Have you Done Insanity AND FocusT25?

I have a question for those of you that have.

Back in the 8th grade I tore my meniscus in my right knee and didn’t much care about physical therapy back then. But I didn’t have any problems with it and it seemed to have healed fine. I started getting healthy again in January of this year, completed Les Mils Combat & TurboFire with no knee problems (as well as running on “rest days,” weekends, etc.) and decided that I was going to start my white whale, Insanity. This is something that has been on the workout “bucket list” since the day I saw the infomercial.

I purchased Insanity and got through the first 3 weeks or so and I started feeling a little more sore in my knee. So I iced and elevated and soaked and modified the workouts. I was 3 days away from completing the first month and the pain in my knee became unbearable. I was making sure my form was perfect, not compromising form for speed, etc., but I still had major pain and swelling in my bad knee. So bad that I had dreams that someone was stabbing me in my knee or I was having surgery without anesthesia and would wake up from the pain.

So, it has been determined that Insanity is not the workout for me (at least at this time). I LOVE Insanity and the intensity of the workouts and the sense of accomplishment you feel when you are done. I was also starting to see results with my own 2 eyes which means that the results were much better than what I expected! (It usually takes a lot of months of progress pictures for me to realize there is any difference). I am wondering if I have problems with my knee while doing Insanity, will I have those same problems if I try FocusT25? I am told there is less jumping and that doing 25 minutes as opposed to 40+ will be better. But I REALLY don’t want to spend the money on another program that I won’t be able to complete.

Any advice or suggestions are GREATLY appreciated!


  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    T25 = Insanity Lite.

    Basically the same program but with the warmup, breaks and cool downs taken out. For me T25 does not feel as challenging in the 25 minutes as Insanity did. I would guess having finished LM Combat and Turbo Fire will likely put you in the same boat as me. In order for me to feel I got a workout in I have to double up.

    I'm not saying it is a bad program, I'm saying it is better suited as an Intro to Insanity.

    Hope your knee gets better.
  • rolemodel69
    You still have jumping exericices in T25 BUT you also have Non-Plyo Modifier for every exercices in each workout. The modified moves are always non-plyo and less intense so it should give your knees a chance.

    I was burning 300-450 calories per 25 minutes workout so it is still a good intense workout even if it is short.

    If you want to try T25, you have a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee so if you don't like it or if it hurts your knees, you can always send it back and get a refund. Let me konw if you need more information!

    We also have a nice T25 Facebook group, you are welcome to join us ! https://www.facebook.com/groups/393317764079633/
  • ItsSlimpossible12
    ItsSlimpossible12 Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks for the comments/advice! I appreciate it. I was a little worried about feeling that T25 wasn't as "intense" or "full" of a workout as I would want.
  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    I ran into similar issues with Insanity. I have chrondromalacia in my knee and at about a month into insanity it was so painful I could barely walk. So, that was the end of that. I'm currently four weeks into T25 and doing much better. I do modify some exercises. I have found for me that jumping is fine, as long as it is straight up and down but when I jump and turn, there can be issues. So, I modify the excercises where I may land and twist a bit on the knee. So, far so good.
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    I also have had past knee problems and was worried about the insanity workout, but it didn't bother it too bad (maybe a few days icing here and there). I'm actually in the second week of Beta now for T25 and my knee is awful!! I really like it and will continue, but you may find the need to modify. I completely agree with the user that said T25 = Insanity LITE though...I think I'm an oddity that I got through Insanity, but struggling with my joints on T25. As a woman, I burn approximately 175-250 cal/workout as opposed to 400-550/workout with Insanity according to my HRM avg heart rate..I take the burns with a grain of salt though because of the strength exercises. Like Rolemodel said, there is the guarantee, so why not give it a go?? :) I will admit, I do not feel "satiated" by T25 alone, so I also lift 3-4 days a week with it, but overall, it is a great workout. Good luck! Just wanted to give you another two cents!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    T25 borrows the basic format of Shaun T's dance-based program, Rockin' Body, and applies it to Insanity-style drill instruction. In order to be able to eschew the warmup (to save time) workouts start out relatively low impact, low intensity, and simple in movement. As the workout goes on, the intensity and complexity of movement gradually increase, until the last 5-10 minutes or so where you go through the whole sequence at balls-to-the-wall Intensity, similar to what Insanity workouts are like. The basic structure started out with his Rockin' Body series, which got very little publicity (but is a great cardio workout in and of itself). He more or less basically just took Rockin' Body, and swapped dancing for Insanity-style drill instruction moves.