diabetes, gastroparesis and Multiple Sclerosis

Just getting started today! I am exited to meet new people with the same challenges I have. Diabetes control is difficult along with a 60% paralyzed stomach (gastroparesis). Cannot have a lot of fiber as in fresh vegies. M.S challenges my ability to excersize. I am doing yoga for M.S and the Exercycle. Help!!!!! Any suggestions?:frown:


  • ohmyheck
    Whey protein? Flash dried veggie powder?
  • symkat
    symkat Posts: 70
    my mom has gastroperesis too. she has to eat things that are very easy to digest. she also is on a gluten free diet but I'm not sure if that is because of the gastroperesis or something else. I can ask my mom what kinds of things she can eat if you want. she has had a paralyzed stomache for 26 years. good luck.:smile:
  • MrsDrk
    MrsDrk Posts: 153 Member
    I have Gastroparesis, but am not diabetic- I am sure your challenges are very difficult. I just had to learn to not be afraid of getting sick. I lived on Cream of what for a long time and then just got angry. Now, I eat different things- things that I should not be able to and sometimes it is fine, other times I am sick for a few days. The most important thing is to keep trying. I find tuna fish, chicken (fat taken off, skinless, and bonesless), any lean fish, etc is OK for protein. Eggs are usually easy to digest, you can have fruits and veggies, but it is just important to cook them if they bother you, and the MOST important thing is to TAKE YOUR TIME and chew chew chew!!! Get everything as small as possible before swallowing.

    Good luck and feel free to friend me.
  • Brelynn
    Brelynn Posts: 105 Member
    I also have gastroparesis which developed after I had my gall bladder out about 5 years ago. The above poster has made some good suggestions. It may also help to eat smaller meals more frequently and stick with a low fat diet. I have been able to eat some canned fruits, but need to stay away from most fresh fruit except for bananas.