Busy Single Mom

Hello Everyone! I'm 24 and a single momma of a wonderful 4yr old boy. I'm juggling work and finishing up my BA for secondary Education. With all that on my plate, it is difficult to watch what I put in my mouth.

I started MFP to track what I ate (wow, what an eye opener) and to get some friendly encouragement from time to time :) I want (NEED) to lose about 50 pounds. I'm going strong at the moment, but I know it won't be long before I need some motivation. It's wonderful to come on here and meet people who are going through the same thing I am. Everyone has a story, and it's great that MFP is a place we can share ours!

Hope to meet some friends on here :)


  • CoolCookie62
    CoolCookie62 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Jess,
    Wishing you luck on your road to a healthier you! I'm also a single Mom, I don't have little one but, I do have a few kids. I working to lose about 30lbs. And, hopefully that will lower my blood pressure. I am looking to find a few friends here too. Support is key!
  • heatherannh23
    heatherannh23 Posts: 71 Member
    You're doing great even if all you do is intend to be healthier. My sister is a single mom to an amazing 7 year old girl and I know she has over 100lbs to lose and I try to encourage and motivate her but she seems to have no desire to be healthier. It's pretty disheartening. So I'm hoping my success will do the trick. But motivation is good all along the way. Feel free to befriend me :D
    And, CoolCookie, congratulations on your progress as well :D