fat obese and pregnant

so im probaly morbidly obese in 5'1 255 and im 17 weeks pregnant i gain about 15 lbs so far which is way too much . my doctor told me not to gain anymore weight so im kinda puzzled.in my mind not gaining weight mean losing weight. i ask him how to go about this he said stop drinking soda. i replied i dnt drink soda .. he then said stop eating bread.. im like ok.. thanx doc...not ........ what to do anybody help? lol. thank you.


  • Malaylah
    I had VSG surgery but my doctor kinda gave me some general weight loss advice that I live off of now. If you eat atleast 60grams of protein, and drink 8 glasses of water you will lose weight, but you need to cut out all sugar, bread, rice, pasta. So look for sugar free substitutes if you have a sweet tooth and you'll naturally lose weight.
  • DaniNicole321
    Okay your doctor was not very helpful. You should watch what you eat, focus on fruits, veggies, chicken, etc.Stay hydrated. Being severely overweight while pregnant can cause a TON of unpleasant and dangerous problems IE preeclampsia, gestational diabetes. Try to avoid high amounts of sodium because it can cause you to swell and the last thing you want is to be on bed rest(it's miserable!) and if you end up with gestational hypertension or preeclampsia it can result in a premature birth and speaking from a mother who's son spent 3 weeks in the NICU it is one of the most difficult things I've ever done. Also, take walks while you still can, I became swollen early so walking was out of the picture for me before 30 weeks. Little changes can make a big difference as far as weight gain goes.
  • vsnc50
    vsnc50 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello and congratulations on your pregnancy! When I was pregnant I was a bit overweight. I knew that I did not want to gain any more than 20 lbs. During the blood sugar fasting test I was told that I had gestational diabetes and that it could affect my son if I had high sugar counts or had to take insulin. Knowing that, I changed my diet to a lower carb diet. I still ate carbs, but only good ones (i.e. fruit, wheat bread, potatoes, etc). Because I was over 40, I wanted to make extra special care of my developing baby so I didn't drink anything with caffeine or anything with "fake" sugars. I usually opted for water or ginger ale. I also limited my consumption of anything with nitrates (hot dogs, lunch meat, etc) and no blue cheese salad dressing which is my favorite. I never worried about how much I was eating, just the quality and it worked out for me. As a matter of fact my Dr stressed no dieting. I only gained my 20 lbs during the entire pregnancy and quickly lost that plus some after my son was born. (Of course after that I gained the 20 lbs plus but that's another story!) Best of luck to you and if you want to friend me I would be happy to be here for support.
  • vsnc50
    vsnc50 Posts: 8 Member
    Great advice DaniNicole!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    I had VSG surgery but my doctor kinda gave me some general weight loss advice that I live off of now. If you eat atleast 60grams of protein, and drink 8 glasses of water you will lose weight, but you need to cut out all sugar, bread, rice, pasta. So look for sugar free substitutes if you have a sweet tooth and you'll naturally lose weight.

    Holy heck, that is some horrible advice. Sorry... but calories in vs calories out. That is how you lose weight. You don't have to give up a dang thing.
  • Malaylah
    well I've lost 100 lbs so it can't be that bad :)
  • tashatashae
    tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
    thank yall...so do you guys think i should count calories.. i wasent before but for the past two days i have .. im not a good eye baller when it comes to food i know i suppose to eat healthy and stuff but me i can eat alot... and whole bunch of healthy foods turn into a whole heap of calories when im done.. smh
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Set up MFP to maintain if your doctor doesn't want you to gain or lose weight. Eat near that calorie goal. What to eat is really up to you though.
  • awtume9
    awtume9 Posts: 423 Member
    well I've lost 100 lbs so it can't be that bad :)

    Because you had VSG surgery...... so in turn you are taking in less calories than you are burning....
  • tashatashae
    tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
    what i was thinking thank you sweet.. but how you tell a women not to gain weight when pregnant .. 8lb baby equals a positive weight gain so i have to in turn have a negative 8lbs of fat to balance it out.. so i thought at first i should calorie restrict.
  • DaniNicole321
    Your BMR or Base Metabolic Rate which is as many calories as your body needs to function if you did nothing but lay in bed all day is almost 2000 calories. You can eat A LOT of healthy food for 2000 calories.
  • CantonMan1234
    CantonMan1234 Posts: 142 Member
    thank yall...so do you guys think i should count calories.. i wasent before but for the past two days i have .. im not a good eye baller when it comes to food i know i suppose to eat healthy and stuff but me i can eat alot... and whole bunch of healthy foods turn into a whole heap of calories when im done.. smh

    If you are going to watch your calories, get a scale and measure EVERYTHING and log EVERYTHING. It's a transition but a good one for the health of you and your baby.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Not eating bread, and other processed foods, is actually great advice for the HEALTH OF YOUR BABY. But by saying "not" obviously you aren't open to dietary change.

    Perhaps just consider that the food you eat helps build your baby. You need lots of nutrients.... ie natural fats, protein and vegetables.

    Calories in, calories out of course, but that's VERY much an over-simplification of the metabolic process. But it's the SAD mantra of the majority of MFP members unfortunately.

    For pregnancy, I would suggest eating lots of healthy nutrient rich whole foods (as opposed to only eating foods that come in a package with an ingredient list) and NOT focus on losing weight, but minimize gaining weight. (I was morbidly obese when I had my only child too.)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I'm also obese and pregnant (30 weeks), and it gets so much harder as you progress further along in your pregnancy. Your goal from now until you deliver should be to maintain your current weight. First, your doctor HAS to give you a referral to a dietitian. That way you'll know how to make smart choices that grow a healthy baby. Walk if you can slow steady pace every day for at least 15-30minutes. Cut out all sugared drinks including soda, juice, powerades, monster drinks ect anythying that has calorie. (I struggle with this) Consider the gestational diabetic diet (I know you may not have it now), but it will help with the portion control.

    You got some crummy advice from the doctor who probably doesnt know alot about pregnancy and nutrition. Get further education. You can do it! And congratulations!
  • tashatashae
    tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
    thank yall...so do you guys think i should count calories.. i wasent before but for the past two days i have .. im not a good eye baller when it comes to food i know i suppose to eat healthy and stuff but me i can eat alot... and whole bunch of healthy foods turn into a whole heap of calories when im done.. smh

    If you are going to watch your calories, get a scale and measure EVERYTHING and log EVERYTHING. It's a transition but a good one for the health of you and your baby.

    i guess i should have mention i lost 50lbs and was in the middle of weight loss when in got preggo so i do have a scale to weigh food and stuff.. im a long time member yesterday was my 1 year anniversary. i guess ill just do trail and error and hope for the best
  • jchadden42
    Not only will watching how you eat now positively impact your unborn child RIGHT NOW, you will develop good habits that will impact this child for a life time. When pregnant, we tend to have an "eat for two" mentality, but you don't really need to eat for two. Focus on healthy choices and cut crap calories when you can. Calories in v. calories out is the main thing. If you're already over weight, it won't hurt you or your baby for you to lose weight during this pregnancy.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I was obese and pregnant as well. I gained a fast 15 lbs and my doctor told me I didn't need to gain weight but she never told me to diet, just eat healthy. I counted calories and walked. I didn't diet, but I did try to eat a diabetic type diet where carbs are more balanced thru the day. I ate balanced. I was walking 3 miles a day until I couldn't handle the pressure on my bladder from my over 9 lb baby at the end of the 8th month.

    When I hit 8 months all of a sudden I started gaining weight super fast and it was all fluid 40 lbs in 2 months. My doctor was shocked she didn't believe it was all fluid until my c-section and they sucked it out. I was down 40 lbs within days of having my baby.

    My overall weight gain was 30 lbs. I am 5'7" and started at 220. Good luck.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Can you see a nutritionist that can give you some *good* advice? What your doctor told you is completely unhelpful! Focus on getting in whole grains, fruits and veggies, dairy, healthy oils and lean protein. Don't drink your calories (juice), but eat the fruits and veggies instead. You'll get far more healthy nutrition from the whole fruits and veggies than you will from drinking the juice and juice often has a ton of added sugar and calories you don't need.

    Good luck to you! (and I'll reiterate - see a nutritionist if you can!)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    thank yall...so do you guys think i should count calories.. i wasent before but for the past two days i have .. im not a good eye baller when it comes to food i know i suppose to eat healthy and stuff but me i can eat alot... and whole bunch of healthy foods turn into a whole heap of calories when im done.. smh

    If you are going to watch your calories, get a scale and measure EVERYTHING and log EVERYTHING. It's a transition but a good one for the health of you and your baby.

    i guess i should have mention i lost 50lbs and was in the middle of weight loss when in got preggo so i do have a scale to weigh food and stuff.. im a long time member yesterday was my 1 year anniversary. i guess ill just do trail and error and hope for the best

    LOL who knew that weight loss was such a fertility pill. I was pregnant at my 50lbs loss and then again at 70lb loss!
  • tashatashae
    tashatashae Posts: 311 Member
    thank yall...so do you guys think i should count calories.. i wasent before but for the past two days i have .. im not a good eye baller when it comes to food i know i suppose to eat healthy and stuff but me i can eat alot... and whole bunch of healthy foods turn into a whole heap of calories when im done.. smh

    If you are going to watch your calories, get a scale and measure EVERYTHING and log EVERYTHING. It's a transition but a good one for the health of you and your baby.

    i guess i should have mention i lost 50lbs and was in the middle of weight loss when in got preggo so i do have a scale to weigh food and stuff.. im a long time member yesterday was my 1 year anniversary. i guess ill just do trail and error and hope for the best

    LOL who knew that weight loss was such a fertility pill. I was pregnant at my 50lbs loss and then again at 70lb loss!

    lol totally doctors told me i would have a hard time getting pregnant saying it probably want happening basically leaving me heart broken i lost some weight then bam... my miracle baby.. so that doctor can shove it no offense. lmbo