Alternatives to Ryvita?

Having only just started counting calories rather than using "common sense" I've been horrified how many calories are in humble bread... up to 100 a slice, up to 300 (at least) for a big bap/stottie/roll.

I've always quite liked Ryvita which is lucky as they are so much lower in calories (~40) - can have 4 with soft cheese for a lunch of ~250 calories which makes me feel full.

But eating them every day is going to get old. Are there other brand-names or types of bread-replacement I should be on the look out for? And are other crackers similarly low-cal... cream crackers for instance?


  • srworthy
    srworthy Posts: 21 Member
    I am not sure what it is called in english but maybe you would enjoy Rugbrød. Wikipedia is telling me it is danish ryebread? A thin slice it all you need as it does have a lot of flavor and it is not made with sugar or oil. I usually have a 25g slice which is about 60 kcal.