Eating Disorders

I feel like I have an eating disorder, but I dont know for sure. Just about every time I eat, I go overboard and end up puking afterwards. I do this about 1-3 times a day. Everyday. Anyway, I was wondering how can I stop doing this and start eating healthier? Like 5 small meals a day? I want to be healthy and lose weight in a better way than this. Thank you for your help! :)


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Seek a professional.
  • GuillaineC
    GuillaineC Posts: 74 Member
    How? It's not that easy. This was hard for me.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Do you try not to eat in the morning? If you wait too long to eat your body can freak out and demand loads of calories and overwhelm you in that way. Also, what are you eating? If you're going for sugary/salty/fatty foods, that can be physically addictive and also cause you to go overboard.

    Try cleaning up your eating (i.e. more whole, natural foods that you eat raw or cook yourself) and make breakfast a priority. Focus on lean protein, fruits and veggies to try and break the cycle.

    If you already do that, then see whether your insurance has a nurse line that you can call, there you can talk to someone with a medical education and get advice and a referral to a specialist if you need one.

    And for sure it wasn't easy for you to post this - good job for being brave and for seeking a better way. I truly hope you find it !!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    How? It's not that easy. This was hard for me.

    If you are in school, check for available services.
    If you have insurance coverage, see what services are available to you.
    Search for community programs and agencies.

    You reached out for help and that is a good thing. Now keep reaching in your local area.
  • GuillaineC
    GuillaineC Posts: 74 Member
    I usually eat in the morning. But not like good stuff. Mostly cookies, pastries, really anything I want. Sometimes it'll just be a pb&j sandwich. But someday a it's more. I'm addicted to sugar. I love chocolate and frosted flakes and poptarts. I have tried to eat healthier but then something happens and I get out of control again. But thank you so much for your help and advice!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    go to your doc and them ,,,they will get you the help that you need.
  • mapenguinkeeper
    ask your primary physician for a recommendation or just google bulimia for your area, there are many programs available.
  • rosemary98
    I feel like I have an eating disorder, but I dont know for sure. Just about every time I eat, I go overboard and end up puking afterwards. I do this about 1-3 times a day. Everyday. Anyway, I was wondering how can I stop doing this and start eating healthier? Like 5 small meals a day? I want to be healthy and lose weight in a better way than this. Thank you for your help! :)

    do you try to purge or does it just you can't control it and literally run to the bathroom or risk having an accident at your desk.
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
  • jinkies_
    It sounds like you have a purge type disorder, maybe bulimia, maybe binge eating. It would be hard to diagnose without knowing a lot more about you and your situation (and being a professional doctor). I am currently recovering from anorexia and the only reason I have got this far is by seeking professional help. I would really encourage you to confide in someone that you trust or to seek help wherever you can get it. I would be willing to help in whatever way I can if you need someone to talk to. Getting over an eating disorder is one of the hardest things people have had to face in their lives but with the right help I believe it is possible :)
  • emjay6x3
    emjay6x3 Posts: 213 Member
    Whether this is emotion-related, or some sort of physical ailment, I think you should definitely get in touch with a professional. It's for the best! I would assume that you are here because you want to be healthy -- and this is very unhealthy, no matter what the cause may be. Your body and your mind will thank you. ;) You can do this!
  • GuillaineC
    GuillaineC Posts: 74 Member
    I usually force myself puke.
  • emjay6x3
    emjay6x3 Posts: 213 Member
    I usually force myself puke.

    Professional support is going to be your best bet.
  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 271 Member
    I don't have an eating disorder but I got referred to a nurse practitioner in the psych portion of the Clinic I go to for social anxiety and depression issues. My primary doctor referred me over there and I'm sure your doctor would be willing to help you diagnose and treat your eating disorer or refer you to someone else who can.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Honestly, you should be so proud of yourself for opening up here, now it's just to take the next step and say these same things to someone who can really help you. You don't deserve the misery and shame of a full-blown eating disorder, you deserve health and peace, so go get it.

    Do you need help with finding and/or talking to a doctor?
  • GuillaineC
    GuillaineC Posts: 74 Member
    This. Talking on the Internet is easy. I mean at first it was hard and scary but I'm terrified like beyond scared to talk to my doctor or my mom. I don't think I can.
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    This. Talking on the Internet is easy. I mean at first it was hard and scary but I'm terrified like beyond scared to talk to my doctor or my mom. I don't think I can.

    Totally understandable. Then talk to us until you feel comfortable to talk to your doctor (and/or your Mom, if she's a safe person). :) So how can we help? Where should we start? Maybe you could tell us why you think you do this to yourself? I'll bet you a million dollars we understand... :)
  • cbmae
    cbmae Posts: 19
    I have struggled with both anorexia and bulimia since I was 8 years old, a long with body dysmorphic disorder. I can tell you that you need to go to a professional, yet most people with eating disorders will blow that off. But it's true. It is such a tough thing to overcome, it took me over 15 years to even start recovering. No professional will judge you, there's nothing to be scared of. I almost lost my life, and now that I'm slowly learning healthy habits I can tell you it really is possible, and worth it. Please talk to someone.
  • xDawnsgrace
    This. Talking on the Internet is easy. I mean at first it was hard and scary but I'm terrified like beyond scared to talk to my doctor or my mom. I don't think I can.

    it's hard, but if you want to be healthy, you have to do it. i'm speaking from experience. I have EDNOS(trying to recover), and it still is extremely difficult for me to outright say it. The night i told my parents, i shook and cried for about an hour before i told them, but when i finally did, it was easier. It'll be okay, you just have to keep reaching out.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    See a doctor now before this goes on any longer. This is very unhealthy and can cause damage that can affect you long term. Get over the fear, and do what you need to do for your health.