But Really? How many calories to consume??

Alrighty folks, I thought I had this down but with so many opinions, I just can't seem to figure out what I need to do to lose this weight.

SW: 295 on 8/15/13
CW: 270 on 11/1/13
GW: 145 by 12/31/14
Down 25 lbs in almost 3 months
Goal: lose 150lbs in 16 months

I have a desk job so a sedentary lifestyle, but since August, I have been working out 5 times per week, mostly cardio (spinning, zumba, running) with strength training half of the time. First I was eating 1400 calories plus all my exercise calories, so roughly 2000 per day. Then my nutritionist told me to stop eating exercise calories, so I started eating only 1400. But then I was losing my appetite for 2 weeks, lost 4lbs because I was only eating 1200-1300 calories per day.

What I do know:
- I try to eat clean
- no processed foods
- low sodium (1,500 mg per day) due to high blood pressure - FYI, no longer on meds because of my diet and weight loss!!!!!!!
- no more than 50g of fat per day, try to get it from healthy sources
- lean protein, low carbs, lots of fruits and veggies
- I eat breakfast and have 2 snacks per day

I want to do this the right way, slow and steady, I am in it for the long haul, fully committed. LOOKING FOR HELP!!

Calorie Suggestions (1,200 - 2,175)
- no less that 1,200 - AGREED
- Nutritionist - 1,500 calories, regardless of exercise
- MFP, approx 2lbs per week - 1,700 calories
- TDEE less 25% - 2,175 calories


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Do what you want on calories or whatever is working for you but your diet is low carb, low fat, low sodium, not sure how you feel about sugar but clean usually means no refined sugars. Maybe lighten up a bit on the restrictions and aim for some calorie number in the middle?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    if you lost 25 already and it's still working you should continue as you are, there's a long way to go and you can fuel a higher deficit. After 70 lbs you may need to reduce the deficit and slow down the loss rate somewhat.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    if you lost 25 already and it's still working you should continue as you are, there's a long way to go and you can fuel a higher deficit. After 70 lbs you may need to reduce the deficit and slow down the loss rate somewhat.

    This ^^

    Your plan sounds sound to me. If you are too hungry or feel like you aren't eating enough at 1500, then speak to your nutritionist about upping it another 100-200.
  • jrobershaw
    I suggest more weight training. Cardio is nice and great for you, but if you want to lose fat then you need to up the fat burner engine .... that's muscle. As we age, our muscles decline along with our metabolism if not challenged. If you add weight baring exercise to your routine, you will speed up your metabolism and increase the size of your engine... go from a clunker to a sports car! Eat clean...eat 5 to 6 times a day and drink, drink, drink water and then more water!!!!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    if you lost 25 already and it's still working you should continue as you are, there's a long way to go and you can fuel a higher deficit. After 70 lbs you may need to reduce the deficit and slow down the loss rate somewhat.


    You are over thinking it and have probably over restricted yourself which is why you lost your appetite. Try to get somewhere between 1500 -1700 but do not worry if you go over a bit if you are truly hungry. I need to eat at least some of my exercise calories most days because if I don't I get too hungry. 150 pounds in 16 months is fairly ambitious (over 2 pounds a week) when you consider that weight loss slows as you get closer to goal. Good luck !
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I tend to go a little lighter during the week (ave. 1300-1600 per day) and then go about 1600-1800 ( or a little more) on the weekends. I do usually eat back my exercise cals on the weekend, but not always through the week. I broke through a horrible plateau ( 6 weeks no loss) by upping my cals then bringing them back down again to 1500.
  • laownby
    laownby Posts: 11 Member
    I was strictly eating 1200 calories per day maximum for the first few weeks of my "diet". It worked for a couple of weeks, but then I stopped losing. I was also exercising 5 days per week, which meant that 1200 calories really wasn't going very far, besides I was starving about half the time. Now I am trying to eat somewhere around 1400 calories per day and still exercising. I am not starving and I am losing again, so I guess my body needed the extra calories. Also, I have one day (usually a weekend day) where I am more relaxed and I eat more calories. I mean, I don't go crazy and eat everything I want all day long, but I have a "cheat" meal. It makes me feel less "punished". It seems weird to eat a little more to lose weight, but I guess you can't starve your body and expect it to give anything up! haha

    Good luck!
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    Start as high as possible. Monitor your calories in and calories out as accurately as possible. If your weight is going down every week or two then you're good. If not, reduce the calorie deficit by another 100 calories. Keep going until you're losing around 0.5-1lb per week (although you may not lose every single week).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You have a nutritionist...I'd personally go with that number. You have a lot to lose...you'll need to make adjustments for sure as you lean out but 1500 gross should be fine unless you're just trying to kill yourself in the gym or something.
  • sjaykay13
    Thanks everyone!! I appreciate all the advice, I think I will probably stick with 1500 and eat some exercise calories if I need to on heavy gym days.

    Lizzy - maybe I should revisit my goal date, I don't want to set myself up for failure ie negative effects of fast weight loss, not reaching goal by target date

    cwolfman - not trying to kill myself at the gym, but I like getting a good workout in!! I've been learning to eat 30 mins before to really help with my energy!
  • sjaykay13
    And when I say sticking with 1500 calories, I am going to make sure I eat all of them each day!!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    i have a desk job.. my body bugg says i burn 3000 calories a day without exercise. that includes time spent sleeping though.

    I'm trying to eat 2000 calories. I have similar goals as you, low fat, low salt, low sugar, clean eating.

    I've been experimenting a lot with eating and diet and exercise routines lately.

    Find what works and stick with it.

    My diary has a lot of clean low sugar, low fat foods in it.

    Good luck.
  • swenkj
    Watch this video! All of your questions will be answered :)

  • sjaykay13
    Watch this video! All of your questions will be answered :)


    Thanks swenkj, love her! I follow her on IG. She mentions in the video that shes on MFP, do you know her username?
  • swenkj
    I don't, but if you find out I would love to follow her as well! :)