What to do for shakiness/hunger?



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    It's difficult for us to give you advice when we don't know what your TDEE is (usually found by height, weight, age, gender, activity level), and that would be your maintenance calories to maintain your weight. And then what your deficit is/ how much you are eating. There are websites and formulas that you can use to find your TDEE.

    But, it does sound like you are not eating enough. While some hunger may be normal at some points. Symptoms to that degree sound like you are not eating enough. Even a diet should not be so extreme as to cause what you are going through. Many people experience that when they first join mfp and have their calories set too low for what they actually need to function and lose weight.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    EAT! You don't have to STARVE to be on a diet. Find out your TDEE and eat at subtract 20% of that and eat that much.

    Shakiness could be caused by low blood sugar. You don't have to have diabetes to have your blood sugar dip too low.
  • julialdr
    julialdr Posts: 100 Member
    This happens to me all the time. I eat a fairly balanced diet with tons of protein yet if I don't eat every 3-4 hours I get dizzy, nauseous, shaky etc. I believe in my case it's related to low blood pressure (not blood sugar.. I'm not hypoglycemic) but that hasn't been proven by a Dr. I just accept it as something that happens when I'm hungry and always make sure to have healthy snacks around and drink plenty of water.

    Make sure your calories are high enough (none of this 1200 bullsh*t) and If it happens again and worries you go and see a Dr.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    Please read - you do not have to 'have' hypoglycemia to have your blood sugar go to low - it goes to low (which is hypoglycemia) for various reason - like NOT EATING ENOUGH

  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    You asked if anyone has not eaten what they had planned and went on a mini-binge. :laugh: Yeahhh. What's important is that you don't quit. You haven't. Good job. But, Halloween was last week. Throw the candy out unless you want to eat it. You planned your meals, which is good. But, if you're hungry, then you need to eat. What you did today is a primary example of why I think people binge. You deprive yourself of something that you want (food/dinner), and instead of just eating something until you're no longer hungry (in this case, you could have just had your dinner earlier), you can't take it anymore and, as you said, "eat everything in sight." Anyway, what's done is done. It's one day. You're on the site and haven't given up, so in my opinion, you didn't "waste [your] entire day."
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I have hypoglycemia and that will cause the shakes, then I eat everything in site! Make sure to each protein with each meal, and a good amount of it! Fat is also good for keeping your blood sugar stable.
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    I get this really bad. Actually the last couple days have been rough and I just realized that I need to make sure I budget my cals to allow for a snack late afternoon, like an apple or something. I know I need sugar right then. So, I would just readjust when you are eating.
  • Tuili
    Tuili Posts: 34 Member
    I have bouts of low blood sugar as well, most of which were frequent before I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes. Its hard not to start immediately grabbing sugary things. I have found that my drops are usually a result of adreline kicking in, which quickly depletes any sugar stores I may have. Like on the weekend if I've been sitting around the house most of the day, limited food intake, and then just up and decided to go out, after about 10 minutes it hits me. My DH is forever getting after me about not eating before I go out. Since dieting, I eat smaller meals more often during the day and this has cut down on my episodes tremendously.

    The first thing I grab is a soda. Even a diet soda will work, as long as it's cold. Then protein is the best thing, like peanut butter, as its longer lasting than sugar and you won't worry about another crash. There are times I want to eat everything in site, but rationalize before I grab.

    If your shakes become more prevalant I'd definately see a doctor to have your sugars evaluated.
  • skindigo
    skindigo Posts: 14 Member
    Well cool, clammy, and shaky are classic s/s of hypoglycemia. You did the right thing by having a small snack, however a protein snack will be converted to glucose much slower than a simple carb snack (orange juice, candy, regular soda etc).

    As so many others have suggested you may just need more calories per day to feel strong, mentally alert, and satisfied while you are losing weight. Try to look at what happened as a learning experience...you learned you are likely to binge on sugary or fatty foods if you get too hungry. Our brains are actually wired to make that choice! That's why a salad never looks too appealing when we're famished ;-)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I agree with the majority that you should eat when you feel shaky. I don't get the shakes at 3:00 PM. It's hard to give you specific advice without seeing your diary or knowing your TDEE and other numbers, but it's almost certain that you aren't eating enough or aren't eating the proper balance of macros.

    If you are reluctant to up your calories, remember that binges from the shakes will almost always have a higher calorie count than just giving yourself more to eat overall throughout the day.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Drink some warm water & embrace the hunger feeling. You could have been eating just for the sake of eating. So many people on here eat just because they see the time of day & think they need to eat at that time. Drink the warm water & wait 20 mins, then do it again. My bet is that you are not hungry at all.

    Then wait till dinner, know what hunger feels like so then when you feel it again you know it's real hunger & not just 'time' to eat.

    Horrible, horrible advice. This is the type of advice anorexics give to each other.

    If you are shaking, you need to eat! Shaking is what happens to me right before I hit the deck because my blood sugar has dropped to a dangerous level. Passing out is never fun.

    I agree with those who suggest you may have your allowance set too low.

    Excuse me? I fast. I shake often, but I am far from needing to eat. I'm far from anorexic either. I can shake the moment I wake up. OP said she is not diabetic, so that rules out passing out from not eating sugar.

    What is horrible advice to you? The drinking water part & waiting to see if OP is really hungry or just eating because they think they need to at the time, or the part where waiting to see if you are hungry rather than eating because of a time of day?

    OP never said anything about eating because it was a certain time. In fact, she said she wasn't supposed to eat because it wasn't dinner yet.

    Actually that would assume at a particular TIME to eat dinner. Hell I have dinner at 10pm if that is when I'm hungry. Also don't most people assume 3pm to be 'hunger time'? http://www.nourishedhealth.com/end-3pm-slump-cravings/

    It happens to everyone at 3pm. Does not mean you are actually hungry at all.

    I don't shake at 3pm. And you are making just as many assumptions as you claim I did. I'm not saying the water idea was bad, but this doesn't necessarily sound like a "mind" issue. This person may actually need food. Food isn't the enemy.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    I agree, it sounds as if you aren't eating enough. You should talk to your doctor on how best to lose the weight.

  • nygiantschick
    nygiantschick Posts: 289 Member
    I don't get the shakes and quite frankly never get hungry. I make sure I eat every few hours up until 7:30pm...I keep nuts, coconut milk yogurt, fruits with me so I stay satiated. My largest meal is usually lunch and that keeps me going for the rest of the day. you may need to just figure out your eating routine. another thought...are you a big coffee drinker maybe you are not eating enough getting to much caffeine??? Don't beat yourself up over it...some days are better than others...c'est la vie!! tomorrow will be a better day...
  • Flab2Fab27
    Flab2Fab27 Posts: 461 Member
    Easiest advise is to ask your doctor. Otherwise I would personally just eat more of healthier foods and more often (fruits, veggies, whole grains, protein, etc.) but whenever you have a health concern, your best bet is seeing a professional.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Easiest advise is to ask your doctor. Otherwise I would personally just eat more of healthier foods and more often (fruits, veggies, whole grains, protein, etc.) but whenever you have a health concern, your best bet is seeing a professional.

    She's on day two of a diet and hasn't revealed how much she's eating (or, more likely, how much she's totally starving herself).

    Before she has to run off to a doctor, it would be nice to know if she's netting 100 calories or something.
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    if youre shaky, its time to eat.
  • BettyBombshell6
    BettyBombshell6 Posts: 17 Member

    I just started using MFP and did really well yesterday and most of today. However I had a meltdown this afternoon. About 3 o'clock I started getting really shaky. (I do not have diabetes or any know sugar issues). I had logged all my food for the day and wasn't supposed to eat until dinner. I did have enough for a small low fat cheese snack. I ate the cheese and it didn't help quickly enough. Then I started eating everything in sight. I am so mad at myself. I am wondering if anyone has had any experiences like this? I am wondering if I need to do a sugar detox - focus on a lower carb diet for a while? When I have done Weight Watchers, you are allowed as many fruits/veggies as you want so if you get hungry you can "binge" on these and not go over your daily calorie allotment. Since I knew I had to count the calories not matter what, I made some bad choices.....darn Halloween candy! Ugh I am so frustrated. I feel like I have wasted my entire day. I am thankful that I exercised today. Thoughts?

    I get shaky too if I don't snack, so I always plan in a morning and afternoon snack - one between breakfast and lunch and another between lunch and dinner (especially if I go to the gym after work). It helps curb my hunger until mealtimes and helps with my blood sugar... otherwise I eat anything and everything, too.
  • vsnc50
    vsnc50 Posts: 8 Member
    Wow! Thank you all for the information, suggestions and sharing your experiences. I did some more research and yes, I do believe my calories are set too low. MFP has me set to 1200 calories which isn't a lot considering I have only been cutting back for a few days and was previously eating way more than 1200 calories a day (and eating lots of sugary snacks - i.e. halloween candy). I took your suggestions and have upped my calories to 1310 for now (and will possibly up more if I continue to feel so hungry or start to lose to fast). I am also going to stock up on some protein bars and other portable sources of protein for snacks. And I will try to eat more protein along with balanced carbs.

    This morning I had 1 egg scrambled + 2 egg whites and it is sticking with me much better than yesterdays breakfast meal of a banana/cereal. I also need to try to eat when i feel hungry and not let myself get to that shaky stage. I just had my blood tested and everything was normal. If shakiness continues I will follow up with my Dr.

    Thanks again to you all for your thoughts and advice.

    Oh, and in the future I will open my food diary. I guess I didn't realize it was not open. :)
  • UpToTheChallenge

    This happens to my mom when she waits too long to eat (when she is busy cooking dinner usually) so now she will grab something like greek yogurt or a banana to eat to hold off until dinner.

    what works for me is:


    You should be choosing healthy meals for all of them especially your snacks. Choose something like fruit or veggies. I also always have some Love Grown (wheat free) granola in my desk drawer at work in case I have one of those days where I'm a bit hungrier than usual. But I do not ignore my body if it's telling me I'm hungry. And make sure to drink lots of water!
  • IronCakes
    IronCakes Posts: 317 Member
    I eat food.