absolutely everything I eat over 75 days....

    Also going out for a daily walk at lunchtim when I can manage, and jogging at least 3 times a week if only for 20 minutes at a time.

    The little things will take care of the big things, and I should lose weight!!
  • I'm in. I'm going to log everything, everyday. Good or bad. I don't really count calories, but I will keep them reasonable. I WILL BE IN THE GYM AT LEAST 3X A WEEK! Also, I will lose 26 lbs, and increase my muscle tone and general strength! This will be a good challenge and I'm ready to go!

    Feel free to add me everyone and we can keep each other motivated!
  • mjgrin
    mjgrin Posts: 883 Member
    I'm a few days late, but I'll just start mine today. I'm going to commit to drinking at least 100 oz of water a day for 75 days. I hardly drink water, and I know I am dehydrated.

    Good luck to you all!
  • neeliemcginley
    neeliemcginley Posts: 3 Member
    Day one...down! Did well and back on track!! Yay!

    Feel free to add me if you like!!!
  • Im in!

    My commitment will be to
    - Log all foods
    -Stay within 1.200 when not working out
    - Be active, I work in a fitness studio and have access to classes!
    - Go gym 4-5 times a week
    - To be my goal weight of 140lbs

    Feel free to add me if you want support! Because I sure as hell need it !
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Me I'm in... feel free to add me. My chalange is no booze until Xmas, exercise 5 days a week, 1500 cals per day and reduced carbs!
  • Im in! - feel free to add me (not sure how to do this myself!) anyway challenge is no booze and to eat net kcals per day :)
    gym 5 times a week too!
  • yep i'm in too, 3rd week of tap out, going to complete it, i'll log all food intake and more importantly not miss any days (except my rest day) good luck everyone!
  • rosettafaery
    rosettafaery Posts: 102 Member
    Hi All!

    I had already been logging everything for a little bit before this challenge came up.

    So today I have hit 11 days of logging. I've managed to get up and moving doing some form of exercise for 10 of these days (around half an hour or more if I can manage it)! When considering in September I only exercised on about 3 days in total.

    I have gone over on my calories a couple of times, but sometimes it was by less than 10 calories. My food selections are slowly getting healthier and I'm eating better and drinking more water.

    I struggle a little on weekends to stick to my plan - it's so easy to keep up my water intake at work with water coolers!

    Hope everyone is doing great and making progress too!
  • Me I'm in... feel free to add me. My chalange is no booze until Xmas, exercise 5 days a week, 1500 cals per day and reduced carbs!

    Good luck, if you need any support with the low carb, shoot me a message. If you need ideas we can trade :)!
  • kssnuo89
    kssnuo89 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in! My challenge:
    -go to the gym 4x/week
    -watch my carbs (30-50grams/day)
    -ZERO sugar (this will be the hardest part)
    -if I'm really craving badly I will have a piece of dark chocolate
    -add me :)