Is Shakeology so indispensable?

People laud this drink a lot, and say they couldn't have gotten their results without it. But is it so important? I mean, can't we get our nutrients from normal fruits/veggies/lean protein? And is it so necessary to get results?


  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I have lost all of my weight without buying any diet foods. I don't have any of the fun toys (HRM or Fitbit) either. Just stick to those calories, logging every day. Walking is my exercise of choice. Member of MFP since Sept. 2012.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Totally unnecessary...

    I like protein powder for its convenience, profile, and low calories (in what I purchase). Its good for use before and during training since it digests fast and is light on the stomach. Its also cheaper than most other protein sources.

    People who say its expensive are:
    A: not buying it on sale
    B: buying expensive junk thats no better than its competitors (at least not worth the contrast in price)
    C: Not eating much protein, period.

    Even at 1.99 a pound for boneless skinless chicken, gram for gram, powder is still cheaper.
  • maz165
    maz165 Posts: 73 Member
    I finished Insanity and got good results without using Shakeology. When I needed something after a workout (usually only if I worked out in the morning), I’d have chocolate milk as a recovery drink. I’m sure there’s good stuff in Shakeology, but you absolutely do not need it to get good results.

    I use protein powder now, but didn’t at the time I did Insanity. As long as you’re watching your macros and getting what your body needs, you will see results.
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    I don't find protein powder here where I live. Some stores sell whey protein isolate but it comes in really big cans and it's way too expensive. Most of the protein I eat is very lean (lentils and soy) so I never thought I was lacking in the clean eating department. But this shakeology has me thinking I'm messing my results??
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    People laud this drink a lot, and say they couldn't have gotten their results without it. But is it so important? I mean, can't we get our nutrients from normal fruits/veggies/lean protein? And is it so necessary to get results?

    They are only act like it's so special because they want to take your money. Full stop. It's not anything better than what healthy food can give you no matter what they say. Eating and chewing tends to make you feel like you've eaten more so than a drink. If you have to then buy a protein drink like astronomicals mentions for way cheaper. Don't be sucked in by salespeople selling anything for losing weight. Just use MFP, it's free.
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    Product promotion. Eat real food. Or if you want to go the liquid route, juice actual fruits and vegetables and add a healthy juice to your day or a blended fruit/veg smooth. You'd get lots of good nutrition that way. Buy protein powder to get your protein. Eat healthy, no need for shakeology. That being said, I did look at it once but determined I'd prefer the actual thing and making my own. Plus it is soooo not an option where I live
  • suchan7
    I just have a small bag of egg white protein powder, chocolate and some powdered peanut butter. I blend that with half milk half water and ice.
    I also have a small can of pea protein powder, vanilla, that I blend with frozen fruit.I get whatever is on sale or looks like the most bang for the buck. I get it at the grocery store, not the health food or Whole Foods. I have seen it online, too. There are a lot of brands and sizes and types of protein powders. Sometimes, I substitute a boiled egg for my quick protein.
    Shakeology is just a brand. You don't have to buy the giant cans or shell out $50. I spent about $13 on the egg powder. I think it was like 10 servings. The next grocery trip, I bought the pea protein.

    I did the a medically supervised program a few years ago HMR and had to drink 3 shakes plus two entrees plus two bars daily. It was $$$$ for the shakes and food. I lost weight, but could not sustain the expense and got tired of eating fake food, even though it was not bad tasting - much better than Nutrisystem. There is another good shake you can order from FemCentre in Fort Worth. It's probably the best one I've seen, but a little $$$$.
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    Thanks everyone! I was really beginning to feel all my efforts would be a total waste if I didn't drink this, although I totally don't fall for marketing gimmicks. I don't eat any processed foods, very low fat proteins and brown rice so I thought that was enough of a healthy diet to see results!
    Thanks again :)
  • hannahlclrk
    hannahlclrk Posts: 66 Member
    my mind says anything that is processed to help you achieve weight loss is going to be a fad, and not as good as the very good diet you sound to have.

    Like anything with a "lose weight with..." tag line id imagine it only helps you do what your doing, like, I tried some slimming pills once, real strong fat burners, called t5's, they messed my head up, they had a huge amount of caffeine and appetite suppressants in them, I pee'd blood and was NEVER hungry, only thirsty! - I did lose weight, purely because I was never hungry, I did not eat much more than an apple and a pepsi max a day. so they do "work". however they are detrimental to health I'd say.

    However, I have never tried shakeology, Ive heard the buzz around it, but to be honest, other than protein powder, I don't believe any of these gimmicks that around running around.
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    my mind says anything that is processed to help you achieve weight loss is going to be a fad, and not as good as the very good diet you sound to have.

    Like anything with a "lose weight with..." tag line id imagine it only helps you do what your doing, like, I tried some slimming pills once, real strong fat burners, called t5's, they messed my head up, they had a huge amount of caffeine and appetite suppressants in them, I pee'd blood and was NEVER hungry, only thirsty! - I did lose weight, purely because I was never hungry, I did not eat much more than an apple and a pepsi max a day. so they do "work". however they are detrimental to health I'd say.

    However, I have never tried shakeology, Ive heard the buzz around it, but to be honest, other than protein powder, I don't believe any of these gimmicks that around running around.

    That's alarming! It sounds more than a crazy fad than a sustainable solution!
    At my old gym they had these diets that contained "fat burning foods": chia seeds, spirolina, ginger and lemon juice and stuff. I never really believed in it, because I thought the best way to burn fat was eat less than you burn.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    I'm confused.

    How can they claim 17 grams of protein in a 42 gram scoop and also claim that the same scoop has 33 grams of super foods? Or does that labeling mean there is 33 grams of superfoods spread across a 30 serving package?

    $129.99 for 30 servings that only have 17 grams of protein and what looks to be less than a gram of "superfoods" per serving. Are you ****ing kidding me?

    for 70 bucks you coudl get more than 4 times as much protein in whey and youd still have another 60 bucks to blow on vitamins.

    10 pounds of whey=70$=100*22g protein=2200 grams for $70
    1 box shakeology=130$=30*17=510 grams of protein + magical garbage for $130

    If you bought just one tub of why youd still get twice as much protein and have nearly $100 to spend on Naked or Bolthouse or vitamins or whatever. And youd be damn sure to get more than a gram of magic garbage going this route.

    theres some math for ya