Would I gain weight and muscle faster on a dirty bulk?

I've heard all my life oh man Andrew you can eat whatever you want and get the same results. I'm starting to believe that I'm 5 ft 1 93lbs and hoe to get to 140 in 1 year and six months. I just started going the gym I'm an ectomorph.

Anyway this is what I've heard all my life if I just lift heavy and get my calories in no matter what it is I will gain muscles.

But I've also heard it would take forever to cut fat off after I did this. So my question is should I do a dirty bulk? I just have trouble getting in all this healthy food. I take one mass gainer that is it.

My thing reads like this.

Calories. 2300

Carbs. 316

Fat. 77

Protein. 86

Sodium. 2500

Sugar. 46

So should I do a dirty bulk and will I gain weight faster on it?


  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    My sister is a bodybuilder. I know, females aren't the same, but she bulks on whatever she feels like(so yeah, call it a dirty bulk); however, she is a true mesomorph and very fortunate in that regard. I'm basically a mesomorph, but not the textbook definition of one that she is.
    I read "ectomorph" as having a propensity to be "skinny-fat"; I had a boyfriend like this and most females have this problem, I think.

    I will point you to this article ---> http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most.../11_training_tips_for_the_skinny_fat_ectomorph

    It may help you a bit. I love T-Nation's articles. I'm not saying this is your exact situation, but it's a good starting point.
  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    Also, I forgot to ask. You didn't say how long you have been lifting for. If you're a beginner, regardless of diet, you WILL gain muscle fairly quickly. It's almost guaranteed. I'm saying this as a woman who didn't pick up a weight for the first time until less than a year ago, and I doubled my one-rep max on my deadlift in less than 3 months. Gains happen quickly. It's once your muscles are adapting to your workout that I think you REALLY need to start worrying about diet. If you have a tendency to be slender, though, it's probably a good idea to try to avoid fat gain as much as possible, because you'll lose hard-earned muscle in a cut along with the fat. It's more of a two-steps-forward-one-step-back type of a scenario.
  • antjoanes
    antjoanes Posts: 33 Member
    I don't think a dirty bulk will build muscle faster. You will get the protein a lot easier but you'll also get fat too. Why not eat more calories than you need but get them from healthy sources and ensure you get 0.75g-1g protein per pound of body weight.
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    First of all - how old are you?? 5'1 93lbs? Secondly - Body types are myths. Are you trolling? Either way, need to clear up the misconception -

    Dity bulk has nothing to do with the type of food you are eating, but the amount of surplus calories you are consuming over maintenance. A "clean" bulk is generally considered setting a surplus anywhere from 100-250+ calories over one's maintenance calories, aiming for 1lb-1.5lb of weight gain per month. A "dirty" bulk is generally considered setting a surplus of 500+ calories over maintenance, aiming for 1-1.5lbs of weight gain per week. The term "clean" vs "dirty" pertains to a slow controlled weight gain vs faster and somewhat sloppy.

    While you will definitely gain more weight faster on a dirty bulk, most of the weight gain will be fat, not muscle.
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    Keep it clean..trust me, you dirty bulk and you will regret it. Dirty bulk is for your more experienced bbers who know how and when to stop and can drop body fat like no one's business.

    If you are cleanly eating over maintenance (300-500 cals) you WILL gain. You are no different from me or anyone else in this world. The problem is you probably have a high TDEE. When I bulk (like now) outside of the gym I am lazy as hell and that's because I want to keep my TDEE low and dedicate my surplus to rest/recovery. On days I train obviously my TDEE is higher but even still, outside the gym I try to do as minimal as possible. Right now I'm bulking at 3300 cals which puts me about 400 over maintenance if I were to raise my TDEE through cardio and/or anything else I would be eating close to 4k cal. The problem with this is your cardio will suffer when you go into your cutting phase which sucks.

    Just aim for 1-1.3g protein per lb of bodyweight, .3-.5g fat and the remainder in carbs at a 300-500 surplus. Monitor that for a few weeks and if you don't gain, bump it up another 100. Keep going until you find that "sweet spot".

    I like to reverse pyramid in the hypertrophy ranges starting at 8, 10, 12 (heaviest weight first, and drop weight but increase rep range)

    I focus on hypertrophy ranges for 2 weeks then strength for 2 weeks starting at 4,6,8 (extremely heavy)

    outside of this I 5x5 all my compound lifts

    I bought a bodybugg and wore that for about 2 weeks, then averaged my TDEE on rest and strength training days to get a very accurate estimate of my TDEE and it worked perfectly.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    I don't think a dirty bulk is a great idea. What that means to me is that you would be eating a surplus well over what you would reasonably need to build muscle. Yes, you'll also gain some fat in a bulk, but there is a point where the extra calories won't do anything for you except make you fatter.

    That's why I would suggest a modest surplus, enough to see the scale go up a little.

    Also think about how much longer it will take to cut if you've added lots of fat. Chances are you'll lose some of that muscle on the way back down, too. Think about it.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member