people who work out in the AM



  • andriawenz
    andriawenz Posts: 11 Member
    I use to hate working out in the morning. So I did it during lunch when my husband would come home to watch the littlest one. Then I went back t owork and I felt the same way. I hated getting up at 5 in the morning. I knew though if I did not get up, my wokrout could possible go undone for the day. Who knows what the day will bring and what if there is somethingthat comes up that keeps me from getting to the later workout. So I sucked it up and did it for a few months. Now it is 6 months later and my morning workout is just another part of my day. I can not seem to get going wihtout it. I have only skipped 2 days (I had a kidney infection) and those days were horrible. So yes, you will get use to it. You will also find yourself going ot bed earlier wich is GREAT! You need your sleep just as much as you need to workout. Try going to bed a little earlier every nite until you get to be by 9. Then go from there. See if you need more sleep or less. It is all about how your body feels to you. Good luck!