NEW! Need to beat the Binge :(

Hi I just joined the site today after weighing in at the heaviest I have ever been (185 lbs). I want to get down to 145 and need to stop binge eating to do so. If you would like to support one another, please add me. I need all the help I can get :(


  • Adding you!

    I'm starting on this too. Binge eating is a major problem for me as well because once I start it’s this whole cycle of ‘it’s not really all that much’ and ‘I’ll just have this treat today and start avoiding empty foods tomorrow’; it’s hard to stop that reasoning but I want to get better and support others as well!
  • Arbelina
    Arbelina Posts: 102 Member
    Sigh. Similar problem here. I binge eat when I feel stressed. Maybe we can find a strategy together?
  • I also have the mentality of "I'll have one last binge and then start eating better tomorrow" But tomorrow never comes for me :( I binged yesterday but haven't today. Thanks for adding me you two :)
  • casyb360
    casyb360 Posts: 27 Member
    I defiantly need a partner (or group) to help me beat the binge!!! My worst traits are my emotional, and binge eating... feel free to add me! We can do this together!
  • Oh my gosh, if the "I'll do better starting tomorrow" bit isn't my most used I seriously, seriously need tomorrow to be today though so I'd love to be pals!!!
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    Attention fellow Binge Eaters! You are what is known as "Compulsive Overeaters". I am one myself but I have learned to manage it and have lost almost 70 lbs and maintained for one year. I am going to say something very uncomfortable here: I highly recommend you consider your condition as a bonafide addiction to food. Just consider it and check out the Overeaters Anonymous website for guidance. The "Big Book" is chock-full of amazing advice as to how to stop the cycle of compulsively bingeing, feeling guilty, trying to diet, then bingeing again. I can't recommend it highly enough to those of us who can't stop ourselves in our own power and find ourselves on the hamster-wheel of eating/guilt/dieting/eating/guilt/dieting/and on and on and on. Blessings!
  • MommyBoyer
    MommyBoyer Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for commenting! I am here because I am totally a food addict. I'm lost as to where to go, so I decided to give MFP and these forums a try. I'm going to look at the Overeaters Anonymous website. I would love to add you if that is ok. I really need accountability and want to end the 'hamster-wheel' cycle in my life.
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    Absolutely! I am happy to help in any way I can. Not only might it help you, it helps ME (by working the 12th Step - carrying the message to others). Let me know if you ever have any questions. :)
  • yornma
    yornma Posts: 58 Member
    I wouldn't say I'm addicted to food.. I just know I'm not good at I spent my time writing, which is a great brain activity but not much on the body.

    Need to add more friends to add accountability.
  • MommyBoyer
    MommyBoyer Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks! I just found an OA meeting close to me and will be checking it out. The more I read about it, the more I really feel this is for me. Again, thanks for sharing what you did!
  • I added you guys above :)

    I didn't binge yesterday at all. I only drank water for my drinks and worked out. AND I lost over 3 lbs overnight. I know it's not fat but still seeing a lower number is definitely motivating.

    Here's to day #2 without binge eating! :)
  • Here's a success story about beating the binge. It doesn't say how she did it but it's been giving me hope. Maybe you could ask her?
  • Hey there,
    I'll add you as a friend on here... I just made my account in hopes of losing the weight I need to and to stop binge eating. Some things I have found extremely helpful are to avoid food.. like, if you feel a binge coming on, determine if its just out of boredom or actual hunger. Count to 100 and see if you're still hungry. If so, go do something to keep you busy for a half hour or so. If you're still hungry, grab an apple or something and leave the kitchen. The best thing to do is keep busy! We can help each other! Good luck and stay strong :-)
  • Wow great to see this post this morning. I'm kicking myself hard! Every day seems like a struggle. I have 35 to lose,really trying to change my habits and not bingeing at night!
  • Lorelli12
    Lorelli12 Posts: 7 Member
    I'll add you!!!! I'm same, I'm a binger, it is what I would (do) look forward to as my way of relaxing. It's a total mental game. I now workout 6 days a week and that helps because not only do I immediately feel better about myself for working out but I don't want to waste my hard work on junk. I do have slip up days but they are coming fewer and far between and I start over everyday rather than waiting 'til Monday.' We can do this!
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    Thanks! I just found an OA meeting close to me and will be checking it out. The more I read about it, the more I really feel this is for me. Again, thanks for sharing what you did!

    I'm thrilled to hear this! A little advice - don't be worried if it feels difficult to go at first. It was for me. I was still experiencing strong feelings of denial (meaning, I still believed I could do this on my own, I felt like I "didn't belong there" with these other "weirdos" who had "real" problems (unlike me, hahahaha), and all that stuff). Boy was I wrong. After several meetings I realized I was in the exact same boat as the others (which ended up bringing me a lot of comfort, actually) and I needed to submit myself to a Higher Power, the 12 steps, and the other people in the group. It took a long time, but it changed my life. It doesn't *have* to take a long soon as you submit yourself to the process you start immediately. I highly recommend diving in. You won't be sorry!!! Good luck!
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    Wow great to see this post this morning. I'm kicking myself hard! Every day seems like a struggle. I have 35 to lose,really trying to change my habits and not bingeing at night!

    Just out of curiosity, and if you don't mind sharing, what foods do you tend to binge on? I ask because I have a hunch, and if I'm correct, I have a solution. :)
  • 271lisa
    271lisa Posts: 49 Member
    I just sent you a request. :)
  • Thanks. I accepted :)
  • SO my favorite saying! i think I better eat all I can because I'm gonna get back on it tomorrow! well I keep pushing it off! I've GOT to stop! we can do this!! :happy:
  • I have the same problem. I either eat constantly throughout the day or I don't eat at all, its an awful cycle I cant seem to break, and more often tha not I tend to binge. I always say tomorrow will be different and wake up only to start binging again.
  • I have trouble not overeating on my days off. Not necessarily bingeing, but eating junk all day long. I love MFP to help keep me accountable, and at least it's a way to see how many calories I'm taking in. It's been tough though, but in the long run it will pay off!
  • I added you ladies above. I hope that's ok. So far, I am 3 days binge free and working on day 4 today. I haven't gone this long in a while (pathetic, I know lol). Wish me luck on the weekend!! They are always hard for me.
  • OMG! This is all so me! It had gotten out of control to the point that I was planning what I was going to binge on all day, stop at the store and buy $20 worth of junk and eat most of it that night! I looked forward to it...tonight I get to eat McDonald's, chocolate and watch reruns of Gilmore Girls, can't wait! It's sad to think about now. I'd gotten pretty much over the true binges over the past year and just had an occasional extra snack or something. But now I'm noticing those behaviors creeping back in again. I stop on the way home and pick up a bag of chips or candy (or both) and eat some as I'm driving home and save the rest for when my boyfriend goes to bed and then I go nuts. Its still not as bad as it was but its definitely not helping me lose the weight. And if I actually started the next day like I say I'm going to without a binge, I'd be 100 lbs by now lol. I've looked into OA in the past but was wondering if the book is available somewhere without attending a meeting? Feel free to add me as a friend. It makes me feel a lot better to know I'm not the only one who deals with this. Its so frustrating to read the "just stop eating it" posts. For some people, its really not that easy. Sometimes I think its like telling an alcoholic not to drink.
  • If you eat lots of no fat foods with artificial sweetners it can actually create cravings and make you want to binge.
  • illuvatree
    illuvatree Posts: 185 Member
    I'll add you. I like to offer support whenever I can :)
  • lizzyxo
    lizzyxo Posts: 24 Member
    I am so glad this thread was made...I was losing weight pretty fast when me and my boyfriend broke up, but now we are back together, and we live together, and I eat almost like he does. except people say he's looking slimmer, and here I am 15 lbs heavier with all my success out the window. But I eat WAYYYY better than he does. He eats things I would never touch now lol. And I do emotionally eat...grrr. It is mostly at night. I have realized if I distract myself by playing music, reading or doing something that isn't just sitting there watching tv, it is easier for me to not over eat but still unwind and relax. It's so hard to stop the thought process of "oh i have been doing really good today so these two peices of cheese cake wont make a dent." and then you realize 15 lbs later...oh crap. i guess it did lol.
  • Feel free to add me too everyone. I'm a total binge eater. Its generally because I have a "small" craving and as soon as I indulge (and it can be something as TINY as a fun size snicker) I will consider my day blown and go all out for the rest of the day. We are talking over a thousand calories. Its depressing but we can do it.

    I have lost weight before. Just gotta get past the cravings. My diary is open so feel free to look and give me *kitten* for eating junk. I even have a "mindless eating" category...
  • jitsuda
    jitsuda Posts: 230 Member
    Just sent you a request! I do have the same problem!
  • becsnz1
    becsnz1 Posts: 85 Member
    Welcome to you all! I have been an eating disorder survivor for nearly 5 years now (since I finished my intense therapy - had Bulimia for 15 years) but continued with the binge part of Bulimia but without the overexercising/purging. I have learned so much along the way. Some suggestions I can make to help you:

    Food is something we MUST have to fuel our bodies and yes it is like an addiction however with an addiction such as say alcohol, with alcohol you don't NEED it to survive (you can go completely cold turkey and still survive without alcohol but not with food)

    Keep an absolutely honest food and emotions diary for as long as you are able, just write EVERYTHING in it including when you have your binge how you were feeling immediately before. This is hard work it really is but it will help you find your triggers and then you can start to work on them. Sometimes you will feel like "oh sod this I am over writing everything down" so have a break and get back into it when you are able. You will hopefully start to see patterns of when you binge, what happened immediately before or even up to a day before the binge and then be able to find strategies to cope when those stressors return.

    A good book that was recommended to me when in Eating Disorder Service care was called Overcoming Binge Eating by Dr Christopher Fairburn. Here's a link to it on Amazon,

    I bought it and got from it what was helpful for me. Not everything is helpful, so take what works for you. I attended an OA meeting once and found that was really not me at all, I attended Weight Watchers, again that was not for me.

    Never ever ever give up. It's a tough thing to overcome and don't set too high expectations as I'm sure we all know that when we don't reach those goals we set can also be a trigger to yet another binge. If something doesn't work for you try something else. Revisit those things that don't work for you at a later time, they may then work for you.

    When you are in the "right I am going to binge on ........" do something different, take deep breaths, have a bath, paint your nails, go for a walk. The feelings will be so strong you may end up just binging but make sure you log it and take note of those emotions and possible triggers (there may be a few), the time of day etc etc etc.

    Please if you want to PM me or add me.
