Exercise idea being in a wheelchair

Hi guys,

I'm kinda new to weight management stuff. I used to be fairly active on my feet and maintained a healthy weight. Unfortunately a couple of months ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and about four months ago my ability to be active on my feet deteriorated.

I have managed to gain 10kgs in about three months, probably being a mixture of being less active and the medications I have to take just to function as my pain levels are extremely high.

I still walk around the house but I use a mixture of crutches and a wheelchair when out and about. I do try to get out on either of them everyday but the fatigue and pain stop me being out anywhere near long as I used to.

I really need some ideas here


  • Nickle526
    Nickle526 Posts: 239 Member
    I don't know your specific situation, but I take care of a man who uses a wheelchair. We just got a membership to our local community center, and I'm very excited! I'm really excited because the weight machines are adaptable to wheelchairs. They are brand new machines, I'm not sure how common that is. Also, there is an indoor track that we will use for some cardio. We have used swimming as the main form of exercise for years, so I'm glad that our horizons are expanding. It gets boring to only do one thing.

    Sending you a friend request btw :)
  • That all sounds pretty kool. Will have to check out what's in my area. I do do a bit of wheelchair basketball and Tia Chi when I feel well enough.
  • stevember
    stevember Posts: 20 Member

    I cannot completely understand what you are going through because nobody can apart from you.

    I am paralysed from the chest down with limited our movement and rely on an electric wheelchair.

    After recently finding myself in a bit of a rut and deciding to lose some weight I also realised I needed to do some sort of exercise, now I exercise between 20 and 30 minutes every day. It is basically throwing my arms around in some kind of order. But it is still exercise and it is still calories burnt.

    It really doesn't matter what you do, any movement is better than just sitting waiting for the calories to burn.

    Above all, even throwing my arms around makes me feel great afterwards especially with some good tunes. (Don't ask me what tunes that would be embarrassing).

    Have FAITH in what you can do and never concentrate on what you cannot do.:smile:
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    There are some great programs for geriatric exercise that can be used or can be adapted if you're a bit more fit. If you have hand weights you can do a lot from a sitting position. I know from breaking my leg how much extra effort it takes to use crutches or a manual wheelchair so that's a bit of a workout in itself.

    It sucks but with limited mobility a lot of the weight issues come down to really watching calories and making good food choices. We able bodied take for granted how much we burn just by virtue of moving around during the day without doing actual exercise.
  • Hi there! I just signed up for this site and came across your post while doing a similar search. While I don't have the same condition and can't relate 100% I am Ina similar situation. I am also a wheelchair user due to Spina Bifida. I'm not 100% paralyzed but it a still really hard to get around. I have struggled all my life with trying to maintain my weight. The last 7-8 years have been pretty decent and I've been mostly satisfied with my weight. This past year was super hard though with a big low point in my life and I really fell off of my routine. I'm a big believer in moving every day I whatever way you can. Just as the other gentleman said, even if it's just your arms, that still burns calories. I don't know for sure, but I think those of us with physical limitations burn more calories with what movement we are able to do because it usually so just a struggle to do that. I just tried weighing myself for the first time in a year on a standard scale ( yes, gluten for punishment today) and that was exhausting! I'm looking for some online friends this year to help me stay motivated so I'll send you a friend request. Good luck and just keep moving!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Can you do swimming or water aerobics? My mom can barely walk but loves water aerobics.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    One of my friends at the gym has Cerebral Palsy and walks with the aid of crutches. He lifts regularly and has crazy upper body strength, along with a great attitude.
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    I have MS so very limited on my exercise as well. I love water aerobics! Also, yoga is great, there are quite a few really good videos for yoga from a chair or on the floor with limited mobility. I have always had a weight problem, but the limited mobility saw me over the 300 lb mark....down almost 30 lbs now. A long way to go but at least I am now headed in the right direction!
  • When you can't be as mobile, weight control comes down to how many calories you eat.

    As I'm sure you know, the only thing that helps with chronic fatigue is exercise :( The more active you are, the better off you'll be (I'm not talking about hardcore exercise- things like walking around the living room a couple of times more than usual, or if you're having a good day something like grocery shopping).

    Can you swim? Swimming is the best exercise I can do. The cold water can be hard on me, but overall it really helps.

    Good luck with whatever you decide. I have CFS, and was wrongfully diagnosed with fibromialgia (I actually have ehlers danlos syndrome). It's different for all of us, but I know how hard unending pain and crushing fatigue are.