Hmmmm, could the Doctor be wrong?


Per :::: "This plan will meet the nutrient needs for a 40 year old female, 5 feet 11 inches tall, physically active less than 30 minutes a day, in the healthy weight range. This plan is a 2000 calorie food pattern. Following this plan should lead to modest weight loss over time. It is not a therapeutic diet for any specific health problem. Talk with your health care provider about a diet and physical activity program that is right for you."

My goal is to lose 1 1/2 lbs a week at 1729 calories per day but when I went to the Dr, he advised me that my calorie target was too low and that I should be trying to consume max of 2000 calories and added "No less." He said that my metabolism would...heck, I can't remember, but it would make it harder to lose weight.

He told me to look at and set "realistic" goals from there? Is this/MFP where you got your ideal calorie intake or somewhere else? I want to lose at least 65-70 more lbs but I don't want to be sending my body in "starvation mode."


  • forevertrusting
    forevertrusting Posts: 3 Member
    I just went through a program called the Coronary Health Improvement Project.
    They suggest that if you eat a plant based diet, eating three meals a day with out snacking in between
    that you can lose weight at the proper rate and still eat til your full. I am trying it out and so far so good.
    Just wanted to encourage you! You can also read a book called the China Study that impacted me greatly.
    Hope that helps.


  • Lugenna
    Lugenna Posts: 28
    Thanks Sherry.. BTW, love your profile pic! I will look online and see where I can find that book at.. Pretty new to this "Serious about losing weight" and want to really learn not only about losing weight, but about eating healthy and making it a lifetime deal.

  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Genna I'm still trying to figure out the whole calories thing. I have my set at 1200 but I seriously am starting to think it is to low. I keep stalling. I have lost 17 pounds but have been having a tough time getting beyond. So I would guess it is a game to play until you find what works for you.
  • Lugenna
    Lugenna Posts: 28
    That's exactly what the Dr said that your body goes in starvation mode or something like that and that it becomes harder to lose the weight! Yeah, I think you are right.. yay more food.. I mean, I will take in more calories.. :)
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    I think that's a good start. As you lose weight you can cut off a couple hundred more. Adding exercise will speed things up too. Even little 10 min here and 10 min there add up. I'm very active so I eat around 1500-1700 a day. But i'm only 5'5". Also, when you first start out you want to gradually lower your calories so your body doesn't freak out and hold on to every bit of fat for dear life! We're designed to keep the fat for an emergency and get rid of anything else, cause the fat has the most calories in it. So, if you go from eating 3000 calories a day and cut it down to 1200, it'll probably do just that. My trainer started me out at 2000, then three weeks later down to 1800. now 1500. He said the reason is that I want to keep all that beautiful muscle I've worked so hard to build and lose the fat, but if I cut it back too quickly then my body would do the opposite. Good luck! Friend me if you need some support!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    With all due respect to your doctor (and keeping in mind I've never been to med school) its very possible he's just giving you some general advice. Most medical institutions just brush over nutrition. If he was an expert, he'd be called a nutritionist, dietician, or something similar. He's a general practitioner. Nutrition is not his specialty.

    While his advice is sound, you don't really have to worry about your body thinking its starving until you're eating a good bit less than that. Set MFP to lose a pound or half pound a week. You'll see some good results and keep fairly close to his recommendations.
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    I would say go with your doctor and try the 2000 calories to start. Remember to eat good foods. It helps to keep track because it makes you realize how much you really do eat. My kids hate it when they come over but I don't have anything but 'good' snacks in the house. LOL. I figure that way I don't cheat as much. It is good to get them started eating right too. Remember too that once you start exercising you would need to take in more calories. This site is great and Good Luck!
  • MrsSeaShell
    I just visited the site and they suggest 2000 for a 230 pd person as well as an 170 & 140 pd person, I do believe they want every to follow a 2000 calorie diet unless you are under weight.
    Think of your defict(sp) and start by taking off 500 calories EX: my BMR is 2300, I subtract 500 a day=1800, then every month or two subtract another 100 (as you loose weight your BMR will go down so you will need to recalculate) EX: after one month my BMR is 2100-600=1500, but never go under 1200, that is when your metabolism will slow down.
  • toberlili
    sometimes it seems like some have a hard time with 1200 calories, i did but i found it was what i was eating with the 1200. i changed my diet and made sure to get good protien, fresh friuts and veggies that sustained me longer. it worked for me, but that may not work for everyone.