More protein please!

I am really trying my hardest to get back onto the healthy-eating bandwagon, however I am finding that I eat a lot of carbs during the day. I know carbs aren't always bad as they give energy but I would really love to be eating more protein.

I am not a fan of nuts and seeds, and I am getting sick of chicken breasts and eggs.

Can anyone help me out? Maybe I need to invest in protein bars to get my protein stats up?


  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    Jerky. Super high in protein. About 11 - 15 grams per 80 calories.

    Protein Chips. A google search will show many products. Personally I've used Kay's Naturals and Health Smart. They are soy based, though, so don't overdo it.

    Fish. Yummz.

    Greek Yogurt. Best protein per calorie of all yogurts. If you can't handle the flavor, go for a fat-free yogurt as next best.

    Quinoa. Substitute as rice in many meals. 20 grams per cup.

    Beans. 10 - 18 grams per cup. Not the best source, but pretty decent.
  • Regan45
    Regan45 Posts: 191 Member
    Venison, greek yogurt and protein bars.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Pork is vastly overlooked and delicious. A good protein powder in a shake you find yummy is also a good way to go.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Edamame, greek yogurt, bacon, steak, beef jerky, nut butters, beans/legumes, cheese, dairy.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I love protein bars personally. One a day. Just shoot for the ones with 20g of protein or close. I love Quest for the low carbs, but the new Pure Protein soft baked ones are absolutely delicious... but with more carbs and 'junk'. I use powders too but I need a better blender yesterday for those... Typically right now I mostly use them in oatmeals/pancakes.


    Greek yogurt

    I make crepes with 7g of protein too (3 eggs, 300g of flour, 560g of milk, makes 10), add some cheese, egg and ham and you have a high protein breakfast.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Protein bars are a handy stand by but are pretty expensive. Protein powders such as whey are good for filling the void when short on protein.

    Fish / seafood is great. eg tin of tuna or a grilled salmon fillet has over 30g protein. Shrimp and shell fish are high protein and low cal.

    Milk and cheese are high protein. Go for lower fat varieties if you need to reduce the cals, such as light mozzarella or cottage cheese.

    Brown rice, pasta and bread tend to have more protein than white so aim for those.
  • abickford82
    I'd stay away from protein bars. IMO, most of them are junk and pretty much a candy bar (which is ok as a treat) for fitness minded folks.

    Best and most nutritious way is shakes, chicken, and fish.
  • mikesgirl71
    mikesgirl71 Posts: 22 Member
    Do you all have suggestions for shakes? I went to GNC today asking about this very thing and the guy told me I had 2 choices for protein shakes, and both were $75-$100 for a 50 scoop bottle!! Figured you guys might be a tad more helpful! ha
  • sarsons2
    I never have that problem. I do try to stick to the healthy eating plate in terms of portion size, but i do eat pulses once or twice a week, regularly eat fish and (especially now its winter and cold) more red meats in stews.

    According to this site I am generally at my reccomended intake or just over by a few grams a day most days

    Cook a curry, a chili, pasta bake, casserole - all easy and cheap and a good way to get some protein, since you are not a vegetarian. Even if you were, pulses can give you a fair bit of protein too.
  • Olivia818
    Olivia818 Posts: 5 Member
    Protein shakes, hummas, any kind of beans are all amazing sources of protein. I work out during my lunch hour by walking on the treadmill, so I eat hummas and crackers before hand for energy and chick peas after to rebuild my muscles. They are such amazing foods!
  • love9705
    love9705 Posts: 478 Member
    Try greek yogurt usually about 12grams of protein

    Or use protein powder make a smoothie. I get mine from Walmart it has 20g of protein I blend it with a banana, almond milk and the protein powder. It is yummy.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    I stock my fridge with the big containers of greek yogurt and cottage cheese. Those will get you some protein!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Chicken breast and beef are staples of my diet. And I have a myriad of ways of using them.