Anybody doing the Herbalife diet



  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Herbalife diet is not only unsustainable but a complete waste of money. DO YOURSELVES A FAVOR AND LEARN ABOUT PROPER NUTRITION RATHER THAN SPENDING $200/month on TEAS and WORTHLESS PATHETIC MEAL REPLACEMENT/PROTEIN SHAKES. Their so-called 24 rebuild is $78 for worthless junk. You can get a 5lb tub of far better protein than that crap. Plus, who the hell wants to drink meal replacement meals twice a day. How about you eat REAL food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    QUIT BEING LAZY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    capital letters.
  • I have a question for those who swear by Herbalife: what is the difference between having a 300 calorie shake and a 300 calorie prepared meal? You can get all your nutrients from food if you eat healthy. Also, if you eat with a deficit within the correct calorie limit for your body, you will lose weight. Plain and simple, no extra money put out.

    Herbalife is not magic, just as no product is.

    What I perceive as happening is that people are consuming way less calories than they are burning, thus they are losing weight at an extremely fast rate. That doesn't seem healthy to me.

    Actually the amount of nutrients you get in 1 herbalife shake would amount to eating : Vitamin A- 1/2 cup Cheddar Cheese; C-1/2 cup Boiled Cabbage, D- 1/4 Cup Tuna, E- 1/4 Cup Roasted Cashews, B6- 1/2 cooked Lentils, B12-2 eggs, Calcium- 3oz tofu, Zinc- 3 oz cooked Crab, Magnesium- 8 oz of carrot juice, Iron 5.5 oz Steak, Potassium- 1/2 cup cooked soy beans, copper- 1 avocado, selenium- 3 oz cooked liver
  • There are shakes that use pea protein
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I dunno. I just like my food without smoke and mirrors or served to me in shake form. I have a blender, if I want a steak smoothie I can do it myself. I think I'll even add A-1sauce. Different strokes I guess?
  • Herbalife diet is not only unsustainable but a complete waste of money. DO YOURSELVES A FAVOR AND LEARN ABOUT PROPER NUTRITION RATHER THAN SPENDING $200/month on TEAS and WORTHLESS PATHETIC MEAL REPLACEMENT/PROTEIN SHAKES. Their so-called 24 rebuild is $78 for worthless junk. You can get a 5lb tub of far better protein than that crap. Plus, who the hell wants to drink meal replacement meals twice a day. How about you eat REAL food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    QUIT BEING LAZY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Obviously you are not a woman that has PCOS and no matter what you eat and how much you exercise your body is not absorbing the nutrients you are consuming there for you are not Losing anything. On the Herbalife shaks I have not only lost weight but lowered cholesterol, am no longer Insulin Resistant, and the hormone imbalance (high testosterone and low estrogen) caused by the PCOS has improved more than the 5 years of meds they had me on. (Which I stopped taking about 1 year before Herbalife because they made me so sick I could not get out of bed.)
  • swet02
    swet02 Posts: 52
    i just started the Herbalife diet but started with just one shake a day and did my regular meal with controlled food intake. Just dont want to shock my body with fast diet since I think it wont be healthy anymore. I also start doing some simple stretching, running with dogs just to add up to my physical daily activity. I hope this will work. Wish me luck
  • b0nnyd0g
    b0nnyd0g Posts: 84 Member
    Good luck to you. Despite all the 'anti' people on this thread, lots of us are enjoying success and happy to help if you have any questions :)
  • xxbrianna
    xxbrianna Posts: 2 Member
    Regardless of the negativity people like to make about Herbalife, I beg to differ. I have before lost plenty of weight from regular healthy eating & exercise, but eventually gained a majority of it back since I started eating unhealthy again. Every time I tried to get back on track, I found myself feeling unsatisfied & craving those sugary, fatty foods. Since I've started Herbalife less than a week ago, I'm fuller longer, no cravings, & seeing amazing results. This is something I find easy to stick to. If you don't believe Herbalife is healthy, go check out the Herbalife community on Instagram. (I normally look up #herbaliferesults or just #herbalife) You'll see plenty of real people who have had amazing healthy results, such as gaining muscle mass!

    To those that claim it'd be cheaper to buy healthy foods, I've calculated I'm paying roughly $3.17 for TWO meals of my day. It's cheaper than fast food, so that's a win in my book.

    IMO I think everyone should do what works best for them. As long as you're happy & healthy, don't let anyone else's opinion effect your lifestyle. Good luck to all!

    Feel free to follow me on Instagram for possible future updates on results with Herbalife: @briannajaycee
  • swet02
    swet02 Posts: 52
    Anybody experience headaches?
  • MzNicoleD
    MzNicoleD Posts: 3 Member
    I am now on my 2nd month of Herbalife and I'm really liking it.

    For me it's actually not about the shakes, but it is training me to make healthy decisions. I'm not sure if anyone else's consultant was as in depth as mine, but she was awesome and broke down my diet strategy so easily using some fun calculations. I essentially look at it as four 200-calorie snacks throughout the day followed by a 400-calorie meal. The catch is the amount of protein I have to make sure I get in. The snacks require a 15 grams of protein and the dinner requires 30 grams. As my body and needs change so will my calorie limits and amount of protein.

    Here's the thing, if you're eating junk then there is no way you can meet both requirements. I can't eat a hot dog, even if it's only 200 calories and get the protein I need. It's a lot of lean meats, hard cheeses, and select nuts.

    The shakes for me just make things easier. I only need to focus on figuring out two of my snacks instead of four. They do have plenty of good nutrition in them and they're tasty.

    I'm also actually SAVING money because for lunch I have my shake (which according to my math is around $2) instead of going out to McDonalds and dropping $5. I'm not going out to dinner as often because it's hard to meet my 400 calorie goal when I do.

    What I like is that the plan isn't rigid. You don't have to buy all the excess if you don't want to. You could spend $35 on one shake tub, have one shake a day and it would last you the full month. If you decide you really like the products and have money to burn then you can make life really easy by getting snack bars and soup mixes and teas.

    swet02, I haven't had any headaches, but is it possible that in your effort to eat healthy you've cut back on caffeine? That could cause. Also, some people just get headaches when they first start eating healthy because toxins are leaving their system. Also make sure you're getting enough calories because that could be another cause. I don't think it's Herbalife itself though.
  • swet02
    swet02 Posts: 52
    @MzNicoleD yes, I believe its the toxins release from my body, after the third day of dojng herbalife, the headaches gently subsided. But I feel a little itchy down there. I believe I had too much toxins since I really used to love eating at fast food chains, junk foods which has a lot of toxins, and now my body is gently releasing it. My discharge is back again! I have not had my discharge for a year now I think, which is really bad since I am trying to get pregnant too.

    Really loving the herbalife diet, It doesnt cost that much as I thought it would be. Before I spend a lot on fast food, but now I realize I even spend less on herbalife diet and its more healthy of course.

    What I love about this diet is that, it doesn't allow you to starve to lose, it will help you discipline yourself and train you to live a healthy lifestyle that does not kill your time too much. Plus it will not make you feel weak throughout the day even if you have to replace one or two meal a day.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    @MzNicoleD yes, I believe its the toxins release from my body, after the third day of dojng herbalife, the headaches gently subsided. But I feel a little itchy down there. I believe I had too much toxins since I really used to love eating at fast food chains, junk foods which has a lot of toxins, and now my body is gently releasing it. My discharge is back again! I have not had my discharge for a year now I think, which is really bad since I am trying to get pregnant too.

    Really loving the herbalife diet, It doesnt cost that much as I thought it would be. Before I spend a lot on fast food, but now I realize I even spend less on herbalife diet and its more healthy of course.

    What I love about this diet is that, it doesn't allow you to starve to lose, it will help you discipline yourself and train you to live a healthy lifestyle that does not kill your time too much. Plus it will not make you feel weak throughout the day even if you have to replace one or two meal a day.

    No toxins were released from your body. Anything you said after that is a sales pitch.
  • swet02
    swet02 Posts: 52
    @wetcoaster, I dont think it is, but well, we are all entitled to our own opinion.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Tell me which toxins?

    The answer is none.

    People here know science
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    @MzNicoleD yes, I believe its the toxins release from my body, after the third day of dojng herbalife, the headaches gently subsided. But I feel a little itchy down there. I believe I had too much toxins since I really used to love eating at fast food chains, junk foods which has a lot of toxins, and now my body is gently releasing it. My discharge is back again! I have not had my discharge for a year now I think, which is really bad since I am trying to get pregnant too.

    Really loving the herbalife diet, It doesnt cost that much as I thought it would be. Before I spend a lot on fast food, but now I realize I even spend less on herbalife diet and its more healthy of course.

    What I love about this diet is that, it doesn't allow you to starve to lose, it will help you discipline yourself and train you to live a healthy lifestyle that does not kill your time too much. Plus it will not make you feel weak throughout the day even if you have to replace one or two meal a day.

    What toxins were removed from your body?
  • I have been using Herbalife products for about a year now and have lost 65 lbs ( and have kept it off for a year now), reduced my blood pressure and have reduced my waist size by 6 inches. I was so impressed I became a distributor and am sharing with anyone with a set goal in mind.

    The products are meant to help not replace good sound nutrition and exercise.

    Set your goals and stick to it. The best way is to grab a buddy and challenge each other to be successful. The best way is to think of it is supplementation.

    Any tips that I can help with, feel free to contact me.

  • I tried it at the beginning of the year and it kick started my weight loss. I lost about a stone in 2months. I was able to keep it off until I changed medication about a month ago and I've put on almost 20lbs! Started it again today, I tend to combine it with the gym or a fitness class 4 times a week xxx
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
  • Hey guys, looking into herbalife. It only gives you about 40 vitamins or so and of course protein...most of which you could get from the stores for way less. Looking at Shakeology which is a different shake that has super food in the shake actually gives you way more! These ingredients are found all around the world. Let. E know if you have any questions. Trust me I have tried all types of shakes and shakeology is by far the best! I am also a fitness coach so I really looked into this. All my clients love shakeology and I love it also. Since drinking this I have yet to get sick, cleared my acne, helped regulate me, curved my cravings for sweet stuff and I am no longer on blood pressure medicine.
  • aschroeder2749
    aschroeder2749 Posts: 172 Member
    Why do people hate this so much? I totally agree, it's no "golden ticket". But add fruit, and it's a great way to get your daily fruit intake in if you're not a huge whole fruit eater. It's filling, and it feels like dessert. How is that bad?