Morning workouts..... how do you do it?



  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Honestly? You just get up and do it.

    You can try to trick yourself though. Set a second alarm 15 minutes before your first one. Roll over in bed after it goes off and you magically get that extra couple minutes which will seem like a godsend (even though you actually DIDN'T get any extra lol). Just make sure you don't snooze the second one off as well xD
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I use a pre-workout to get me going early in the morning for a workout. I also get to bed earlier (in bed by 10)
  • eventerchick80
    eventerchick80 Posts: 98 Member
    I set my alarm for 5 every morning and it gives me a little time to putter around and wake up before I actually get to it.

    Sometimes I take my dog out for walks/jogs and those mornings are awesome with the time change now, because I get to watch the world wake up. It's like a secret that only you and a few others get to see and appreciate because it's so early.

    Sometimes I go to the gym and those take a little extra doing but I make sure that I take my music with the workout station on Pandora. Those days I console myself with "it's such a little piece of time in the grand scheme of things and you're not missing anything because you probably would have been asleep anyway."
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    Once I get started they are easy to maintain. But my 2 biggest struggles are getting to bed on time, & where to begin.

    I usually start by going to bed an hour early (let whatever didn't get done, not get done).

    I start with calisthenics or a run & a light yoga session. Remember to set a timer so your 20 min session doesn't turn into 2 hours like mine did this morning ;-)

    The sense of accomplishment that follows you through your day is AWESOME!!

  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    just get your lasy *kitten* outa that warm bed at 4am and kick some *kitten*!
    HOW BAD DO U WANT it????

    I LOVE IT!!!
  • 2013Jenn2013
    2013Jenn2013 Posts: 38 Member
    Find a workout that you absolutely LOVE and that will call you out of bed in the morning :) I also have my alarm clock set with the message saying "You won't get results hitting snooze!!"
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I can't wrap my head around "accidentally" exercising for 2 extra hours. Wow.

    Not that I hate exercise. I don't. I just like getting it out of the way first thing, which means a 5am wake up call. And since there is that pesky "showing up on time for work" issue, no chance of me overdoing it. Wouldn't want that.

    Last week I switched my workouts to the afternoon, which led to me walking in the door from work, saying hi to the kids and husband, then disappearing to flail about the neighborhood for an hour. Made me sad. So today I switched back to mornings. It's cold, sure, but not as cold as I was expecting. I feel more energetic through the day. My focus is better. I don't have to rearrange my afternoon schedule to fit in a run. AM is just better, so I make it work. If you want it badly enough, you will too. :)
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Alarm goes off at 3:25.
    Monday through Friday mornings I ask myself "Self (that's what I call me). Self, are you getting your lazy *kitten* up for the gym today or what?" Every morning, self says "Stupid question! Of course I'm getting up."

    Thats not morning, thats the middle of the night! lol
  • wmbrett
    wmbrett Posts: 31 Member
    I'm cursed with being a morning person. 50+ pounds ago, I used to wake up naturally at 5:00 a.m., and just watch the news / tv shows while laying in bed. Now I get up at 4:45 a.m. M-F and head to the basement to watch my Netflix series shows while on the elliptical for ~100 minutes, or a mix of elliptical / weights. It has become a great routine, and my fitbit Flex wakes me up if I'm not already up -without disturbing my wife. With 3 kids 7 and under, that is the only time I get to myself throughout the day. The downside is I'm usually asleep by 9:30 p.m.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Just DO IT! :-D
    set your alarm, get WILL feel the better for it..ok it might take you a few weeks to get into the habit of it but it really does set you up for the day ahead :)
  • Soooo NOT a morning person and cannot make myself one so my morning work-out routine is yoga and some sit-ups. I do a more intense work-out after lunch since my gym is next to my office. I'm much more awake and MUCH more motivated to stick to it than I am in the mornings when I just want quiet and coffee. I do yoga at home. Learned moves initially with DVD, but I like my peace and quiet since I have a LONG commute into the noisy city (that I love anyway :)

    Actually nyboer walking the dog is a calorie burner, just select walking at leisurely pace. doesn't burn a lot, but it does burn.
  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    I want to get back into the habit of morning workouts. I loved them, and felt so much better throughtout the day. My evenings are hetic with kids, homework, sports, etc. and I find myself making excuses. But when my workouts are done in the morning, there are NO excuses, it's done!!! They key for me is getting to bed a little earlier, which is something I really struggle with.... That is a work in progress

    Good luck!
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    lol - let me introduce you to my husband who has 2 speeds: stroll and amble! :laugh: We're usually out there for a big hour. When I used to wear my HRM during the walk I generally burned around 100 calories so now that's what I put. Some days it may be less, some days more.
    Actually nyboer walking the dog is a calorie burner, just select walking at leisurely pace. doesn't burn a lot, but it does burn.
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    Find a workout that you absolutely LOVE and that will call you out of bed in the morning :) I also have my alarm clock set with the message saying "You won't get results hitting snooze!!"

    I love that! I must look into putting that on my alarm :laugh:
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    You make the commitment, and then you just do it get your *kitten* up out of bed and do it ....

    I get up at 2AM M-F so I can be in the gym by 3:30am at the latest.... 30-60 min workout, then go work 10-12 hrs ...... I get up at 7-9 am on S-S and workout in my barn if it is not a rest day ......

    You JUST DO IT !!
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    I don't think it has anything to do with being a morning person really. Translate your motivation for working out at night to the A.M., so that you can do what you want at night. The snooze on my alarm is 9 minutes, and for years it was my favorite button. One morning, after hitting snooze, I asked myself, what's the point in 9 more minutes of sleep? I'll feel the exact same way in 9 minutes as I do now, but I'll be stressed because I'm running behind schedule wise.

    At night I have the willpower to set my alarm to get up early for the gym, and in the morning I ask myself what's the point in hitting the snooze or resetting the alarm? I could blow off the gym, and sleep another hour, but I'll still feel the same, and an hour's sleep after I already woke up isn't that great (for me). But I know the feeling I'll get as I walk OUT of the gym, the sense of satisfaction can be overwhelming.

    It's my motivation...

    Wow, this one helps me a lot. I really do feel the same whether I've slept another 10 mins or not. I'll have to remember that one on my morning runs. Thanks for reminding me of that. :happy:
  • marko320
    marko320 Posts: 84 Member
    You don't get something for nothing
    You can't have freedom for free
    You won't get wise
    With the sleep still in your eyes
    No matter what your dreams might be

    -Neil Peart

    Workout in the morning, afternoon, or evening. Whatever fits the plan, as long as you go.
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    Getting to bed on time the night before makes a huge difference of course and I'm bed each night by 10PM.

    Alarm goes off a bit before 5AM (it's intentionally on the far side of the room so I can't reach over and hit the snooze button)
    and I get up, throw on my workout clothes, start the coffee and prepare a bowl of oatmeal. Mix a scoop of protein powder into a glass of half milk and half water, pour some on the oatmeal and drink the rest. Top the oatmeal with a handful of berries and eat it and meanwhile a cup of java is now ready to drink.

    I then quickly head to the gym for my workout (alternate between HIIT cardio and lifting depending on the day of the week). Having the caffeine and food (as well as having a good night sleep helps the energy level a LOT.

    After the gym and taking a shower I have a quick post-workout meal (typically either high protein greek yogurt or cottage cheese with a grapefruit and a little more coffee) then after preparing food for lunch and snacks, it's off to work, refreshed and ready for whatever challenges await at the office.

    One thing I do is try to keep the same sleep cycle through the week. Even on weekends I'm in bed at 10 and up at 5 (gym isn't open until later on weekends but I get up at the same time anyway)

    And one last thing I do is step on the scale when I first get out of bed. When I step on it and my weight has hit a new low, I'm excited and want to hit the gym to lose even more weight, or if the weight has bounced up a bit I'm motivated to go work it back off.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    Once you get it the habit, it won't be bad. You'll love the boost it gives your day and you'll have the proof that it's worth it. But you might have to force, incentivize, or trick yourself to get started.Things that work for me:

    I set my coffee machine timer so it's all ready. I do coffee and a cup of milk, sometimes a few bites of yogurt.

    I write alarm notes on my iphone that say things like "You ate 2800 calories yesterday. Do you want muscle or a gut?" or "you love the way you feel all day after you work out."

    I promise my friend I will show up at the gym.

    I sometimes sleep in my workout clothes.

    If I could afford it, I bet making appontments with a trainer at 5 or 6 am would be a great way to start the habit.
  • make morning plans to have coffee or something WITH someone. this way, you have to be up. give yourself enough time to workout, shower then meet your someone. do it enough mornings, your body will adjust. good luck!