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Foods & Supplements for a permanent night shift worker?

Hello, all! I work a 4 days on, 4 days off schedule as a night shift emergency dispatcher (working 6pm to 6am). I used to rotate between doing day shifts and night shifts, but just recently I was put on nights only.

Here's my dilemma: considering it's winter, I basically wake up when it's dark and go to bed when it's dark. I have pretty bad depression and I'm a bit worried at how my health, both mental and physical, is going to be effected by my lack of sun this season.

Are there any foods you guys can recommend to keep me nice and healthy through the dark ages, or even some vitamin supplements?

Thank you!!


  • katrn05
    katrn05 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm a nurse that works night shift too. I notice that I get more depressed throughout the winter months as well. Last year, I started taking vitamin D3 which seemed to help. I had gastric bypass four years ago. My initial labs prior to surgery showed a vitamin D deficiency and my doctor was doing a study linking obesity with vitamin D deficiency. He gave me a high dose Vitamin D3 to take once a week. Anyhow, since its been four years and I don't have that high dose supplement anymore, I just get mine at Kroger.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    I have been on nights for 7 years. The types of food you eat are no different than anyone else. I do find it difficult to work out on a set schedule each day but none the less i make time for my workouts. I do want to repeat to you though, food is not different for a night shifter then it is for anyone else. One little tidbit of advice though that i found helpful was to be very strategic about what i eat at work. Nights can be boring so avoid bringing to much just so you have something to snack on out of boredom.

    Getting through nights is about setting a stable sleep pattern. I seriously recommend you sleep as much as possible on a set schedule. I use ear plugs but i have a 4 year old and a dog so it is a necessity. Do not let things get you down. You are better than the negative thoughts can creep up on you.
  • TheGoodEmu
    TheGoodEmu Posts: 31 Member
    i'm entering into my first winter as a night shifter myself - though my shifts are really, really mellow (in short, I watch kids sleep). In fact I mop/scrub the house almost every night not because it needs it that often, but just to move more than I otherwise would.

    Anywho, I don't want to recommend supplements because A) I don't know much about them and B) it is mind-blowing how much BS there is out there about supplements. To boot, if you are diagnosed with depression, you don't want to go taking something that can further your disorder and/or react badly with your prescribed medication if you take any. YES, over the counter supplements can be VERY harmful. (Remember... snake venom is natural too...!)

    I would recommend that you speak with your psychiatrist about your concerns about being literally in the dark all the time - it's definitely a legitimate concern.

    What i DO recommend, if you are not doing it already is that you definitely keep up on your exercise! Getting the heart rate up nice and high for at least 20 minutes a day has an effect much like an antidepressant (among other things). I have ADD and instead of taking meds I try to do this twice a day. It's amazing. "Spark" has more info/science to back up the claims: http://www.amazon.com/Spark-exercise-improve-performance-brain-ebook/dp/B000SFD21Q/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1383731585&sr=1-1&keywords=spark+the+revolutionary+new+science+of+exercise+and+the+brain

    Far as food goes... I mean, I'm mostly vegan so I'm just gonna recommend eating as many colors in veggies every day as you can. This seems to keep my energy levels up and makes me personally very happy. :-) Duriing the cold months, my crock pot, submersion blender and this book are my life: http://www.amazon.com/Vegan-Slow-Cooker-Intensely-Flavorful-ebook/dp/B005M22QG2/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1383731522&sr=1-2&keywords=vegan+slow+cooker
    This way the food is always waiting when I get home, and what I make is usually fine to throw in a container before work.

    I hope this is helpful! (Night shift workers UNITE!) ;-)
  • TheGoodEmu
    TheGoodEmu Posts: 31 Member
    I love that a group of night workers are replying to this at this hour... X-D LOL
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    Vampire power!!!
  • prezo83
    prezo83 Posts: 5 Member
    Yeh ive been working 12 hour night shifts for ages..

    Just gotta try n keep a balanced healthy diet, and try not to snack on chippies and choclate ! lol