Anyone with just a little to lose...but still struggling?

Hi there everyone. I only need to lose 11lb - but I'm ashamed to say that my weight's been going up and down... overall, up...for a year! I had some time off my usual work pattern to complete a research project a year ago and you'd have thought that would have been a great opportunity to get fit and healthy, with more flexible working hours than usual. But no, I just got really into the project, took virtually no exercise and nibbled in between! I'm really fed up with being one of those boring people who goes on and on about losing what is really not that much weight - but never gets it sorted.

I don't really want to do this through Facebook. But if there's anyone here with around a British stone (14lb) to lose who fancies checking in for mutual advice and encouragement - perhaps on each other's Blogs? - I'd love to hear from you.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    having little to lose is a lot harder than having a lot to lose. Having little to lose, you can't go "fast" don't have the fat stores necessary to shed weight quickly. Just maintain a very small deficit...shoot for about 1/2 Lb per week and focus on your fitness and good nutrition...10 - 11 Lbs can take a very long time when that's all you have to lose. Only very overweight people can just shed weight by pounds week after have to be pretty frackin' fat to do it.
  • Eleanorshak
    Eleanorshak Posts: 9 Member
    You're right cwolfman, must be patient! I usually do splendidly the first week - 3lb or so, probably most water - then a pound the next...then I grind to a halt. Would really like to get this done and stop having to think about it!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You're right cwolfman, must be patient! I usually do splendidly the first week - 3lb or so, probably most water - then a pound the next...then I grind to a halt. Would really like to get this done and stop having to think about it!

    I'm working on 5-10 Lbs right now...I find it much easier on me mentally to just put my focus into fitness and establishing and crushing my fitness goals rather than paying so much attention to the scale. Also, if you're not doing so already I would highly recommend doing some resistance training of some sort. Weight training is the most efficient way of going about this, but body weight resistance works as will do far more for your body composition than simply losing the weight will. In fact, I've seen people who think they need to lose 10 Lbs actually maintain or even gain a little with resistance work, but come out looking a million times takes awhile but body re-comp is very rewarding...often much more so than simply dropping a few pounds.
  • Eleanorshak
    Eleanorshak Posts: 9 Member
    i've always resisted resistance! Or weights, at least. I changed shape quite radically after taking up pilates and know that if I wasn't doing that I'd be /really/ flabby. Am buying my partner weights for Christmas. Perhaps I should bite the bullet and borrow them from him...
  • Eleanorshak
    Eleanorshak Posts: 9 Member
    Anyway, cwolfam, good luck with your fitness and your 5-10lb. I look forward to hearing about your progress.
  • Yep, I have about the same amount as you left to lose, hard to stay on track though so could use some support, feel free to add me :)
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    I have around 10lbs left to lose and they are the slowest to go! Weights and pilates have definitely helped me a lot. :)