1st Sprint Triathalon Advice Please



  • jeepyj93
    jeepyj93 Posts: 392 Member
    When you get there to set up you may have a spot designated or it may be random racking. Rack your bike and this is what I do and bring.
    Towel,wet suit , cap,goggles,bike shoes, socks, bike shirt,helmet,glasses,Garmin, race number belt, running shoes, running cap.
    I lay out my towel depending on how much space is allowed it may be folded up small.
    I put my helmet and glasses on my handle bars of my bike, place bike shoes with a sock in each and opened up so easy to get on, I lay them on top of my shirt and my Garmin and race belt. Last I put on my helmet and do it up then glasses then I grab my bike.
    Number one rule you can not touch your bike until helmet is on and done up them you can remove your bike.
    Behind the bike shoes I put my running shoes and hat.
    If you don't wear bike shoes that saves a step in transition but I find I like to ride clipped in.
    The race belt helps because your number is to be on your back on the bike and in front for the run.
    When you exit the water you will run up a path to bike staging area they may have wet suit strippers use them if they do it really helps get you out of it faster. Please don't throw your wet suit onto some ones else's set up that isn't nice( had to search for my stuff under a wet suit not happy).
    Right now worry about finishing not about speedy times or transition times take the time to get your shoes on properly helmet fasten correctly .
    Practice this with your bricks do a couple coming from the water to bike and a couple bike to run. Lay out your set up.
    I swim in my biking shorts and a sports bra under my wet suit so I only need a shirt then I run in them as well.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    wet suit? here in australia they probably arent needed as in summer we hit 35 - 40 degrees so the water is will be nice. probably wouldnt need a towel either cos you would be dry by the time you get to your bike.

    i figured some type of suit that i can wear for all three events. then transitions will only involve shoe changes from clip ins to runners.
  • jeepyj93
    jeepyj93 Posts: 392 Member
    Lucky you our water is never that warm last year one swim the water was only 13C so it was cold. I use the towel to dry my feet only just to help getting socks on. I swim in my bike/ Tri shorts and sports bra so I only need to put on a shirt.
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    What do you NEED?
    a bike
    running shoes
    swim goggles
    something to wear

    Bike: There's no rules saying you have to have a Tri/TT bike, or even a road bike. I bet 30% of the field of your first tri will be riding something else - MTB with slicks, a hybrid, even cruisers. If you are a strong swimmer, lots a road and TT bikes will pass you early in the bike, but no one will kick you off the course.

    Helmet: An aero helmet is the best bang for the buck upgrade. HOWEVER without a TT bike, or at the very least, clip ons on a road bike, they'll do more harm than good

    Running shoes: no brainer :D . If you want to be a little more efficient on the bike, you can get pedal straps to hold your running shoes to the pedals.

    Goggles: you COULD go without, but the $10-20 you spend here will make your swim more enjoyable

    something to wear: Tri suits are meant to swim in and ride in and run in. They are padded, but minimal padding that won't stay wet the whole race, and won't get in your way running. IF it's a wetsuit race - many aren't wetsuit legal - you'll have to figure a good way to get out of the wetsuit too!


    Bricks! Bricks! Swim then bike. Bike then run. i.e. take your bike to the pool/lake, do a swim workout, then immediately hop on the bike and ride. Likewise, go biking then hop off and immediately start running. Each part uses different muscles, it will feel weird the first few (dozen) times!

    You'll spend the most time on the bike, but races are won and lost in the run. But if you don't have enough bike fitness, your run will suck. You'll need to train all 3, but IMHO spend the most effort on running (most time will be biking though, just cause you can go for hours much easier than running for hours)
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Newbie here...
    what are bricks?
  • jeepyj93
    jeepyj93 Posts: 392 Member
    Brick= swim to bike or bike to run
  • crash_aly
    Lately I have been focusing on running. Overall it is my strongest sport but since my hip injury I have had to start over. This morning I did 2.5 miles and feel like the run will be easiest for me overall. I often do other cardio exercises like elliptical or stair climber before I run.

    I will start incorporating bricks as soon as possible (likely in the Spring when it is nice enough outside to do them).

    The more I learn the more excited I am getting. Thanks everyone for you help!
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    bricking means putting the 2 diciplines together in one training session to simulate the race conditions.

    i did a swim then bike last night but i wouldnt call it bricking because i spent 15 minutes after swimming having a shower, getting dressed etc.
  • Im4gin3th4t
    Im4gin3th4t Posts: 29 Member
    Someone else mentioned beginnertriathlete.com which is a great site for tri information! And if you have an extra 15 bucks you should buy Triathlon for the Every Woman by Meredith Atwood, it's a great source for a newbie and provides a few laughs :)

    For my first triathlon my only gear was...

    volleyball spandex
    sports bra
    swim cap(provided by the race)

    hybrid bike
    cycling jersey (you can wear any kind of tech tee, just avoid cotton b/c it won't dry very quickly and will get uncomfortable)
    running shoes
    cheap watch

    same as bike just without the helmet, bike and camelpak lol

    and you'll want a small towel for your transition area, maybe some body glide if you are prone to chafing