Not hitting target calories



  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    If you eat less than you need, you're going to get really hungry. When you get really hungry, you'll overeat. When you overeat, you'll give up...that seems to be a very common thread around here.

    How much were you eating before you started the weight loss? Deduct 500 from that each day and get a little exercise. Done.
  • You're not going to do any damage short term, so take a few weeks to get the feel for how calories add up. Snacking at night will have no bearing on weight loss. I eat almost all my cals between 5 and 8pm and I'm losing steadily.

    ^ ^ That.

    I have this crazy fact to share with most of the people . . . .not all but most of the peopl I have read post from on this forum

    My crazy FACT is YOU HAVE TO EAAT TO LOOSE FAT ! Just having a goal of loosing weight and it is a real sickness that Dr. treat daily and many women die from ! I have another crazy fact would you believe if you eat healthy high protein foods you can eat so much you are sstuffed and will have to force yourself to eat every 3 hours and you will loose weight !

    OK now all you weight loose addicts prove me wrong because I can prove me 1--% right and with facs pm me for a pleaseant life and stuff yourself to loose FAT NOT JUST WEIGHT LOOSE THAT IS S SICKNESS TREATED BY DR"S !
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member

    What The Heck ! When are people going to understand that loosing fat is not about calories ! It is proper macros and proper healthy food intake ! I am loosing weigh and my goal is 3000 calories a day and I am 54 years old loosing weight is not a healthy goal your goal should be lose fat and keep lean tissue and eat enough so that you do not burn muscle in your quest to loose fat !

    Can I geyt jusy 1 AMEN ?

    No amen from me. Losing fat means eating at a deficit and that IS about eating fewer calories than you burn. Too, YOU burn more calories as a male than the typical female...more muscle, right? I'm overweight because I was eating 3000 calories a day - the same you're eating to lose weight. Lots of variables here...
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member


    Stop already.

  • Can I geyt jusy 1 AMEN ?

    No. Because losing weight IS about calories.

    OH I could not agree with you more and an obsession with loosing weight is a sickness and if you want to be healthy you will live and eat healthy and loose FAT not yo-yo on the obviously not working weight loose programs you are trying and I mean a life style change that you stick with and become proud of who you are and not a sick mentally ill person trying to always loose WEIGHT ! GOAL= loose FAT and be healthy

    I'm 54 eat about 3000 calories a day and loose all the weight I choose and all I do is change the food I eat and keep the calories at 3000 all calories do not impact or react the same way in the body a calorie does not = all calories a gram of protein does not equal a gram of CARBS or a GRAM of FAT and are not digested the same either ! Fact not opinion :)!


    Stop already.

    Stop what ? Telling you the truth the reason you were not loosing weight at 3000 calories a day is you were eating te wrong food and not enough exercise or enough water ! How many soft drinks do you drink in a week 1 , 3 6 ? ! is 1 to many you can eat at 86% cocao bar and that be your candy and still be eating healthy weight loose alone and by oitself is a sickness that Dr treet and people die from Healthy people make a life style change and loose fat and keep it off and are never hungery ! No Granted you may not get to enjoy the $8.99 buffet at Ryans but which would you rather be healthy and a good weight or miseraable counting calories and trying to figure out a way to cheat on a calorie ! Get off the tread mill and make a life style change :)
  • You know how many calories you are aiming for. You have an app that will allow you to preplan everything.

    1500 calories would best be broken up like this to keep your metabolism soaring...

    350 calorie Breakfast
    250 calorie Snack
    350 calorie Lunch
    200 calorie Snack
    350 Calorie Dinner

    That's absolute total nonsense. Many small meals doesn't "keep your metabolism soaring." That's 100% nonsense broscience, and you should never say that ever again.

    The worst thing I have found you can do is eat out

    This is also absolute unproductive nonsense.

    Both of your statement are pure feel good opinions !

    # 1 ) Yes everytime you ingest food your metabolisim does burn calories Fact backed up by since not the way you feel

    # 2 ) Eating out is not impossible but hard and sould never be done more than 2 times a week I eat 7 times a day and . . . . lol I burn calories preparing my meals for the next day ! aAlso when you eat out ; I have no troubel because soft drinks are posion but most people tink I will ahve a coke zero and that will bre OK zero calories ! ! @! ! ! !NOT TRUE the MSG and all the other filler efffect your endo system and are not nayural so there fore you upset the balance and all of you hard and foolis cslorie counting was a waste of time you screwed you bodys mind up ! Have ever heard if you csan't pronounce it don't eat it ! well you may as well add to that if it comes in a can do not eat it either ! :)
  • Lifeisgood4
    Lifeisgood4 Posts: 120 Member
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I suggest making sure you have plenty of healthy snacks on hand plus a couple of low-cal sweet treats for when you have a craving. My usual snacks are cottage cheese, carrots, apples, cucumber, sunflower seeds, string cheese, yogurt, crackers, bread (rye or whole wheat) and for sweets jello mousse and low-cal ice cream bars/sandwiches.

    I find I do best with frequent small meals and snacks but you need to find what's best for you. If you have trouble mentally picking the healthy snack over the unhealthy one, get rid of the unhealthy ones until you develop new habits and can make better choices.
  • sule1013
    sule1013 Posts: 1 Member
    Honestly this has been of no help whatsoever. Everyone is contradicting the others comments.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Thank you for the responses. I should have expanded on my post a little bit better- I don't feel that I am binge eating because I am somewhat hungry. I am just not necessary making the right food choices because I have the calories available. For example- instead of having some string cheese I chose to have a serving of some pumpkin candy things we had in the house because I had the calories available. I will continue on trying to stick with the limit I have set for myself and if there are extras at the end of the day i will only eat if I am hungry.

    Have you ever considered having your BMR and TDEE done? I am not sure if this is available in your area, but you can have it done - here it's something called a Bod Pod but basically it will give you a read out on your true body fat and BMR which will give you a truer idea of what you should be consuming because every body is different and MFP may or may not have your exact needs down.

    Just an idea . . .
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Honestly this has been of no help whatsoever. Everyone is contradicting the others comments.

    Well the thread was from October of '13. Think the OP is still waiting for responses?
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Honestly this has been of no help whatsoever. Everyone is contradicting the others comments.
    Yeah there are a lot of different things floating around on what will get you to drop fat. I think part of the problem is people don't realise that what works for them might not work for others. Personal preferences (ei. Eating lots of little meals) get mixed up with what is actually required (calorie deficit).
    It doesn't help when you get a zealot in a thread.

    My advice is to look at tickers, and find something that allows you to get you deficit, feel good and not hungry. There are a lot of ways to do that, you just got to find one that works for you.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    OP, it's ok in my opinion not to hit your calorie goal perfectly if you're only off by a 100 or 200 calories. However remember that fitness pal is already setting you at a deficit so you are allowed to eat those calories alotted to you. Here's an idea, consider taking the 100 or 200 saved per day and have a nice night out at the end of the week where you can drink wine, have a beer, maybe have a few fried wings or an ice cream and etc. If you saved 200 calories monday through friday that's 1,000 calories.

    The best diet that exists out there is the one where you count calories and eat like a normal person the rest of your life.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Honestly this has been of no help whatsoever. Everyone is contradicting the others comments.
    Welcome. It's not much help, is it, with all the different opinions?

    Llamapants said it best- look at people who've lost a lot of weight and then, if their diaries are open, look at them. People will have different calories goals depending on their activity level.It is important to come as close as you can to those target goals, but its' okay if you don't hit them every single day.

    Weight loss is about calories in/calories out because your body does not distinguish which ones help/don't help you lose weight. However, the type of food you eat is about energy, satiation, and fueling your body so that you can continue with your activity level. If your body is well fueled with foods that meet your macros, or come darned close to it, you will probably be able to keep your activity level up.

    While no food is good or bad, and weight loss is calories in/out, food choices are important. For example, if I have a choice between equal calories in oreos or steel cut oats for breakfast, each of those choices will give me a different energy result. With the oreos, by mid morning I will be starving with low energy. . However, with the oatmeal, I will stay full for quite awhile and I feel pretty well fueled.

    I do think it's pretty darned important to make an effort to eat enough and to come as close as you can to your target calories.