I'm new and need to get in gear for my WEDDING!!!

HI! I signed up on myfitnesspal this summer and have just now been exploring and doing some research! I'm 5'2 and 145 pounds. Being so short the slightest bit of weight seems greatly noticable. I received my engagement pictures and am sad to say i'm slightly embarrassed by the way I looked in some of them! I'd like to lose about 15 pounds and get nice toned arms for my strapless wedding dress that i'll be wearing in July.

If anyone has any tips or advice i'd love it! My biggest challenge is what to eat and finding time to exercise. I'm a dance teacher but my body as acclamated to that activity! :)


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    hey welcome, i'm a bride on a mission as well lol...good luck on your adventure...my suggestion is free weights to tone your arms...if you don't need to lose a pile of weight, lifting free weights is the best way to tone...
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    I got married last year and I did the P90x and it whipped me into shape! thinking about restarting it back up!
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Hello and welcome! I too am trying to find a nice balance with what to eat. I'm trying really hard to eat more during the day so I won't be hungry at night, and eat close to bedtime! Of course, I'm also really pushing myself to stay consistent with exercise!

  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Congratulations on all of the engagements and Wedding! I recently got engaged as well and we are getting married in October of 2011.

    I have quite a bit of wait to lose, but I am also really interested in working on my lean muscle and getting that back to where it was in the days when I was super involved in athletics.

    I just got my wedding dress this weekend! So I am super motivated. Hoping to have to do some alterations to it- but couldnt take the chance of waiting to get it til I had lost some weight and it not be available anymore.

    I just found a book called "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" Its a really neat book and I really liked the authors approach. He really works hard to break the myths that keep most women from weight lifting (not wanting to bulk up etc). Anyway its got a lot of great workouts in it and some wonderful recipes. Definitely worth reading for more information even you dont want to follow his program! I found it on Amazon for around 6 dollars.

    Anyway congratulations again- good luck on your getting healthy journeys and of course all the wedding planning!

    Will friend you guys- its always great to have some fellow brides for support :)
  • thrasherette
    Hi there. I'm 5'2" as well, so I know how every pound makes the difference. Free weights should help with toning your arms, and maybe try some "dips" as well. You can do them using your couch, so you don't even have to have gym access. I've been very happy with the tools this website provides. It makes it easy to not only track your calories, but your fat, protein, and everything. I would recommend eating more whole grains as well. Feel free to message me, and I can send you some examples of what I've been eating (since we are the same size, we probably should be eating the same amount of calories daily). Some fun ways to exercise are Wii Fit or Dance Dance revolution. I also have a couple of really good dvds, that don't take much time at all. Jackie Warner has a really good one called "Personal Training with Jackie - Power Circuit Training". I have been using this website for less than a month, and have already lost 5.2 lbs. It really helps me to be accountable for what I eat, and how often I exercise!
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    That is why I joined MFP last year. It worked for me. I was strict on my meal plan, and I did eat some of my exersize calories, but not all of them all the time.

    How I became sucessful was not just focusing on the calories, but the KIND of calories...calories from chocolate cake v/s calories from home-made spaghetti with 5 kinds of veggies are completely different. Whole foods is key. Fresh tomatoes, cucumber, salads and fish. Yogurt in the morning with fruit... do that along with staying active and you will be well on your way.
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    Oh and one more thing...

    Pick a "food-cutoff" time and stick to it. Mine was 7:00pm. NO FOOD after that time, period. I saw amazing results just from that alone!!
  • BaliRun
    BaliRun Posts: 114 Member
    I got married in January. I never tried to diet for my wedding. I weighed about the same I do now but I looked totally different. Even though my weight hasn't changed much, my body, face and just total appearance has changed for the better ever since I started eating healthy and exercising more. I now look at my wedding pictures and I get mad because I don't look the way I would have liked to! :noway: I guess I didn't notice I looked heavier at the time until I saw the pics. I am even considering retaking some wedding pics because I am so unhappy with the way I look!!

    So my advice work hard because those will be your memories for ever!!! :flowerforyou:
  • mugglewump701
    mugglewump701 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi! I'm new as well - my fiancee and I are getting married in June of 2011. I've found that to get toned up, yoga is really great - if I could only do that to lose all the weight I'm aiming to, I would, unfortunately it just doesn't burn much. But, since i've started doing yoga, my arms are so much stronger and toned than they've ever been, especially my shoulders.

    I really like the Biggest Loser: Weight Loss Yoga - it has 3 different phases of difficulty so you can increase it when you're ready. I alternate that with my elliptical and am hoping that it will be a killer combo :)