Trying MFP Once Again...

I've tried MFP a few times, but always get frustrated and quit. Or I miss a day of logging, that turns into two, then three... I think where I really get stuck is I just get tired of logging. I get tired of having to count my calories day in and day out. I wonder if this is how life is going to be from here on out. I just can't seem to stay in the "now." The thing is, I have seen results every single time I've committed to using MFP daily, so why do I keep stopping? I need to lose this weight for my mental and physical health and just don't know how to keep going once I start. I don't want to live my life always feeling like I'm on a diet or depriving myself. I struggle to find a healthy maintainable lifestyle. I know there is no quick fix, and lifestyle changes or necessary. Right now I just feel stuck and would love to hear from other ladies who have felt the same. I know I can't do this alone, so I am looking for support as well as looking to give support. I appreciate everyone reading this :heart:


  • amcclellan73
    amcclellan73 Posts: 13 Member
    I missed a whole week of logging last week. It was my birthday and I knew the whole weekend was not going to be good.
    I felt guilty for not logging and could tell I was slipping up and snacking. I was lucky that I did not gain (after all the food and booze) . Hey it was my 40th I had to drown my sorrow. lol
    but the down side is I feel like I gave up loosing a pound or maybe even more.
    It happen to us all, just pick up where you left off and carry on. That's what I am doing.
  • jperret
    I like your picture :) My dog is part of my motivation because as an old girl of 12 yrs... she is fit as a fiddle! She IS food motivated, but always wants to go out for more exercise. I know that keeping her fit and thin is helping with the chronic knee & back issues, and I strive to be as healthy as she is.
  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    The first step is just logging in. Even if you don't log- sometimes just reading others posts can be beneficial. I feel motivated to do better when I see my pals on here doing well. If you are having a bad day-- tell someone. Usually people are very quick to give encouragement. Feel free to add me as a pal on here. I am on daily and try to comment on my friends posts. Most of all remember that you are worth it and believe in yourself. Tara
  • billymacintosh
    billymacintosh Posts: 71 Member
    welcome back! :smile: I know what you mean it can be frustrating logging everything (especially if you've gone overboard) on a daily basis. However like you said you've shown that historically it has worked for you so maybe it's just down to accepting that it's just part of your life at the moment? Quite possibly doing it consistently may help you develop the good habits which mean you don't have to account for every single thing at some point in the future as it will come that much more naturally - at least that is what I am hoping will happen for me ha ha. Either way best of luck, I'm sure you don't need it and everyone is here to support you every step of the way
    Billy x
  • gpizzy
    gpizzy Posts: 171
    Welcome Back! I've been in your shoes before. Now, I just log regardless. I have been on a really good streak (over 80 days) and I tend to eat a lot of the same stuff everyday to make logging easier. I also have MFP on my phone and iPad so I can log anytime or whenever I have a chance. Usually though, I log in at work before I start for the day and get everything set up. Then it doesn't seem so daunting. Go look at my weekend - I went WAY over every day, but that is a good reminder to me to get my butt in gear and get back on track. Much better than what I would have done in the past which would be not log and probably just keep eating that way because I had no visual.
  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    Welcome back. Feel free to add me as a friend. MFP is full of great advise and support !
  • ckf76
    ckf76 Posts: 9 Member
    I have started, stopped, started stopped and started again. This time it is really working. One thing I really fixate on is that little marker that says logged in for 50 days in a row.....I like that. I read a post the other day from a woman who logged in over 750 days in a row and lost 130 lbs. I want that to be me but I know the second number only comes if I get the first

    We are all there and fighting the good fight right along with you. Congrats for coming back!
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Welcome Back!!!!
  • jazzie2421
    Welcome back. Seems we're in the same boat. :)
  • missjones93
    missjones93 Posts: 74 Member
    That makes two of us! Welcome back!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @RescueDogzRoc - Welcome back! At first, I too felt that logging was a pain. Now I think it's an amazing tool and I even pre-log at night so I have a game plan for each and every day. I guess it satisfies something in the anal retentive control freak part of me.

    @ckf76 - This is me as well. I'm on my 3rd MFP life. But, just like you, this time it's working. I don't know why it's different, but it is. And I also LOVE seeing the ticker that counts the consecutive days I've Iogged. 146 days and counting.
  • pixlamarque
    pixlamarque Posts: 312 Member
    I have been logging for almost 2 1/2 years now. I never would have thought I would still be on here plugging in calories because in the beginning it was a time consuming pain in the butt. I cook everything we eat, so I have to enter in recipes, which can take a bit of time. In the end, though, it's worth it. And it works. So mainly you just have to make up your mind to do it. It's ok to take a short break, but you have to come back or why waste your time in the first place?

    The biggest single thing that makes me always log in is having friends on here. My diary is open to friends and theirs is open to me. We comment to each other regularly and one of us being gone is noted, commented on, and a "hey, where are you" is sent out. If we are going to take a short break (like vacation/camping/mental health tech break), we let each other know and say, hey, I'll be back on Monday or whatever. My friends keep me honest. Many an item has not found it's way down my gullet because I didn't want to log it and have them say, "really? what crap!".

    So, make friends. Not just any friends, but ones that have open diaries and mostly, ones that are similar to you in the types of foods you eat/interests/activities, etc. Keep your friend list small enough to actually get to know them and comment regularly. Delete people if you need to. I do not keep people on my friends list that eat in ways that I consider to be unhealthy (too low of a net, only eat crap, etc). Sorry, delete. They don't have to eat just like me, I am a practicing carnivore and I have vegan friends, but we all like to cook and are concerned about where our food comes from, etc, so we have similar interests. This truly is the only thing that has kept me coming back. As long as my weight says off, I'll log forever if I need to.
  • prettymapleleaf
    Welcome back!
    I'm the same. I find I do really well during the week and then the weekend comes and I just don't log in or keep track.
    I feel very motivated and am hopeful I will keep it up so I can reach my goal.
    I wish you the best of luck!
  • cadillaccowboy
    cadillaccowboy Posts: 15 Member
    hello me too! I was on MFP for about a year until three months ago when I thought I wasnt getting anywhere and so I tried another site (which I might add I had to pay for) and I did initially lose about 3lb but then I have just "stuck" for weeks now and although I have been very honest and logged everything, and done plenty of exercise it just got too much. So rather than pay again I decided to come back here and I am glad I did - it feels like an old friend! So I am not going to give up and neither should you! Just keep logging and slogging! Im sure we will get there eventually!:smile: