Hello from Portland, Oregon

I started using myfitnesspal about a month ago at the suggestion of my physician. She saw me using my Vibrant (Android based) phone and told me about your Android app [she uses it on her phone, too!]. I installed it on my phone and it makes it very easy to keep track of the food--and calories--that I'm eating, along with my exercise.

My wife is using it on her phone, too, so you have two happy users.


  • Ford4x4lady
    Welcome to MFP.. its an awesome site.
    I'm originally from the Gresham area
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Hello (from the bottom of Mt. Tabor).
  • Debtappe
    Debtappe Posts: 164 Member
    Hi from Detroit.
  • msladylumber
    Hello all. I'm from Oregon as well, Scappoose, a little town west of Portland. I started Weight Watchers in April and have lost a total of 83 pounds so far. Becauce of financial difficulties, I had considered leaving WW and now that I have found this site, I think that is exactly what I'm going to do. It's great. I hope all of you have a very blessed day and enjoy the weather before the rain comes lol. Add me if you'd like. You can never have too many friends and NEVER enough support!!!
  • daetrip
    daetrip Posts: 2 Member
    I am from and in Portland:smile:
    This is a great site...i just double check a few things if they don't look right; but what an amazing data base for free :happy:
  • Disneygal11
    Hi! I've only been here for a half hour and I already feel at home. :smile: