Should I be upping my calories...?

Ok. Here's the deal....

I got back on the band-wagon at the beginning of September and have been going strong and steady since then. Since September, I have lost about 8 pounds (started at about 142... now at 134). When I first started out, I was eating 1200 calories a day. Now I am eating 1300 calories a day +/-. Also, I do not eat after 6:30 PM.

If I workout or do alot of walking in a day, I'll eat back some (but usually not all) of my workout calories.

At first, 1200 calories was enough to fill me up in a day... then I upped it to 1300 because I was always feeling hungry at the end of the day. Now on 1300 calories, more times than not I am feeling really hungry by the end of the day (even on days when I don't get a workout in).

With that said, should I be upping my calories? I don't know how to figure out TDEE or BMI or whatever the acrynoms are -- in fact, I don't even know what those mean. I've just been trying to maintain a calorie deficit at the end of the day and exercise to lose weight and so far it's been working.

Here's my stats:
Female, 5'3" (small, petit frame)
SW: 157 lbs
CW: 134 lbs
GW: 120 lbs
UGW: 115 lbs
Goal by Christmas: 127 lbs.

If anyone has any advice or can explain the whole idea of TDEE and BMI and can help with calculations, please let me know! Thank you!


  • Wrxsti23
    I can't really explain the whole TDEE thing because I don't use that concept. I did the same as you though by starting out with 1200 calories. It was enough for about 4 weeks then I became hungrier and have now upped them to 1400 and rarely go over that. I don't see the point with having to stick to an exact number every single day. If you are hungry, eat more and if not then don't.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    I can't really explain the whole TDEE thing because I don't use that concept. I did the same as you though by starting out with 1200 calories. It was enough for about 4 weeks then I became hungrier and have now upped them to 1400 and rarely go over that. I don't see the point with having to stick to an exact number every single day. If you are hungry, eat more and if not then don't.

    I'v considered this as well -- however, I don't want to gain back what I lost simply because I'm hungry so I ate. you know...? I guess i don't really know where that "fine line" is or how to find it.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I use TDEE-20%. This site gives you a good goal

    I would increase your calories slowly though, 100 every week or something... I've never eaten below 1600 so I can't really say what it will do to you, just that unless you're totally sedentary, 1300 was probably never enough for you anyway.
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487

    If I were you I would reverse diet up to maintenance calories, and then drop calories back down slowly, perhaps creating a further 200 calorie deficit each time the scale stays the same for two weeks or more.
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    If your truely hungry it is very possible you need to eat more ...I do use the bMR and Tdee method and find I'm not hungry this way and if I am I know how much I can eat and still have a deficit ....first a Tdee is your total daily Energy expenditure which is the number that represents how much food you would have to eat in order to maintain ....your bMR is your basic metabolic rate meaning this number represents what your body needs in order to function ( at your activity level) so say my Tdee is 2600 ...and my bMR 1600 ....well I would make sure to come close to if not over a tad to my bMR ( survival number) which would still leave me with a deficit of 1000 a day ...for a week that 7000 calories bringin me to a two pound loss for that week :) here is a helpful website to figure out Tdee
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    If your truely hungry it is very possible you need to eat more ...I do use the bMR and Tdee method and find I'm not hungry this way and if I am I know how much I can eat and still have a deficit ....first a Tdee is your total daily Energy expenditure which is the number that represents how much food you would have to eat in order to maintain ....your bMR is your basic metabolic rate meaning this number represents what your body needs in order to function ( at your activity level) so say my Tdee is 2600 ...and my bMR 1600 ....well I would make sure to come close to if not over a tad to my bMR ( survival number) which would still leave me with a deficit of 1000 a day ...for a week that 7000 calories bringin me to a two pound loss for that week :) here is a helpful website to figure out Tdee

    I just plugged in my info to th website you provided ^^^ and this is what i got:

    Your BMR is: 1506 calories/day
    Your TDEE is: 1506 calories/day

    Again, I'm still super confused by this. I have no idea what those numbers mean for me.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    If your truely hungry it is very possible you need to eat more ...I do use the bMR and Tdee method and find I'm not hungry this way and if I am I know how much I can eat and still have a deficit ....first a Tdee is your total daily Energy expenditure which is the number that represents how much food you would have to eat in order to maintain ....your bMR is your basic metabolic rate meaning this number represents what your body needs in order to function ( at your activity level) so say my Tdee is 2600 ...and my bMR 1600 ....well I would make sure to come close to if not over a tad to my bMR ( survival number) which would still leave me with a deficit of 1000 a day ...for a week that 7000 calories bringin me to a two pound loss for that week :) here is a helpful website to figure out Tdee

    I just plugged in my info to th website you provided ^^^ and this is what i got:

    Your BMR is: 1506 calories/day
    Your TDEE is: 1506 calories/day

    Again, I'm still super confused by this. I have no idea what those numbers mean for me.

    With that said... if I subtract 25% (according to the website) from my "TDEE" I get 1129.5 calories/day. WHAT!?
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    That is strange ! What is your age , how much do you workout ? You can private message me if you like
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    If your truely hungry it is very possible you need to eat more ...I do use the bMR and Tdee method and find I'm not hungry this way and if I am I know how much I can eat and still have a deficit ....first a Tdee is your total daily Energy expenditure which is the number that represents how much food you would have to eat in order to maintain ....your bMR is your basic metabolic rate meaning this number represents what your body needs in order to function ( at your activity level) so say my Tdee is 2600 ...and my bMR 1600 ....well I would make sure to come close to if not over a tad to my bMR ( survival number) which would still leave me with a deficit of 1000 a day ...for a week that 7000 calories bringin me to a two pound loss for that week :) here is a helpful website to figure out Tdee

    I just plugged in my info to th website you provided ^^^ and this is what i got:

    Your BMR is: 1506 calories/day
    Your TDEE is: 1506 calories/day

    Again, I'm still super confused by this. I have no idea what those numbers mean for me.

    With that said... if I subtract 25% (according to the website) from my "TDEE" I get 1129.5 calories/day. WHAT!?

    You must be using the bMR option at sedentary ?!
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    If your truely hungry it is very possible you need to eat more ...I do use the bMR and Tdee method and find I'm not hungry this way and if I am I know how much I can eat and still have a deficit ....first a Tdee is your total daily Energy expenditure which is the number that represents how much food you would have to eat in order to maintain ....your bMR is your basic metabolic rate meaning this number represents what your body needs in order to function ( at your activity level) so say my Tdee is 2600 ...and my bMR 1600 ....well I would make sure to come close to if not over a tad to my bMR ( survival number) which would still leave me with a deficit of 1000 a day ...for a week that 7000 calories bringin me to a two pound loss for that week :) here is a helpful website to figure out Tdee

    I just plugged in my info to th website you provided ^^^ and this is what i got:

    Your BMR is: 1506 calories/day
    Your TDEE is: 1506 calories/day

    Again, I'm still super confused by this. I have no idea what those numbers mean for me.

    With that said... if I subtract 25% (according to the website) from my "TDEE" I get 1129.5 calories/day. WHAT!?

    You must be using the bMR option at sedentary ?!

    Nope... I set it at "Moderate" (60 minuets a day) because my "workouts" vary from day to day to any of the following (sometimes 2 or more of those a day): a 1.5 mile walk, 2 of those walks, JM 30DS, 10 minutes of circuit training, an hour of cleaning (enough to break a sweat), etc.

    I will private message you.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    You've been losing weight? You are close to your goal? So up cals a little if you're hungry. That's what you do as you get this close to maintenance. Track your weight and measurements and if you feel like you've upped too much, back off a little. All the calculators are a guesstimate at best. You've been successful, you know your body, keep doing what you're doing.
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    If your truely hungry it is very possible you need to eat more ...I do use the bMR and Tdee method and find I'm not hungry this way and if I am I know how much I can eat and still have a deficit ....first a Tdee is your total daily Energy expenditure which is the number that represents how much food you would have to eat in order to maintain ....your bMR is your basic metabolic rate meaning this number represents what your body needs in order to function ( at your activity level) so say my Tdee is 2600 ...and my bMR 1600 ....well I would make sure to come close to if not over a tad to my bMR ( survival number) which would still leave me with a deficit of 1000 a day ...for a week that 7000 calories bringin me to a two pound loss for that week :) here is a helpful website to figure out Tdee

    I just plugged in my info to th website you provided ^^^ and this is what i got:

    Your BMR is: 1506 calories/day
    Your TDEE is: 1506 calories/day

    Again, I'm still super confused by this. I have no idea what those numbers mean for me.

    Confused because that looks wrong.

    I would start here

    and check out this group
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Ok first you don't want to substract 25% with not much to lose. Heck unless you're morbidly obese you shouldn't do 25% anyway. 20% max. If with that your goal is still below your BMR, try 15%.

    Also try scooby instead, I think it's easier to use.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I don't know how you got your TDEE as the same as your BMR.

    I always use fat2fit calculator and this is what I got:

    BMR: 1304
    TDEE @ moderate activity level: 2159

    So to lose 1lb a week you would need to take 20% off of that, so that would mean you are eating around 1700 cals a day.

    I would up your calories slowly, say an extra 100 per week, and see how it goes. Don't be surprised or put off if you gain at first, it's completely normal.

    The reason you feel so hungry is probably because you are undereating; even below your BMR.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    The reason it gave you the same # for both BMR and TDEE is because you chose "Enter Activity Level" instead of using the "Mifflin-St Jeor" method. If you check that box instead and then choose your actitivy level from the drop down under where it says "Exercise Level", you'll get different numbers.

    Considering you only have a little left ot lose, 25% is far too agressive for you. Try 15% instead as that's more appropriate for folks with 10-20 pounds to lose. If you decide to stick wtih the TDEE method, you should reduce your deficit to 10% for the last 10 pounds.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    Crap. I don't know what I did. I went into my profile to up my daily calories allowance and MFP re-set me to 1200/day. How do I manually change how many calories I want to eat/day in my settings?!
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    If your truely hungry it is very possible you need to eat more ...I do use the bMR and Tdee method and find I'm not hungry this way and if I am I know how much I can eat and still have a deficit ....first a Tdee is your total daily Energy expenditure which is the number that represents how much food you would have to eat in order to maintain ....your bMR is your basic metabolic rate meaning this number represents what your body needs in order to function ( at your activity level) so say my Tdee is 2600 ...and my bMR 1600 ....well I would make sure to come close to if not over a tad to my bMR ( survival number) which would still leave me with a deficit of 1000 a day ...for a week that 7000 calories bringin me to a two pound loss for that week :) here is a helpful website to figure out Tdee

    I just plugged in my info to th website you provided ^^^ and this is what i got:

    Your BMR is: 1506 calories/day
    Your TDEE is: 1506 calories/day

    Again, I'm still super confused by this. I have no idea what those numbers mean for me.

    Confused because that looks wrong.

    I would start here

    and check out this group

    Thank yoU!
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    Ok first you don't want to substract 25% with not much to lose. Heck unless you're morbidly obese you shouldn't do 25% anyway. 20% max. If with that your goal is still below your BMR, try 15%.

    Also try scooby instead, I think it's easier to use.

    Thanks. I'll try this website with 15%.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    In order to find out your BMR I need to know your age and your activity level... I guestimated and used 30 years old and light to moderate activity.

    Your BMR is your Basal Metabolic Rate. This is how many calories you burn while doing nothing (like in a coma)... how many calories your body needs to function.

    Your TDEE is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. This is how many calories you burn being alive + daily activities.

    Your results from Scooby's calculator:

    BMR: 1386

    TDEE: 1906

    Daily calories to lose 0.8 pounds/week: 1525

    Now with all that said, NO I do not think you should be eating more calories. I think that you need to take a good hard look at your log and see where you could be missing calories. 90% of the time when people stop losing weight it is because they are underestimating their calories in, and over estimating their burn.

    If you are truly eating 1300 calories you would be losing weight. Period. I'm not saying that you are being dishonest, but it is SO easy to miss calories or underestimate. Are you weighing everything that goes into your mouth with a food scale?

    If you are constantly feeling hungry then maybe take a break from your dieting and eat at maintenance for a while. Then in about two weeks or a month try again and get back into a caloric deficit.

    (edited for spelling)
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    I don't know how you got your TDEE as the same as your BMR.

    I always use fat2fit calculator and this is what I got:

    BMR: 1304
    TDEE @ moderate activity level: 2159

    So to lose 1lb a week you would need to take 20% off of that, so that would mean you are eating around 1700 cals a day.

    I would up your calories slowly, say an extra 100 per week, and see how it goes. Don't be surprised or put off if you gain at first, it's completely normal.

    The reason you feel so hungry is probably because you are undereating; even below your BMR.

    Thank you -- I will try upping my calories a little each week then. *EXCITED* because I love food.