75 day commitment challenge



  • I'm in. I'm going to log everything, everyday. Good or bad. I don't really count calories, but I will keep them reasonable. I WILL BE IN THE GYM AT LEAST 3X A WEEK! Also, I will lose 26 lbs, and increase my muscle tone and general strength! This will be a good challenge and I'm ready to go!

    Feel free to add me everyone and we can keep each other motivated!
  • mjgrin
    mjgrin Posts: 883 Member
    I'm a few days late, but I'll just start mine today. I'm going to commit to drinking at least 100 oz of water a day for 75 days. I hardly drink water, and I know I am dehydrated.

    Good luck to you all!
  • neeliemcginley
    neeliemcginley Posts: 3 Member
    Day one...down! Did well and back on track!! Yay!

    Feel free to add me if you like!!!
  • Im in!

    My commitment will be to
    - Log all foods
    -Stay within 1.200 when not working out
    - Be active, I work in a fitness studio and have access to classes!
    - Go gym 4-5 times a week
    - To be my goal weight of 140lbs

    Feel free to add me if you want support! Because I sure as hell need it !
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Me I'm in... feel free to add me. My chalange is no booze until Xmas, exercise 5 days a week, 1500 cals per day and reduced carbs!
  • Im in! - feel free to add me (not sure how to do this myself!) anyway challenge is no booze and to eat net kcals per day :)
    gym 5 times a week too!
  • yep i'm in too, 3rd week of tap out, going to complete it, i'll log all food intake and more importantly not miss any days (except my rest day) good luck everyone!
  • rosettafaery
    rosettafaery Posts: 102 Member
    Hi All!

    I had already been logging everything for a little bit before this challenge came up.

    So today I have hit 11 days of logging. I've managed to get up and moving doing some form of exercise for 10 of these days (around half an hour or more if I can manage it)! When considering in September I only exercised on about 3 days in total.

    I have gone over on my calories a couple of times, but sometimes it was by less than 10 calories. My food selections are slowly getting healthier and I'm eating better and drinking more water.

    I struggle a little on weekends to stick to my plan - it's so easy to keep up my water intake at work with water coolers!

    Hope everyone is doing great and making progress too!
  • Me I'm in... feel free to add me. My chalange is no booze until Xmas, exercise 5 days a week, 1500 cals per day and reduced carbs!

    Good luck, if you need any support with the low carb, shoot me a message. If you need ideas we can trade :)!
  • kssnuo89
    kssnuo89 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in! My challenge:
    -go to the gym 4x/week
    -watch my carbs (30-50grams/day)
    -ZERO sugar (this will be the hardest part)
    -if I'm really craving badly I will have a piece of dark chocolate
    -add me :)
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member

    1. Complete Insanity workout
    2. Track my calories, carbs and sodium intake.
  • Im in!!

    My goals are:
    - to log in everyday and stay under my calorie goals
    - have at least 30 minutes of workout 5 days a week
    - stay on a vegan diet (been 1 week so far)

    Anyone can feel free to add me for any support needed.
  • I will start today. Maybe this will keep me committed.
  • I'll do this too. My goals are:
    1. Weight training 3 a week
    2. Yoga 3x a week
    3. 3 hours of aerobic/cardio a week
    4. Keep up on my food diary
    5. Keep up on my Exercise diary
    6. Weight daily (I do not weigh if I know I have been bad, so weigh daily keeps me honest).

    What I hope to gain/loose is the following:
    1. Look good naked
    2. Get body fat into the 20's by my scale which is now showing me at 41%.
    3. Get rid of approximately 40lbs. Weight will go from 171 to into the 130's.
  • How about, at the end of this challenge we all post our before and after pictures?
  • I'm in also!

    My goals are to start exercising again. I have completely stopped for 3 years, and I seem to be agin fast. Need motivation to move everyday.

    Thanks for doing this!

    Y'all add me!
  • sorry - posted in wrong place
  • I'm in! My goal in the next 75 days are: Log my meals everyday, stay within my allotted calories (1200 according to MFP), walk 30 minutes a day and/or do a workout dvd or 2, cut out more processed foods, keep my water intake up, and start putting more effort into me!

    Now, can anyone tell me how I can figure out really how many calories I should be eating on the days I workout? I see conflicting answers EVERYWHERE!

    ETA: I am trying to get back down to my weight after my first daughter and tone everything up :) 16-18 more lbs to go!
  • LauraJane2407
    LauraJane2407 Posts: 13 Member
    So far I've logged everything for the last 7 days so I really want to keep this up!

    1) Log everything I eat and drink and try and stay under 1500 cal
    2) work out 4 times a week
    3) weigh in every Tuesday
    4) enter an event in the new year to challenge me - maybe a 10k race

    Anyone can feel free to add me, it's great to see how everyone is getting on.

    Good luck!
  • This software figures that out for you. But, in a nutshell, you get your 1200 calories plus the number of calories you expend during your exercise. For example, you get 1200 and if you walked 4 miles and that 4 miles you used up 100 calories with each mile, then you would get 400 more calories, equally 1600 per that day.
  • c3teacher
    c3teacher Posts: 1 Member
    I need some motivation and something to keep me on track through the holidays, so I'm in! I'm a little late getting started so I guess it's a 70 day challenge for me! My goals are: 1) log in my food everyday 2)meet my 10,000 steps a day 3) get at least 30 minutes of active minutes recorded every day. Wish me luck!
  • This software does it for you. Basically, you get your base calories (1200) , plus the amount of calories you expend doing exercise.
  • christiandiaries
    christiandiaries Posts: 13 Member
    I'll join. I'll start today. I want to log my meals and eat within the recommended calories. I also plan to stick to a workout plan three times a week.
  • Wetterdew
    Wetterdew Posts: 142 Member
    Sure, I'll go. I've been cutting for two weeks and I'll probably keep going until my birthday in January, which is also around when the next semester starts and I can use the college gym to bulk again. All in all I'll have been cutting for 80 days or so.
  • I'm in!

    My Goals for the next 75 days are to:

    1. Use MFP and log meals/drinks every day
    2. Exercise at least 3 times a week
    3. Work on stress to not use binging as a release

    Feel free to add me if you'd like mutual support!
  • Count me in:D

    -Track everyday.
    -Stay within my calorie parameter
    -Work out at least 3 times a week
    -Only weigh in once every 25 days
    -Cut out fast food

    PS I'd love motivation and adds:)
  • JillSalus
    JillSalus Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in!

    My goals are to track and be accountable, get to the gym a minimum of 3x per week, and work on getting better quality sleep.

    Bathing suit season is only 7 months away. :wink:
  • I am in!

    Starting tomorrow I will:

    Log EVERYTHING I eat.

    Drink a gallon of water a day to detox.

    Eat as cleanly as possible starting when our current groceries run out (should be in about four days).

    Exercise at least five times a week.

    I am so ready for a change! I wish everyone here SO much luck!
  • I'm totally in! Starting today my goals are:

    1). Keep track of every bite that goes into my mouth
    2). Continue to work out 6 days a week
    3). Log onto MFP everyday
    4). Lose at least 20 lbs
    5). Complete Insanity

    I'm working on change and seeing results, especially with insanity and advocare, but sometimes i just need the accountability!
  • neeliemcginley
    neeliemcginley Posts: 3 Member
    On days three and so far so good! Logging all my foods, have been slightly over but think that is ok as I will balance out over next week and get used to smaller portion and needing less to get through the day.