Yoga Newbie?

I am going to take a Bodyflow, Pilates or Yoga class at the YMCA that I have a membership for tonight and was wondering if anyone could help me with some basic questions I have as I have never done yoga in my life.

- Do I need to bring a mat?
- Are the poses really advanced?
- Does it really help your flexibility?
- Do you burn enough calories to count it as a workout?

Any help would be appreciated!


  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    I've never been to a class but I do Yoga so to help answer some of ur questions. Always take ur mat. Why would u want to sweat on top of someone elses sweat. Plus I always see all the yogis by my job taking their own mats into the class with them. Yes it totally helps with flexibility and it depends what kind of yoga ur doing will depend on how much u burn but yes any kind of yoga is enough to count as an exercise.
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    If you have a mat take it. Some place provide them others don't though as the other person said, do you really want to be on a mat that someone else sweated all over and might not have cleaned?

    The burn depends on the class and you. I can burn anywhere from 300-500 calories in my 90 minutes yoga class on sundays but it all depends on how much flow we did as opposed to the yin (long stretches, 3-5 minutes).

    If the instructor is any good they will be able to show you modified moves if the pose is just not working for you. And if they try to tell you that you must do the pose a certain way tell them your body doesn't work like that. Not everyone can do the same pose the same way. We aren't all built the same. And one side is always going to be better than the other.

    Listen to your body and if it hurts tell them and ask for help to modify and find the right stretch.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I don't know if your YMCA provides mats, but the gyms I've been to always has mats, medicine balls, etc everywhere. If they don't provide a mat, then I would bring one because the floors can be slippery & hard to grip.

    The poses can be advanced, but there is always a modified position (especially if this is just a general yoga/pilates class). I'm sure there will be beginners & advanced individuals in the class.

    Personally, I've found that the yoga videos that I've used helps more with flexibility & the pilates videos I've watched leaned more towards strengthing your core. But if you Youtube videos, you'll find vast variations in routines.

    Today, I did the Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown & it incorporates yoga plus aerobics. I got the 35 min workout from Youtube & was sweating afterwards!

    Good luck! I encourage you to try all the classes & see what you like best!
  • SashleyA
    SashleyA Posts: 122 Member
    - Yes bring a mat. I've used a towel before, but a mat is really better
    - It depends on the class how advanced the poses are. Most of the classes I've been to are fairly basic OR give options for people who aren't as advanced.
    - Yes, it definitely does help your flexibility and the strength you need to support it. I'm a naturally pretty flexible person but found that when I was doing yoga regularly I became more flexible and developed more core strength to support it.
    - You totally burn enough calories to count it as a work out, but it still might be a fairly low calorie count, depending on the emphasis of the class.
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    You might want to arrive a little early to class to get a good spot in the back of the room so that you can watch others during the class. Also, if this is your first time, tell the instructor. A good instructor should keep his/her eye on you to make sure you are doing the poses or offer modifications for difficult ones.
  • jeepyj93
    jeepyj93 Posts: 392 Member
    Take a mat water bottle and a small towel. You will sweat more than you think. Try to meet the instructor before so they know you are a new by. They should give options with each pose and remember that there is not ego's in Yoga go and do as much as you can. The instructor should walk around the room and readjust anyone that needs help.
    They should ask at the beginning of the class if anyone doesn't want to be touched and they won't touch you if you are not comfortable with it.
    It is a great workout for stretching and strength.
    It also is the best for relaxing.
    Hope you enjoy your class.
  • Wrxsti23
    Thank you all! That was a lot of great ideas and I am looking forward to my class tonight.
  • Argybargyy
    I just had my first beginners hatha yoga class lastnight, WHAT A JOY IT WAS! I fell in love with it instantly. Took me a while to get into it but after you got the breathing down and your tecniques that they show you... you'll be sailing through it!

    I brought my own mat, but apparently it was not good as it was a cloth one (for hot yoga i learned) not for regular yoga. So i paid $1 to rent a mat (ew) but i put mine on top of it. It helps to wear comfortable clothing (cheap yoga pants from walmart work just as well as lulu lemon) and a comfy shirt that wont ride up your body when you're in different poses so you're not constantly pulling it down in the middle of practice. :)

    I am now looking into different types of yoga mats, 'jade' or 'lulu lemon' are the brands ive been looking into ,expensive but i am going to be doing yoga for a while, i really really enjoyed it. I felt slippy and slidey so i guess I have to get a mat that helps you stick to it without feeling like you are going to fall on your face and end up in a pose you don't want to be in (ha ha)

    Good luck with your class. Oh, the one i was in they had all the props you needed to, yoga blocks, pillows, blankets... etc. its awesome, i hope you fall in love with it like I have :)
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Yoga when practiced appropriately and under the guidance of an experienced. You can also visit about Yoga for Weightloss

    I would - but I don't like SPAM with my Yoga.