5'8" Woman and Curious About Other 5'8" Women



  • fitnhealthymama2
    fitnhealthymama2 Posts: 33 Member
    My goal is 155, but I'd be more than happy with 160-165. I'm 36 years old with a child.

    In H.S. I was 140 and that was thin & healthy. At one point with stress I was down to 130 & family & friends thought I had an eating disorder that's how sickly thin I looked.
  • Grizelda76
    Grizelda76 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5' 8 and currently at 153 lbs and my goal is 140. Any lower than that and I look gaunt!
  • acenead
    acenead Posts: 2 Member
    i don't identify as female but i'm dfab and 5'8. i'm 200 right now, my goal is 160-170
  • TiffersStr1
    TiffersStr1 Posts: 67 Member
    Aiming for 165 but once I get there may adjust as I see fit. :happy:
    Good luck everyone!
  • Lynnmi07
    Lynnmi07 Posts: 131 Member
    I'm 5'8 I find I look good between 150-165. At 137 a lot of people thought I was anorexic. I think I'm big boned so I look very bony with lower body fat. I actually cringe now when I look at photos from 137 and that is actually the middle of the normal weight for those who are 5'8.
  • Kathryn41057
    Kathryn41057 Posts: 181 Member
    Im 56, 5'8-5'9" and I weigh 194... I'm working to get to 175. I am a work in progress... :) I'm classed as small boned, but I tend to disagree. I feel that I am more a medium. I think the books say that I should be around 160. I've been there before, but couldn't maintain it. Went to 170-175 and felt wonderful there. Kat
  • JilloftheDead
    JilloftheDead Posts: 296 Member
    I'm 5'9" with a small frame, I'm aiming for 135 but I'll assess how I feel and look as I get there and stop before if I feel it's too small of a goal. I'm really looking to get my bf% down to 20-25%
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    I'm 5' 8" and I started at 223 pounds. I currently weigh 150.8 and my goal is 140 pounds. I wear a size 8 pant and a medium shirt now.
  • steebsthegreat
    steebsthegreat Posts: 70 Member
    I'm 5'8"! 22 years old. About a size 8, depending on where I shop.
    SW: 162
    CW: 155
    GW: 140

    I was about 130-140 in high school and got up to 160 in college (not from partying...from the snacking during study time!).
    Now I'm in the "real world" and trying to get down to a healthy 140.

    If anyone has similar stats, feel free to follow me! I'm looking for people who have similar starting and goal weights who are losing the healthy way!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I'm 5'8.75". Goal weight is 150lbs, current weight 160lbs. Currently about a size 8 in jeans (depending on the brand), and a small to medium in tops.
  • inverseofmissy
    inverseofmissy Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 5' 9" and my goal is 150 just because that's about the middle of the "healthy" BMI range for my height. I have always been told I carry my weight fairly well though and I would like to be tone when I get closer to my goal/end weight so I will really be happy with whatever weight looks good in my opinion. I'm guessing it will probably be closer to 160.
  • sassmouthpower
    I'm 66kg (145lbs) and want to get down to 60kg (132lbs) but I am not overly obsessed with the end goal because I'm pretty sure I just recently put on 2kg of muscle anyway. I'm not sure if I am deluding myself to think that's a good weight but I am doing it all the healthy way.
  • Stump_Likker
    Stump_Likker Posts: 2,059 Member
    Updating. Right now I am 168 lbs, size 8. Would like to get to 160 but I have a large frame so dont really want to go lower. Plus I have big boobs that don't really shrink with weight loss. I have lost a total of 26 lbs and only one inch off of my bust.
  • AmyWininger
    AmyWininger Posts: 150 Member
    I'm 5'8'' and i'm a size 10. Still L in shirt sizes. I'm 156 as of yesterday. Started at 178. I'd love another 20 pounds. Or at least a size 6... Or M shirt. Lol. :)
  • Redbone723
    Redbone723 Posts: 32 Member
    I have found my people! Lol! I'm 5'8 and my highest weight in my life (this past year) was 225. I'm about 218 now and my goal weight is 175 and from there I'll see if I want to come down 10 more pounds. Like a few women have stated, I don't want to be TOO thin :)
  • runshellersrun
    I am 5'7.5" my goal is 145, because that's what I weighed before my children and I was happy with how I looked. My high point was a few months ago at 161. In college, I was 130. But that was when I lived at the gym and could barely afford food, so I'm pretty sure I'll never see that number again, which is okay by me.
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    I'm always down with curious women. :wink:
  • dstevens19
    dstevens19 Posts: 233 Member
    Just barely 5'8". I started at 188 on Jan 1 and I'm well on my way to 155. But. Seem to be stuck around 164.
  • jennalennafur
    jennalennafur Posts: 80 Member
    I'm 5'8" and just starting at 189. My goal is 150 or until I look/feel good enough to wear a bikini! :p
  • kodiakke
    kodiakke Posts: 379 Member
    I'm closer to 5'9" and want to get down to 160-165. Will see from there. I'm more interested in a long lean flat muscle look than just "thin". I want that active look!