Mondays are so hard.

I was at a Women of Faith conference all weekend with some girlfriends... did not log any food at all... and today... it is so hard to get back on track. I barely had more than 1 cup of water all weekend and today, I gain 2 pounds.

I'm feeling so icky today... just wanted to give up!


  • emersoam
    emersoam Posts: 179
    You had one cup of water all weekend? WHAT? Is this what you really meant?
  • TammyBee
    TammyBee Posts: 178
    Don't give up! Today is a new day. All of your hard work will not be undone by one weekend. Keep Faith!!
  • hmrtym
    hmrtym Posts: 49 Member
    Don't give up!! Look at how far you have come and keep moving forward! You did something for your spiritual health and that is awesome! Get your water intake up today and you will flush those pounds away!
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Try not to be discouraged, friend! I'll bet you had increased sodium intake this weekend and without water intake to balance it out, you may have some water retention. Just jump back in and don't forget to get your water in! Keep the sodium in check too....and I bet you'll see a difference in a day or two. Chin up, sista! This will happen to ALL of us! Remember this is a lifestyle change and weekends like this are part of life. Don't let it knock you off the wagon permanently. Hang in there! :)
  • ktyang04
    It is so hard not to give up.
  • BrendaKayS
    Mondays stink for me too!!! Not so much because I have bad weekends but because I always have my expectations set too high on Mondays LOL - I have that "new week mentality" and I figure I'll work out for 2 hours and eat perfect. Funny that perfect never seems to happen, then I fight my all-or-nothing thinking all week.

    Water, water, water. Did I mention water? And remember - one day at a time!
  • catrinpersephone
    Same, I've had a crappy Monday! Stick with your diet though! :D
  • ktyang04
    Hahaha!!! Yep water...check.