New member! :)

Hello everyone! My mame is Midnight and I'm 20 years old. I am very overweight & I am tired of it! I want to drop at least 100 lbs. I was chubby as a child, and was always bullied but once I grew taller I shed the baby fat. From the ages of 13-16 I was average weight but thought I was fat. My junior year of high school I gained a bit of weight. Then I had an extreme attack of my emetophobia (fear of vomiting) which went hand in hand with extreme anxiety. I stopped eating and lost some weight. I was put onto antidepressants and those caused weight gain along with the fact that I began eating again. Since the age of 18 I have been gaining weight. I have been on psychiatric drugs since then for my bad anxiety and almost all of them cause weight gain. That with the fact that I love food and get the worst cravings. That is why I haven't dropped any weight. Food cravings come along and I let them take over.

I came on here because logging my food really makes me feel accountable! Then I noticed there was a community and I was thrilled. If anyone wants to be friends, add me, I need support along my journey xx


  • We are in the same boat with the medicine, my last anxiety med caused me to gain 50 lbs!
  • Sobeone
    Hello Midnight. Logging food is a major help for losing weight. The most important thing is that you are ready. If you are truly tired of being fat and want to live your life to its fullest, then its time to say to yourself no excuses and just do it. If you start now, in 6 months from now you will look back and be so glad that you made the decision to do it. Don't think you are going to do it, know that it is as good as done. Send me a friends invite if you would like. I'm a good cheerleader