1200 Calorie's per day... forever?



  • VoodooAborisha
    VoodooAborisha Posts: 147 Member
    Actually, I feel like I am in the same boat as you! I am scared about being hungry forever.

    (the people who say 1200 is too little for 'anybody' should go and punch in some short people stats into MFP - even MFP tells us shorties to eat 1200, and I spoke to a famous author of fitness books once, and he said short people should aim at around 1200, because the guidelines everyone else is reading is for people who are, on average, taller than us, and that he found that the majority of the short ladies in his program did not lose weight on more than 1200 net)

    My daily goal is around 1100 - 1200 net, so if I exercise 300 cals, I will eat 1400 - 1500. But if I go over this, I either gain weight or at least certainly don't lose. I have lost 10 lbs at around 1100 net, and yesterday I was over about 100 cals, and gained half a pound back. And you know what? I am HUNGRY! The only way I can get through the day is I have to wait as late in the morning as I can stand it to eat my little banana and maybe a handful of nuts, then I have enough calories left over for a supper that will make my belly full enough so I can sleep. I love working out because on those days I can eat more. But I am worried because if I gain weight at 1200 -1300 cals net, that means if I want to keep my weight off, I will have to be hungry for the rest of my life. Or exercise more, so I can eat more, but I have a 3 year old little boy and I am working and going to school, I don't think I will ever be a 2 hours of exercise kind of girl - I'd rather be hungry and spend that time with my kid. Anyone else feel trapped? Had me a burger yesterday because I have been dying for 'real food' all this week, but then I had to have hardly anything for supper. tired of being hungry. I can't help thinking that my work would be more productive if I had a full tummy. But I can't fit in the exercise to give me more calories so I can eat more. What do we do?
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    (the people who say 1200 is too little for 'anybody' should go and punch in some short people stats into MFP - even MFP tells us shorties to eat 1200, and I spoke to a famous author of fitness books once, and he said short people should aim at around 1200, because the guidelines everyone else is reading is for people who are, on average, taller than us, and that he found that the majority of the short ladies in his program did not lose weight on more than 1200 net)

    Two people who plug the same weight in will get similar guidelines. As short people, we have less total lean body mass than a taller person, and weigh less when we're at our ideal weights. So yeah, when you're small, you don't burn as many calories. (It's physics, b-tches!)
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    Actually, I feel like I am in the same boat as you! I am scared about being hungry forever.


    My daily goal is around 1100 - 1200 net, so if I exercise 300 cals, I will eat 1400 - 1500. But if I go over this, I either gain weight or at least certainly don't lose. I have lost 10 lbs at around 1100 net, and yesterday I was over about 100 cals, and gained half a pound back. And you know what? I am HUNGRY! The only way I can get through the day is I have to wait as late in the morning as I can stand it to eat my little banana and maybe a handful of nuts, then I have enough calories left over for a supper that will make my belly full enough so I can sleep. I love working out because on those days I can eat more. But I am worried because if I gain weight at 1200 -1300 cals net, that means if I want to keep my weight off, I will have to be hungry for the rest of my life. Or exercise more, so I can eat more, but I have a 3 year old little boy and I am working and going to school, I don't think I will ever be a 2 hours of exercise kind of girl - I'd rather be hungry and spend that time with my kid. Anyone else feel trapped? Had me a burger yesterday because I have been dying for 'real food' all this week, but then I had to have hardly anything for supper. tired of being hungry. I can't help thinking that my work would be more productive if I had a full tummy. But I can't fit in the exercise to give me more calories so I can eat more. What do we do?

    I am 5'1" and 100 lbs and maintaining currently at 1500 NET. I don't starve. In fact, I'm actually concerned that I'm not eating enough because my strength gains are a little slower than I like. My measurements have actually either stayed the same or gone down after I started strength training in maintenance(I've actually been reading this forum because I'm contemplating a slow bulk). My maximum cardio/circuit training/kickboxing workouts average 45 minutes--definitely not 2 hours (I work full time and have a 12 year old son). The weight you gained over the weekend is probably not fat gain. Your 1/4 lbs gain probably has more to do with the fact that ate a quarter pounder the day after you ate 500 calories total, and not going over 100 calories for the day.

    TL;DR: , You're not resigned to 1100 calories a day forever even if you're short. Eat up!
  • OneDimSim
    OneDimSim Posts: 188 Member
    Since I have started with MFP, I have lost a bit of weight. I am 5'3 and from what it looks like online, I am supposed to be eating 1600 + calories a day. From watching what I eat and controlling my portions, there is no way that I could ever go back to more than 1200 calories. I eat the right food and take tons of vitamins and am full and satisfied with the meals and periodic snacks I eat. Is this bad?? Should I shove food in my face to get the calories I should eat or am I fine staying around 1200 calories forever?



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    :drinker: Astute!
  • I too have this problem! SInce I stopped eating donuts and chocolate all day and started eating protein and veggies I have found myself too full to eat. People on here gave me the suggestions of putting olive oil or butter on my food, as well as drinking calories from things like V8 (not the fruity kind). It has been helping a lot! Although, I would also suggest working out because after I workout for an hour I have absolutely no issues netting my 1200 calories.

    I would also like to add I am 5'2", 160 lbs, and put into MFP .5lbs a week weight loss.....and it put me at 1260 calories a day.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    My guess is you are eating way too low in fats and fat is important for your hormones so eat more avocado, whole eggs, full fat dairy, nut butters, nuts and seeds healthy oils like extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil.

    Yep - this! Really easy to up calories with a tablespoon of peanut butter here, a handful of nuts there.
  • YoungIronG
    YoungIronG Posts: 125 Member
    I definitely wouldn't call 1600 calories a day "shoving food in my face."

    funny, because i was thinking the same thing