Please, How bout some menu help for me

I have a situation where, I am reliant on others for my food stuffs, yet can influence it a bit.

Currently we a Big Easter Type Ham, Some red beans and rice, and black beans and rice.

Cottage cheese cans of peas and corn, (I know ) pre packaged rice thingy's

Cereal and Almond Breeze Milk Turkey deli meat Bread (I Know) Chicken nuggets frozen

bananas can pineapples manwich and 1lb of hamburger boxes of corn bread mix peanut butter and strawberry jam

egglands eggs Hasbrowns shredded , shredded cheese , pop tarts, jar applesauce, left over Halloween candy, way too much

And water aand some Zero sports drinks

Help is needed to get a heatlthy menu form this junk,

Say 2 poached eggs for breakfast, I have that microwave thing to poach eggs , it works great

but do I use toast or not, maybe 1 slice, and no butter or a special type of butter

maybe a turkey sandwich for lunch

You know reading this is making me see how futile this attempt is going to be, I need new food and a whole weeks worth to start this change.

I understand it should be like







But if a EatstopEat attempt is made then, how would that go and what calorie limit should I set, about 2800, for my size?

Remember I do not eat veggies and ge3t violently sick if I try to eat spinach, broccoli, etc...but have managed to eat spinach leaves in a salad with some chicken slices before, Love cottage cheese, most beans except wax and green , but maybe if juiced I could get them down, is this possible, we have a magic bullet here

The day must begin with some step being taken, please help with some realistic choices, even something as "Portion Control:, of the things I eat know may be a starting place too, ????

I been gouging at breakfast, and for the millionth time I just swore off Biscuits and Gravy for a few months, and then maybe I could have it in much smaller portions , now and then, instead of using as my main source of nutrition. Ham steaks and imitation crab omelets with hashbrowns have been my main meals, but maybe if portioned correctly these still could work without the hashbrowns maybe???

Thanks for any help



  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I have a situation where, I am reliant on others for my food stuffs, yet can influence it a bit.

    Currently we a Big Easter Type Ham, Some red beans and rice, and black beans and rice.

    Cottage cheese cans of peas and corn, (I know ) pre packaged rice thingy's

    Cereal and Almond Breeze Milk Turkey deli meat Bread (I Know) Chicken nuggets frozen

    bananas can pineapples manwich and 1lb of hamburger boxes of corn bread mix peanut butter and strawberry jam

    egglands eggs Hasbrowns shredded , shredded cheese , pop tarts, jar applesauce, left over Halloween candy, way too much

    And water aand some Zero sports drinks

    Help is needed to get a heatlthy menu form this junk,

    Say 2 poached eggs for breakfast, I have that microwave thing to poach eggs , it works great

    but do I use toast or not, maybe 1 slice, and no butter or a special type of butter

    maybe a turkey sandwich for lunch

    You know reading this is making me see how futile this attempt is going to be, I need new food and a whole weeks worth to start this change.

    I understand it should be like







    But if a EatstopEat attempt is made then, how would that go and what calorie limit should I set, about 2800, for my size?

    Remember I do not eat veggies and ge3t violently sick if I try to eat spinach, broccoli, etc...but have managed to eat spinach leaves in a salad with some chicken slices before, Love cottage cheese, most beans except wax and green , but maybe if juiced I could get them down, is this possible, we have a magic bullet here

    The day must begin with some step being taken, please help with some realistic choices, even something as "Portion Control:, of the things I eat know may be a starting place too, ????

    I been gouging at breakfast, and for the millionth time I just swore off Biscuits and Gravy for a few months, and then maybe I could have it in much smaller portions , now and then, instead of using as my main source of nutrition. Ham steaks and imitation crab omelets with hashbrowns have been my main meals, but maybe if portioned correctly these still could work without the hashbrowns maybe???

    Thanks for any help


    Awww, honey, how long are on the road, at a time and do you have a microwave/hot plate/stove and/or fridge in your truck?
  • donjessop
    You are probably going to need a lot of protein in your diet. The Institute of Medicine talks about 0.37 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. This equates to about 4 oz of cooked chicken breast for every 100 pounds of body weight. (I buy pre-cooked chicken breast, divide it up into 100 gram bags and use that as a serving when I have salads.) You would need to eat 6 eggs for every 100 pounds of body weight so keep that in mind. At 400 pounds you need to eat a pound of cooked chicken a day for your protein requirements.

    If you have a cooler in your truck that you can put things in, hard boiled eggs would work for a snack food. Apples with peanut butter would also make for a healthy snack. I used to hate salads as well, but I found that making my own salads with my own ingredients worked out much better. (Particularly since I loved having banana peppers on them.) I would top up the salad with one of my bags of pre-cooked chicken warmed up in the microwave. You need to find nutrient dense food, that you like, that are "portable" in nature. Make Tuna Fish sandwiches for your road trips.

    But, above all, you need to track what you are eating. "Knowing" what you are eating and tracking it are two different things. People who are meticulous about tracking their food and keeping their food diary up to date are more likely to lose weight.

    I'm with you all the way.
  • pktruckdriver
    pktruckdriver Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks for the reply.

    Guess there is little response for this serious question, to me the most important .

    I always wanted to know how to go shop for a week of eating better, even if only portioned smaller, or completely change my menu.

    OH well

  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Again Patrick? How many times are you going to make this attempt with no success? Eat less, doesn't matter what the food is just eat less. Set budget, not 2800, more in the 2,000 range and stick to it. Skip the biscuits and gravy, get over the freak out about anything that resembles a vegetable, and do the work.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Eat the stuff you like the best, just make sure you eat within your calorie goal. You can take vitamins if you want, but unless you're going vegetarian or vegan, you shouldn't have to worry too much about nutrition, especially if you're paying attention to it.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Thanks for the reply.

    Guess there is little response for this serious question, to me the most important .

    I always wanted to know how to go shop for a week of eating better, even if only portioned smaller, or completely change my menu.

    OH well


    I detect apathy in your reply. I asked you a question and didn't get an answer, but you want to be immediately defeated. Here's the real truth:

    YOU are YOUR problem. Stop allowing yourself to be defeated and certainly stop looking for reasons why your diet won't work.

    You are no different than anyone else, here, regardless of what you want to tell yourself. When you're ready to really change, you'll make the effort to implement the changes. No one here is perfect, despite what they might lead you to believe, plenty of us got to where we are making progress, little by little.

    So, I agree with the others--eat what you like to eat, but cut your portions by half. If you like biscuits and gravy, eat half the portion, if you normally eat a whole portion...and don't eat anything extra. If half is too drastic for you, eat 2/3 of what you'd normally eat. Portion it out, toss the extra, and enjoy your food!

    As you make progress you can live with, implement additional changes. Maybe, cutting back another 1/3 or more. Perhaps, incorporating fruits, veggies, and salads into your meal structure.

    You CAN do better, if you want to. Plain and simple. If you can get over the "woe is me" attitude and realize this requires effort and resolve, on your part, you'll start doing better.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Are you logging your foods?
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    I work with a bunch of mechanics and CDL drivers and we are always going out to eat. I don't skip joining then I just make sure to watch my portions and I log EVERYTHING. I make sure to keep whatever I decide to ingest with in my calorie goals. Yes there are certain food that test my willpower but when you want something bad enough you will make the right decision.
    I suggest you just watch your portions. Being on the road makes it harder but not impossible.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    any or all of that stuff is fine... as long as you stick to your calorie goal....
  • jeanywren
    jeanywren Posts: 72 Member
    Patrick, you have been given all kinds of help on here and you continue to eat the stuff that is very high in fat and sodium I know it was suggested to you by someone that lost a lot of weight, to buy a rotisserie chicken, even if you eat the whole thing for a meal, rather than some of the stuff you do eat. Fruit and vegetables can be your friend if you just try to eat some that you might be able to like. Stay out of restaurants that serve buffets because it is too easy to overeat there.

    No one has the magic answer, the work must come from within yourself. You can do it if you try. Quit acting defeated and put a little effort into this. It is hard for all of us. I am 70 and have lost almost 30 pounds to date. It is not easy and I am not very active but do manage to slow walk when I can. Of course it was easier when I was young and some people never learn (like me) and don't keep it off.

    Buck up friend and show us you can do this
  • pktruckdriver
    pktruckdriver Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks for the reply.

    Guess there is little response for this serious question, to me the most important .

    I always wanted to know how to go shop for a week of eating better, even if only portioned smaller, or completely change my menu.

    OH well


    I detect apathy in your reply. I asked you a question and didn't get an answer, but you want to be immediately defeated. Here's the real truth:

    YOU are YOUR problem. Stop allowing yourself to be defeated and certainly stop looking for reasons why your diet won't work.

    You are no different than anyone else, here, regardless of what you want to tell yourself. When you're ready to really change, you'll make the effort to implement the changes. No one here is perfect, despite what they might lead you to believe, plenty of us got to where we are making progress, little by little.

    So, I agree with the others--eat what you like to eat, but cut your portions by half. If you like biscuits and gravy, eat half the portion, if you normally eat a whole portion...and don't eat anything extra. If half is too drastic for you, eat 2/3 of what you'd normally eat. Portion it out, toss the extra, and enjoy your food!

    As you make progress you can live with, implement additional changes. Maybe, cutting back another 1/3 or more. Perhaps, incorporating fruits, veggies, and salads into your meal structure.

    You CAN do better, if you want to. Plain and simple. If you can get over the "woe is me" attitude and realize this requires effort and resolve, on your part, you'll start doing better.

    Hard to argue this, so I will not. It hits home just right. Action is my one area of my life truly suffering, my ability to change and stick with it.
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good for you for not hiding in the face of truth. I was once there, and it's a hard fact to face. It gets easier, though, and it becomes empowering when you start realizing that you are in charge of your own life and making changes accordingly. Keep examining your life, and start implementing changes to better yourself. ;)
  • danalynn25
    danalynn25 Posts: 4 Member
    There is NO excuse why you cannot lose weight on the road. My husband is an OTR driver and has lost OVER 100lbs and is still losing. Let me tell you the boy eats! He was flirting with 400lbs he is now 275 last I asked him. He HATED salads he did the whole gagging when he ate them bull crap but you know what one day he decided either he loses the weight or he could kiss his life good bye. Ya know he eats a salad just fine now. He is telling me right now the only thing you should eat out of a truck stop is a Subway sandwich that is the under 6 grams of fat. Every morning no matter what he will go for at least a mile walk and when he parks for the night he tries to get at least 2 miles in. Secondly he stopped being a BOX JOCKEY. He does either end dump, tanker or flatbed so he is FORCED to get out of that drivers chair and move around. If you track your food cut back the bread, pasta, and other high carb and high fat foods not eliminate them just cut back you will see a difference.
  • kw1452
    kw1452 Posts: 113 Member
    My advice is to do some research in your spare time. Learn what the food that you are putting into your body actually does to you. Learn what foods could be better. Watch some documentaries on nutrition. Watch something inspirational. Ive done tons of research and am slowly learning how to change my diet for the better. For long term loss and health benefits.

    I just watched "fat sick and nearly dead" and it was totally inspirational. I'm not saying to go on a crazy juice diet like they do in the movie, but you need to see other people, like you, actually forcing themselves to change and succeed. In that movie, the second half is all about a 400+ lb truck driver who just cant take his health problems anymore and does something about it. It made me cry. Beautiful story.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Eat what you've got this week, but LOG IT.

    Log everything. Be consistent with your logging. Don't worry about if you go over for the first week or two. Just learn to be consistent.

    That's your starting point.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Just a couple suggestions with what you listed:

    Eggs are good - add a slice of ham and a slice of toast (just make sure you don't use too large a portion of ham as the eggs are protein also

    I love cottage cheese with some fruit added and pineapple is one of my favorites

    maybe a bean soup or split pea with some of that ham?

    As previously stated a big thing with the foods listed is portion control and keeping track.

    If you have a bullet then you can make some smoothies using a small yogurt cup and some fresh berries and your pineapple and kale and spinach actually blend in so well that you would never taste a small handful. If you need a bit more liquid almond milk or even a bit a water.

    make gradual changes that won't totally change your grocery list but figure out what vegetables you can tolerate and slowly introduce them

    Hope that was a little bit helpful