jogging/running slimming thighs?



  • taylorvonlehe
    okay thank you guys so much for your help!
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    I'm not sure if you are trying to "spot reduce", if so, no it wont help at all. Your calorie reporting is completely unknowable without accurate tracking, so you need to start there, you could be eating more/less than you think. Also what kind of weights and exercises were you doing that you thought you got bulkier thighs on?

    If you do heavy lifts like leg presses and squats, yes just aerobic exercises do seem to slim somewhat in comparison to weight training on the thighs, but the difference is probably more "activated quads" or being "pumped" after heavy lifts in restricted muscle groups vs no "pump" and general entire leg muscles activated after running for most people. I do notice a difference in muscle when I focus on hiking over the summer (wider calves) vs lifting (more quad definition and post workout bulk), but, I'm a guy and most girls can't lift near as much, and just wont ever bulk up as much if they could. Even if there is some effect, its small, and you'd have to be doing weights you just cant push on 600 calories per day, you'd need almost all those calories for just that kind of workout, so I'd forget the weight training = bulking up my thighs worry.

    Another thing, if you came from doing very little or nothing, you will gain some definition vs what you were doing before no matter what, and you may gain more awareness/feeling in your thighs after workouts (activated or sore muscles) which may make you feel like your pants are tighter for a few hours or days after, but that is not really bulking and if you measure your thighs 2 days after each workout vs your pre-workout state, you'll probably see a reduction in thigh circumference as you lose fat. Its good for you if this is the case, you could be gaining muscle and the ability to burn more calories/day.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    but ever since i did weights my pants stopped fitting. maybe its cause i started randomly binging and eating way more sweets. i just wish i had all the answers! :( HA

    Set yourself at a reasonable caloric deficit. Eat to that. It may help the binging, which, if you are gaining weight, is putting you at a surplus. Try to stop the restricting/binging cycle - it ends up counter productive.
  • juniperfox
    juniperfox Posts: 127 Member
    Don't starve yourself - it slows your metabolism. If you're exercising regularly, 2000 calories is a healthy estimate for someone your size. I know because I'm 5'5'' and that is what I eat and also do regular exercise (30 min strength, 30 min cardio, swimming, biking places. 5-6 days a week).

    To answer your question, running does not slim your thighs directly. If you burn enough calories from running, you will lose fat all over, but you will gain enough muscle in your legs to make up for the fat you lost. Assuming you're not grossly overweight of course. Running is great though because it gives you a butt to make any lady jealous ;)
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    well since i am in college, whenever my parents come here or i go home. so friday, and saturday about 3 weekends a month. and since i was eating 600 calories throughout the week i would eat about 1800-2000 when i binge and it would be bad things like mexican, waffles, chips, burgers, pizza, etc. but when i use to not worry about what i ate at all i had a great body then i just got obsessive and messed it all up and i want to go back to the old ways :(
    You need to go see a doctor. Bingeing is NOT 1800 - 2000 calories. That is a normal amount of calories for someone who exercises too. You NEED TO SEE A PROFESSIONAL WHO CAN HELP YOU. You KNOW you are not eating enough. Please, please, please, take good care of yourself. I hope you are healthy and happy and wish you good luck.
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    OP I have slimmed my thighs by running, but that's where I lose first. Please consider eating a more balanced diet for your overall health.